چوارشەممە , شوبات 19 2025

هۆشیاری یاسایی   (3)

نه‌فه‌قه‌ له‌ڕووى یاساییه‌وه‌

مافناس: دڵخواز عبدالله‌

   نه‌فه‌قه‌(خه‌رجى، بژێوى)ى خێزان:

له‌ڕووى زاراوه‌وه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ به‌وه‌ پێناسه‌ ده‌كرێت كه‌ بریتیه‌ : خه‌رجى یان بژێوى   خێزان:

له‌ڕووى زاره‌وه‌ خه‌رجى به‌وه‌ پێناسه‌ ده‌كرێت كه‌ بریتیه‌ له‌و شتانه‌ى كه‌ مرۆڤ بۆ خێزان و منداڵ و بنه‌چه‌كان یاخود كه‌سانى تر كه‌ ئه‌ركه‌ خه‌رجییه‌كانیان له‌ئه‌ستۆ بگرێت خه‌رجى ده‌كات، 

پرسیار /ئایا خه‌رجیه‌كانى ئافره‌ت له‌ ئه‌ستۆى كێدایه‌؟

وه‌ڵام  =خه‌رجیه‌كانى ئافره‌ت له‌ئه‌ستۆى پیاوه‌كه‌یدایه‌، به‌پێى بارى دارایی هه‌ردووكیان، له‌ڕووی باشى وخراپی گوزه‌رانیان ده‌خه‌مڵێنرێت،

وه‌ به‌ پێى یاسا نه‌فه‌قه‌ى هه‌موو مرۆڤێكى خاوه‌ن ئه‌هلیه‌ى ته‌واو له‌سه‌ر خۆیه‌تى جگه‌ له‌ ژن كه‌ ده‌بێت پیاو نه‌فه‌قه‌ى بدات.

ئه‌گه‌ر بارى  دارایی هه‌ردوو هاوسه‌ره‌كه‌ گۆڕانى به‌سه‌رداهات یاخود گۆڕانێك له‌نرخى شتومه‌ك و كه‌لوپه‌له‌كاندا له‌وڵاتدا ڕوویدا ئه‌وا ده‌شێت خه‌رجیه‌كان زیاد و كه‌م بكرێن.

پرسیار: نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ژن له‌سه‌ر پیاو له‌ كه‌یدا واجب ده‌بێت؟

وه‌ڵام: له‌ڕۆژى به‌ستنى گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیرییه‌وه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ژن ده‌كه‌وێته‌ ئه‌ستۆى پیاو، وه‌ پێویسته‌ له‌سه‌ر پیاو خه‌رجیه‌كانى ژنه‌كه‌ى دابین بكات.

پرسیار: ئایائه‌گه‌ر  ژن ده‌وڵه‌مه‌ند بێت و بارى دارایی باش بێت ده‌كرێت خۆى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى خۆى و خێزانى بكێشێت؟

وه‌ڵام: به‌پێى مادده‌ى 23 له‌یاسای بارى كه‌سێتى ژماره‌ (188)ى ساڵى 1959هه‌موار كراو له‌هه‌رێمى كوردستان:

  جیاوازى نه‌كردوه‌ له‌ نێوان ئه‌وه‌ى ژن خۆى سه‌رچاوه‌ى داهاتى هه‌یه‌ یان نا ، ئه‌ركى كێشانى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى له‌ ئه‌ستۆى پیاودا داناوه‌  .

 مادده‌ى 23باس له‌وه‌ ده‌كات:

 ئه‌گه‌ر ژن بارى دارایی باش بوو ده‌كرێت ڕێكه‌وتن بكات له‌گه‌لأ مێرده‌كه‌ی كه‌ خۆى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى خۆى بكێشێ یان یارمه‌تى ئه‌و بدات به‌مه‌رجێك ژنه‌كه‌ خۆى ڕه‌زامه‌ندبێت، به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌ ڕازى نه‌بوو ئه‌واهه‌رچه‌ند ده‌وڵه‌مه‌ندیش بێت نه‌فه‌قه‌ى هه‌ر له‌سه‌ر پیاوه‌و له‌سه‌ر خۆى واجب نییه‌.

خزمه‌تكار: كاتێك پیاو ده‌وڵه‌مه‌نده‌و بارى دارایی باشه‌ وه‌ هاوتاكانى  ژنه‌كه‌ى ، ئه‌وانه‌ى له‌ ئاستى ئه‌ودان) خزمه‌تكاریان  بۆ دابینكراوه‌، پیاو ده‌بێت خزمه‌تكارى بۆ  دابین بكات.

پرسیار: ئایا ئه‌گه‌ر كوڕو كچێك گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیریان به‌ست و بۆ ماوه‌یه‌ك كچه‌كه‌ له‌ماڵى باوكى بوو نه‌گواسترایه‌وه‌ ئایا واجبه‌ كوڕه‌كه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ی بدات؟

وه‌ڵام: نه‌فه‌قه‌ له‌كاتى به‌ستنى گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیریه‌وه‌ واجب ده‌بێت له‌سه‌ر پیاو، ئه‌گه‌ر كچێك چه‌ند ساڵێكیش له‌ماڵى باوكى بێت و نه‌گواسترابێته‌وه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ى واجبه‌ له‌سه‌ر پیاو وه‌ ئه‌گه‌ر نه‌یدات پێچه‌وانه‌ى یاسای بارى كه‌سێتییه‌.پرسیار: نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ژن چه‌ند جۆره‌ له‌ڕووی یاساییه‌وه‌؟

وه‌ڵام: له‌یاسای بارى كه‌سێتى ژماره‌ 188ى ساڵى 1959ى هه‌مواركراو له‌مادده‌ى (24)دا جۆره‌ كانى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى دیاریكردووه‌ به‌م شێوه‌ى لاى خواره‌وه‌:

1. نه‌فه‌قه‌ى خواردن

2. نه‌فه‌قه‌ى جل و به‌رگ

3. نه‌فه‌قه‌ى شوێنى نیشته‌جێبوون و پێداویستیه‌كانى (ئه‌ساس و كه‌ل و په‌لى ناوماڵ)

4. نه‌فه‌قه‌ى تێچوونى چاره‌سه‌رى پزیشكى له‌حاڵه‌تى پێویستى .( ئه‌گه‌ر هاتوو ژن نه‌خۆش بكه‌وێت پێویسته‌ هاوسه‌ره‌كه‌ى تێچووى ده‌رمان و مانه‌وه‌ى له‌نه‌خۆشخانه‌و نه‌شته‌ر ى بگرێته‌ ئه‌ستۆ)

5. نه‌فه‌قه‌ى دابینكردنى خزمه‌تكار ئه‌گه‌ر له‌ماڵى باوكى خزمه‌تكارى هه‌بووه‌، یان هاوتاكانی  بۆیان دابین كرابوو.

مادده‌ى (23) له‌یاساى بارى كه‌سێتى ژماره‌ 188ى ساڵى 1959ى هه‌مواركراو:

1-له‌و كاته‌وه‌ى گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیرى دروست ئه‌نجام ده‌درێت   ژن شایسته‌ى نه‌فه‌قه‌یه‌ له‌لایه‌ن مێرده‌كه‌یه‌وه‌  هه‌تا ئه‌گه‌ر له‌ ماڵى باوانیشى بێت به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر مێرد داواى كرد بیگوازێته‌وه‌ بۆ ماڵى هاوسه‌رى و ڕازى نه‌بوو  به‌ بیانووى ناڕه‌وا ئه‌و كاته‌ مافى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى نابێت .

2-رازى نه‌بوونى ژن به‌گواستنه‌وه‌ى بۆ ماڵى هاوسه‌رى ڕه‌وایه‌  ئه‌گه‌ر مێرد ماره‌یى پێشه‌كى پێ نه‌دا و نه‌فه‌قه‌ى نه‌كێشا.

 بڕگه‌ى یه‌كه‌م ئاماژه‌ ده‌دات كه‌:

 پێویسته‌ مێرد نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ژن بدات له‌و كاته‌وه‌ كه‌ گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیرى دروست له‌نێوانیان ئه‌نجام ده‌درێ  به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر گرێبه‌نده‌كه‌ نادروست(فاسد) بوو ژن نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ناكه‌وێ له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ى ژن پیویسته‌ ده‌ست به‌جێ جیا ببێته‌وه‌ وه‌ به‌مه‌ش مافى راگیركردن نامینێ  كه‌ ئه‌ویش هۆكارى شایسته‌ بوونه‌به‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ .

– له‌ گرێبه‌ندى هاوسه‌رگیرى دروست  ژن شایسته‌ى نه‌فه‌قه‌یه‌ هه‌تا ئه‌گه‌ر له‌ ماڵى باوكیشى بێت و مێرده‌كه‌ى نه‌یگواستبێته‌وه‌ به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر مێرده‌كه‌ى داواى له‌ ژنه‌كه‌ كرد بیگوازێته‌وه‌  به‌ ناڕه‌وا داواكه‌ى ره‌د كرده‌وه‌  شایسته‌ى نه‌فه‌قه‌ نابێت.

برگه‌ى2    هه‌مان ماده‌ى سه‌ره‌وه‌ ئاماژه‌ ده‌دات به‌و هۆكاره‌ ڕه‌وایانه‌ى كه‌وا له‌ ژن ده‌كات رازى نه‌بێت به‌ گوێرایه‌ڵى و گواستنه‌وه‌ى بۆ ماڵى هاوسه‌رى بریتییه‌ له‌وه‌ى كه‌ مێرد:

1-  ماره‌یى پێشه‌كى نه‌دابێ به‌ ژن .

2-  ماڵى شه‌رعى سه‌ربه‌خۆى بۆ  دابین نه‌كردبێ .

3- نه‌فه‌قه‌ى نه‌كێشابێت .

4- ئه‌مانه‌تى نه‌بێت له‌سه‌ر خودى ژنه‌كه‌ وه‌یان له‌سه‌ر سامانى وه‌یان له‌سه‌ر ئابڕوى.

5- ژنه‌كه‌ نه‌خۆش بێت بسه‌لمێنرى كه‌نه‌خۆشیه‌كه‌ ى رێگره‌ له‌به‌رده‌م گواستنه‌وه‌ى .

مادده‌ى(24/ بڕگه‌1)

نه‌فه‌قه‌ نه‌كێشانى ژن به‌مه‌رجێك ژنه‌كه‌ ناشز  نه‌بێت قه‌رزه‌ له‌سه‌ر مێرده‌كه‌ى له‌و كاته‌ى كه‌  مێرده‌كه‌ى  خه‌رجى پێ نه‌داوه‌.

پرسیار / ئایا ژن ده‌توانێت داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ بكات له‌و به‌رواره‌وه‌ كه‌ مێرده‌كه‌ى خه‌رجى نه‌كێشاوه‌ ؟

وه‌ڵام/ مادده‌ى(24) ئاماژه‌ به‌وه‌ ده‌كات  كه‌ژن مافى خۆیه‌تى  داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى رابردوو(كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بوو) بكات له‌و به‌رواره‌وه‌ كه‌ مێرده‌كه‌ى خه‌رجى نه‌كێشاوه‌  وه‌یان له‌و كاته‌ى به‌جێ هێشتوه‌ بێ خه‌رجى كێشان .

لێره‌دا ده‌بێت تێبینى ئه‌وه‌ بكرێت كه‌ كاتێك ژن داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بوو ده‌كات له‌ دادگا كه‌ له‌ماڵى هاوسه‌رى له‌گه‌ڵ مێرده‌كه‌ى ده‌ژى  ،سه‌لماندنى نه‌فه‌قه‌ نه‌كێشانیش ده‌كه‌وێته‌ سه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌  ، وه‌ ئه‌گه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌ نه‌یتوانى  داواكه‌ى بسه‌لمێنێ  بۆى  هه‌یه‌ سوێندى مێرده‌كه‌ى بدات .

به‌ڵام له‌كاتێك دا ژنه‌كه‌ ماڵى هاوسه‌رى به‌جێ هێشتووه‌ وه‌ گه‌ڕابووه‌وه‌ بۆ لاى كه‌س و كارى خۆى و ه‌ داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى له‌ مێرده‌كه‌ى كرد ئه‌ویش ئینكارى كردو ووتى   نه‌فه‌قه‌ى كێشاوه‌ به‌وه‌ى  كه‌ پاره‌ى نقدى بۆ ناردووه‌  وه‌ یان پێداویستى ژیانى بۆ ناردووه‌ لێره‌دا سه‌لماندنى ئه‌مه‌ ده‌كه‌وێته‌  سه‌ر(پیاوه‌كه‌).

پرسیار: ئه‌گه‌ر پیاو ژنه‌كه‌ى به‌جێهێشت و سه‌فه‌رى كرد، وه‌نه‌فه‌قه‌ى بۆ ژنه‌كه‌ى دابین نه‌كرد چی بكات؟

وه‌ڵام: باوكى كوڕه‌كه‌ یان كچه‌كه‌ یان كه‌سێكى ده‌توانن نه‌فه‌قه‌كه‌ى بده‌ن وه‌ به‌قه‌رز داینێن له‌ئه‌ستۆى مێرده‌كه‌یداو كه‌هاته‌وه‌ یان به‌هه‌ر جۆرێك  بێت وه‌ری بگرنه‌وه‌

پرسیار /ئه‌گه‌ر ژنێك  مێرده‌كه‌ى مردبوو نه‌فه‌قه‌ى  نه‌كێشابوو   داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بوو له‌سه‌ر كێ تۆمار ده‌كات ؟

وه‌ڵام /  ئاشكرایه‌ كه‌ ژن داوا له‌سه‌ر مێرده‌كه‌ى تۆمار ده‌كات .ئه‌گه‌ر مێرده‌كه‌ى له‌ژیان دابوو .به‌ڵام كاتێك مێرده‌كه‌ى مردبوو  ئه‌وا داواى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بوو له‌سه‌ر  كه‌س و كارى (میراتگره‌كانى) مێرده‌كه‌ تۆمار ده‌كات  كه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ى كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بووى پێ بدرێ واتا نه‌فه‌قه‌ى ئه‌و كاته‌ى كه‌مێرده‌كه‌ى  له‌ژیان دا بووه‌ وخه‌رجى نه‌كێشاوه‌ .چونكه‌ ئه‌م خه‌رجیه‌ كه‌ڵه‌كه‌بووه‌ ده‌بێت به‌  قه‌رز .قه‌رزیش ته‌نها به‌دانه‌وه‌  یان گه‌ردن ئازادیى لاده‌چێ.

مادده‌ى ( 24/بڕگه‌ی2)

له‌م بڕگه‌یه‌دا ئاماژه‌ ده‌دات  كه‌ نه‌فه‌قه‌ كیشان   خوارده‌مه‌نى ده‌گرێته‌وه‌  به‌و پێه‌ى كه‌ پێداویستى یه‌كانى دابین بكات به‌ گوێره‌ى بارى دارایى ئابوورى وكۆمه‌ڵایه‌تى مێرده‌كه‌  وه‌هه‌روه‌ها شوێنى نیشته‌جێ بوونى  ده‌گرێته‌وه‌ وه‌ دیاره‌ ئه‌مه‌ش هه‌ر به‌پى بارى ئابوورى و دارایى مێرده‌كه‌ یه‌ وه‌  ،بو نمونه‌/ ئه‌گه‌ر پیاوه‌كه‌ خۆى له‌ ژوورێك دا ده‌ژیا و وه‌ یان خانوویه‌كى بچووك ئه‌وه‌ ژنه‌كه‌ش وه‌كو پیاوه‌كه‌ ده‌بێت 

لێره‌دا پرسیارێك دێته‌ ئاراوه‌

ئایا شوێنى نیشته‌ جێ بوون ته‌نها خانوو ده‌گرێته‌وه‌ ؟

وه‌ڵام/ نه‌خێر ته‌نها خانوونیه‌  به‌ڵكو پێوسته‌ كه‌ل و په‌لیشى تێدا بێت .

كه‌ى ژن شــایســته‌ى نه‌فه‌قه‌ كێـشان نیـه‌؟

به‌ پێى مادده‌ى(25/1) له‌یاساى بارى كه‌سێتى له‌م حاڵه‌تانه‌ى خواره‌وه‌دا ژن شــایســته‌ى خـه‌رجـى كێـشان نیـه‌:-

أ-ئه‌گه‌ر ژن ماڵى  هاوسه‌رى به‌جێ هێشت به‌بێ ره‌زامه‌ندى مێرده‌كه‌ى و به‌بێ هۆكارى شه‌رعى.

ب- ئه‌گه‌ر ژن حه‌بس كرا له‌سه‌ر تاوانێك یان قه‌رزێكى خۆى واته‌ به‌هۆى ئه‌نجام دانى تاوانێك حه‌بس كرابێت  وه‌یان به‌هۆى قه‌رزى خۆى گیرابێت له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ى (مێرد) مافى ڕاگیركردن و مانه‌وه‌ى ژنه‌كه‌ى لاى خۆى له‌ ده‌ست چووه‌ بێ ئه‌وه‌ى خۆى هۆكار بێت .

ج- ئه‌گه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌ ته‌ڵاقى خولعى كرد واته‌ وازى له‌ هه‌موو مافێكى شه‌رعى خۆى بێنێ به‌س بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی مێرده‌كه‌ى ته‌ڵاقى بدات .

د- ئه‌گه‌ر له‌ سه‌ر ناپاكى هاوسه‌رى ته‌ڵاق بدرێت.

ه- ئه‌گه‌رپێش گواستنه‌وه‌ ته‌ڵاق درا .

و-ئه‌گه‌ر ژن سه‌فه‌رى نه‌ كرد  له‌گه‌ڵ مێرده‌كه‌ى  به‌بێ پاساوى شه‌رعى.

– بڕگه‌كانى ئه‌م مادده‌یه‌ ئاماژه‌ به‌وه‌ ده‌كات كه‌ كاتێك ژن ماڵى هاوسه‌رى به‌جێ ده‌هێلێ و به‌ بێ پاساوى شه‌رعى و ناچێته‌وه‌ لاى مێرده‌كه‌ى  به‌پێى یاساو شه‌رع ئه‌وه‌ له‌م كاته‌دا  شایسته‌ى خه‌رجى كێشان نیه‌ .

 پرسیار/ پاساوى شه‌رعى چى ده‌گرێته‌وه‌؟

  وه‌ڵام / پاساوى شه‌رعى ئه‌مانه‌ى خواره‌وه‌ ده‌گرێته‌وه‌:

ا- ئه‌گه‌ر مێرد نا ئه‌مین بوو له‌سه‌ر  ئابڕو  و ماڵ و دارایى   وه‌یان له‌سه‌ر گیان  و بوونى ژنه‌كه‌ى .

ب-ئه‌گه‌ر ماره‌یى پێشه‌كى پێ نه‌به‌خشیبوو.

ج- ئه‌گه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌  نه‌خۆش بوو نه‌یتوانى سه‌فه‌رى له‌گه‌ڵ بكات.

د- ئه‌گه‌ر مه‌به‌ست كردن له‌سه‌فه‌ره‌كه‌ى زیان گه‌یاندن بوو به‌ ژنه‌كه‌ى .بۆ نموونه‌/ ئه‌گه‌رپیاوه‌كه‌ نیازى خراپ بوو ویستى كاره‌ كه‌ى خۆى بگوازێته‌وه‌  بۆ شوێنێك كه‌ ژنه‌كه‌ نه‌توانێ  له‌و شوێنه‌ كار بكات وه‌ یان كارى ئه‌وى لێ نه‌بێت.

بڕگه‌ى(2) له‌ مادده‌ى(25).

ئه‌م بڕگه‌یه‌ ژن پابه‌ند ناكرێ به‌گوێرایه‌ڵى مێرد وه‌ دانانرێ به‌ناشز(لاسار) ئه‌گه‌ر مێرد ناحه‌ق بوو  له‌ داواكارى گوێرایه‌ڵى كردن وه‌یان مه‌به‌ستى زیان گه‌یاندن  بوو به‌ ژنه‌كه‌ى.

 وه‌ به‌شێوه‌یه‌كى تایبه‌تى ئه‌مانه‌ى خواره‌وه‌  به‌زیان گه‌یاندن داده‌نرێت.

أ- ئاماده‌نه‌كردنى ماڵى شه‌رعى سه‌ربه‌ خۆ بۆ  ژنه‌كه‌ به‌جۆرێك كه‌ بگونجێت  له‌گه‌ڵ بارى ئابوورى و كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تى  هه‌ردوو لا  .

ب- ئه‌گه‌ر ماڵى شه‌رعى ئاماده‌كراو  دوور بوو  له‌ شوێنى كاركردنى ژنه‌كه‌  به‌جۆرێك هاوسه‌نگى كردن له‌ نێوان ئه‌ركه‌كانى ماڵه‌وه‌ و  ئه‌ركه‌كانى فه‌رمانبه‌رى دا ئه‌سته‌م بوو.

ج-ئه‌گه‌ر كه‌ل و په‌لى  ناو ماڵى ئاماده‌كراو  مڵكیه‌تى  نه‌گه‌رێته‌وه‌ بۆ مێرد واته‌ هی خۆى نه‌بێ و ئه‌مانه‌ت بێت.

د-ئه‌گه‌ر ژنه‌كه‌ نه‌خۆش بوو به‌جۆرێك رێگر بێ له‌به‌رده‌م گوێڕایه‌ڵى كردن.

  نه‌فه‌قه‌ى منداڵ/

منداڵ نه‌فه‌قه‌ى له‌ سه‌ر باوكه‌

 پرسیار/ هه‌تا كه‌ى نه‌فه‌قه‌ى منال له‌ سه‌ر باوكه‌؟

وه‌ڵام/ نه‌فه‌قه‌ى مندال پێش جیابوونه‌وه‌و دواى جیابوونه‌وه‌ له‌ژن له‌ئه‌ستۆى باوك ده‌بێت.

ئه‌گه‌ر منداڵه‌كه‌ كوڕبوو تا گه‌وره‌ ده‌بێت و 18ساڵى ته‌واو ده‌كات و ده‌بێته‌ خاوه‌نى كارو تواناى په‌یداكردنى بژێوی خۆى ده‌بێت یان ئه‌گه‌ر خوێندكار بوو ئه‌وا تا خوێندنه‌كه‌ى ته‌واو ده‌كات بژێوی له‌ئه‌ستۆى باوكى ده‌بێت.

ئه‌گه‌ر كچ بوو نه‌فه‌قه‌ى له‌سه‌ر باوكه‌ هه‌تا ده‌چێته‌ ماڵى هاوسه‌رى، ئه‌گه‌ر كوڕ بوو هه‌تا ته‌مه‌نى 18ساڵى، به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر هاتوو خوێندكار بوو ئه‌وا تا خوێندن ته‌واو ده‌كات.

پرسیار/ كاتێك جیابوونه‌وه‌ ڕووده‌دات، بژێوی مندال كێ دابینی ده‌كات؟

وه‌ڵام/ كاتێك جیابوونه‌وه‌ ڕوو ده‌دات و مندال لاى دایك بێت یان باوك هه‌ر باوك بژێویان بۆ دابین ده‌كات، یان دایك و باوك خۆیان ڕێك ده‌كه‌ون یاخود شاره‌زا له‌دادگا بڕه‌كه‌ى دیارى ده‌كات.

نه‌فه‌قه‌ى مندال چۆن دیارى ده‌كرێت؟

نه‌فه‌قه‌ دیارى ده‌كرێت به‌پێی بارو گوزه‌رانى پیاوه‌كه‌، به‌ڵام ئه‌گه‌ر ژن داهاتى هه‌بێت ده‌كرێت به‌پێی ڕێكه‌وتن بێت له‌نێوانیاندا وه‌ ئه‌و نه‌فه‌قه‌یه‌ی دیارى بكرێت ده‌توانرێت زیادو كه‌م بكرێت ئه‌مه‌ش به‌پێی بارو گوزه‌رانى پیاوو ژنه‌كه‌ هه‌روه‌ها به‌پێی گۆڕانى نرخى شتومه‌ك و بارى ئابوورى.

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لەئەمریکا ترەمپ فەرمانێک واژۆدەکات کە تەنها (دوو) ڕەگەز دەناسێت

وەرگێڕانی:د.بێخاڵ ئەبوبەکرلە یەکەم کاتژمێرەکانی دەستبەکاربوونی لە پۆستەکەیدا، سەرۆک ترەمپ فەرمانێکی جێبەجێکاری بەرفراوانی واژۆکرد کە تەنها …

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  93. Four friends posed for a photo on vacation in 1972. Over 50 years later, they recreated it
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    In the photo, four young women walk arm in arm, smiling and laughing, on a beach promenade. They’re dressed in mini skirts and flip flops, and there’s what looks like a 1960s Ford Corsair in the background. This is clearly a snapshot from a bygone era, but there’s something about the picture — the womens’ expressions, their laughs — that captures a timeless and universal feeling of joy, youth and adventure.

    For the four women in the photo, Marion Bamforth, Sue Morris, Carol Ansbro and Mary Helliwell, the picture is a firm favorite. Taken over 50 years ago on a group vacation to the English seaside town of Torquay, Devon, the photo’s since become symbolic of their now decades-long friendship. Whenever they see the picture, they’re transported back to the excitement of that first trip together.

    “It’s always been our memory of Torquay,” Sue Morris tells CNN Travel. “The iconic photograph — which is why I got the idea of trying to recreate it.”

    ‘The iconic photograph’
    Bamforth, Morris, Ansbro and Helliwell were 17 when the photo was taken, “by one of these roving photographers that used to roam the promenade and prey on tourists like us,” as Morris recalls it.

    It was the summer of 1972 and the four high school classmates — who grew up in the city of Halifax, in the north of England — were staying in a rented caravan in coastal Devon, in southwest England. It was a week of laughs, staying out late, flirting with boys in fish and chip shops, sunburn, swapping clothes, sharing secrets and making memories by the seaside.

    Fast forward to 2024 and Bamforth, Morris, Ansbro and Helliwell remain firm friends. They’ve been by each other’s sides as they’ve carved out careers, fallen in love, brought up families and gone through heartbreak and grief.

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  95. The Australian city that became a global food and drink powerhouse

    Sydney or Melbourne? It’s the great Australian city debate, one which pits the commerce, business and money of Sydney against cultural, arts-loving, coffee-drinking Melbourne.

    While picking one can be tricky, there’s no denying that Australia’s second city, home to 5.2 million people, has a charm all of its own.

    Melburnians (never Melbournites) get to enjoy a place where nature is close by, urban delights are readily available and the food and drink scene isn’t just the best in Australia, but also one of the finest in the world.
    There’s no better way to start a trip to Melbourne than with a proper cup of coffee. Coffee is serious stuff here, with no room for a weak, burnt or flavorless brew. The history of coffee in Melbourne goes back to the years after World War II, when Italian immigrants arrived and brought their machines with them.

    Within 30 years, a thriving cafe scene had developed and, as the 21st century dawned, the city had become the epicenter of a new global coffee culture. The iconic Pellegrini’s on Bourke Street and Mario’s in the Fitzroy neighborhood are the best old-school hangouts, while Market Lane helped lead the way in bringing Melbourne’s modern-day coffee scene to the masses.
    Kate Reid is the best person to speak with about Melbourne’s coffee obsession. The founder of Lune Croissanterie, she was once a Formula 1 design engineer and has brought her expertise and precision to crafting the world’s best croissant, as well as knowing how to brew a coffee, and specifically a flat white, just the way it should be.

    “Good coffee is just ingrained in everyday culture for every single Melburnian now,” says Reid. “I think that that peak of pretentious specialty coffee has come and gone, and now it’s just come down to a level of a really high standard everywhere.”

    That’s clear when she pours a flat white. Describing herself as a perfectionist, the way she froths the milk and tends to the cup is a sight to behold.

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  102. How to survive a bear attack – or better yet, avoid one altogether

    You’re out for a hike, reveling in glorious nature. Suddenly, you spot a bear. And the bear has spotted you, too. Would you know what to do next?

    Beth Pratt sure would.

    She was once on the Old Gardiner Road Trail in Yellowstone National Park, enjoying her run in wild nature. Her reverie came to an end when she came upon a grizzly bear eating flowers.

    “I stopped. It stood on its hind legs and looked at me. I knew that wasn’t a threatening gesture,” she told CNN Travel. “I’m not kidding, it waved its paw at me as if to say, ‘just go on your way,’ and went back to eating.”

    “And I walked slowly away and put some distance between us, and the encounter ended fine.”

    When it comes to dealing with bears, Pratt does have a thing or two on almost all the rest of us, though.

    She is the California regional executive director for the National Wildlife Federation, a job she’s had for more than 10 years. She worked in Yellowstone for several years – and once saw nine grizzlies in one day there.
    Finally, she lives on the border of Yosemite National Park, and bears will pass through her yard, including this one seen in the footage above in late September 2021.

    You can hear the enthusiasm in Pratt’s voice as she shares her bear bona fides and advice to make sure bear/human encounters are delightful, not dangerous.

    “A wild bear is a beautiful sight to see. It’s incredible to see them in the wild. I never had a bad experience with bears. What I try to get people to feel is respect, not fear, for bears. The animal usually wants to avoid the encounters.”

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  104. You’ve come across a bison in the wild. It’s looking at you. Do you know what to do next?

    A dangerous encounter with a territorial bison and the subsequent viral video were not what Rebecca Clark had in mind when she set out for Caprock Canyons State Park in early October 2022.

    She had been so enamored with Texas’ third-largest state park on her first solo hiking and camping trip there a year earlier that she decided to go back for more. Roughly two hours by car from either Lubbock or the Panhandle city of Amarillo, Caprock attracts visitors with big blue skies, brown and green prairielands and rugged red-rock formations.

    Caprock has another draw – its wild bison herd, about 350 strong in late 2022. But bison, the great symbolic animal of the Great Plains, weren’t on her radar. Until suddenly, they were.

    The Texas resident recounted her experience with CNN’s Ed Lavandera, telling him that she came upon a herd while she was walking a trail back from Lake Theo.

    “I decided to just kind of wait for them to … get across the trail, and then I would pass them.” But they weren’t moving away fast enough for Clark. She said she decided to just walk by them – closer than the recommended safety distance. She was recording the moment on her smartphone.

    In her video, Clark can be heard saying, “Thank you, I appreciate it” as she passes the animals.

    Things got dangerous very quickly when one of the agitated bison took notice. “When I saw him turn, it’s like instantly I knew he was gonna come after me.”

    And that’s exactly what the bison did. Once it charged, the large mammal was upon Clark within two seconds despite her frantic attempt to flee.

    “It was so fast. He hit me in the back, rammed me, hooked me, then flipped me up and face forward into the mesquite bush.”

    And there was Clark. Gored, bleeding and alone. How would she survive?

  105. They fell in love three decades ago. Now they pilot planes together

    On their first flight together, Joel Atkinson and Shelley Atkinson couldn’t contain their excitement. They enthused to the flight attendants. They posed for photos. They told passengers via a pre-flight announcement.

    “We made a big deal about it,” Joel tells CNN Travel.

    Then, right before take off, Joel and Shelley sat side by side in the flight deck, just the two of them. They’d come full circle, and were about to embark on an exciting new chapter.

    “It felt amazing,” Shelley tells CNN Travel.

    “As we prepared to take off, I was giddy, euphoric,” says Joel.

    Joel and Shelley met as twentysomethings flying jets in the US Air Force. They became fast friends, then, over time, fell in love.

    Today, they’ve been married for 27 years and counting. They’ve brought up two kids together. And now they’re both pilots for Southwest Airlines. They regularly fly together, with Joel as captain and Shelley as first officer.

    The couple say working together is “amazing.” They treat layovers as “date nights.” They learn from one another’s respective “wisdom and judgment.”

    And no, they don’t argue mid-flight.

    “People ask us, how does it work, flying together?” says Joel. “We know a few pilot couples and some of them fly together, some of them don’t. I’ve heard people say, ‘Oh I could never fly with my wife or my husband.’”

    For Joel and Shelley, working together is seamless – a joy that comes easily to them both.

    “We’re best friends,” says Shelley.

    “There’s just that unspoken bond,” says Joel.

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  116. Bug-bitten oolong? The secret behind Taiwan’s rare honey-flavored tea — and where to enjoy it

    As the leaves rustle atop the hills in Nantou, Taiwan’s largest tea-producing area, the farm suddenly comes alive, millions of tiny green bugs hopping into the air.

    While many farmers might frown at the sight of these pests munching on their crops, Lee Ming-cheng, a third-generation tea farmer and maker, can’t hide the broad smile on his sun-kissed face.

    This “green insect fog,” as locals call it, is a sign they’ll have a good harvest of Gui Fei Oolong (also known as Honey Flavor Dong Ding Oolong or Concubine Oolong), a special tea that’s prized for offering a hint of honey flavor.

    And it’s these endemic insects, called Jacobiasca formosana, or tea jassids, that are to thank for it.

    When the jassids feed, the leaves go into defensive mode and produce a sweetened hormone that tastes and smells like honey, creating one of the world’s most intriguing teas: mixiang cha, or honey-fragrance tea.

    The bug-bitten leaves are oxidized and roasted to create a variety of beverages. There’s mixiang black tea (made with fully oxidized leaves) and oolong teas like Oriental Beauty (partially oxidized and not roasted) and the previously mentioned Concubine Tea (partially oxidized and roasted), to name a few.

    Unlike Taiwan’s ubiquitous bubble tea, mixiang tea is still highly limited and largely off-the-radar. But what was once a hidden gem among serious tea lovers is now starting to gain international attention.

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    DAMAC Bay 2 by Cavalli is a luxurious waterfront development in Dubai, crafted through a collaboration between DAMAC Properties and the renowned fashion brand Roberto Cavalli. This iconic project features premium residences designed with Cavalli’s signature style, offering sophisticated interiors and breathtaking views of the Arabian Gulf. Located in the vibrant Dubai Marina, DAMAC Bay 2 by Cavalli boasts world-class amenities, including private beach access, infinity pools, a state-of-the-art fitness center, and exclusive dining options. It’s the perfect destination for those seeking opulent living in one of Dubai’s most prestigious neighborhoods.

  122. ‘A short and significant relationship’: How a piano in a pickup builds connections

    Dozens of internationally renowned recording artists give concerts in Vegas every year, but the musician who connects best with people might be a local troubadour who improvises on a piano in the back of his pickup.

    The maestro, Danny Kean, calls his setup The Traveling Piano, and he has traversed North America sharing music for nearly 20 years.

    Kean’s home base is Las Vegas now, and every time he plays, he invites passersby to climb aboard the truck and tickle the ivory for themselves. Even if people are shy or say they can’t do it, Kean usually convinces them to give it a try, inspiring total strangers to express themselves through the common language of music.

    He estimates more than 100,000 people have played his piano since 2006.

    For most of these impromptu virtuosos, the experience is cathartic — many of them step down from the truck in tears. For Kean, 69, the encounters nourish his soul.

    “I enjoy sharing my music with others, but I enjoy having others share theirs with me just as much,” he said. “My goal is to connect with others by creating a short and significant relationship. Music is a great facilitator for that in every way and on every level.”

    Kean does not accept fees or tips for these musical awakenings, giving away time and energy for nothing in return. He practices philanthropy in other ways, too, providing food and other necessities for the burgeoning population of unhoused individuals in downtown Las Vegas and around the Las Vegas Valley.

    “I love the idea of strangers becoming less afraid of each other,” he said. “This love for humanity drives me to keep doing good.”

  123. He thought the guy he met on vacation was just a fling. He turned out to be the love of his life
    Guillermo Barrantes relationship with Larry Mock was supposed to begin and end in Palm Springs.

    It was a “casual, brief encounter.” A vacation dalliance that only lasted half a day.

    “It was just so casual, so easily nothing could have happened from it,” Guillermo tells CNN Travel. “We could have walked away and just had our lives separate. But of course that didn’t happen, because it wasn’t meant to be that way. It was meant to be the way that it was. That it is.”

    It all started in summer 2013. Guillermo – then in his early 40s – was on vacation in the California resort city of Palm Springs. He was in a phase of life where, he says, he was prioritizing himself, and wasn’t interested in long term romance.

    “I thrived in being by myself, in traveling by myself, in having dinner by myself – I loved all of that so much,” says Guillermo, who lived in Boston, Massachusetts at the time.

    “I wanted no commitment, I wanted no emotional entanglement of any kind. I wanted to have fun, get to know myself. And it was in that mode that I met Larry, when I wasn’t really looking.”

    During the vacation in Palm Springs, Guillermo was staying at a friend’s apartment, and while the friend worked during the day, Guillermo passed his time at a “run-down, no-frills” resort a couple of blocks away.

    “You could just pay for a day pass, they’d give you a towel, and you could be in the pool and use their bar,” he recalls.

    One day, as he was walking the palm tree-lined streets to the resort, Guillermo swiped right on a guy on a dating app – Larry Mock, mid-40s, friendly smile. The two men exchanged a few messages back and forth. Larry said he was also on vacation in Palm Springs, staying in the resort Guillermo kept frequenting.

    They arranged to meet there for a drink by the pool. Guillermo was looking forward to meeting Larry, expecting “some casual fun.”

    Then, when Guillermo and Larry met, there was “chemistry” right away. Guillermo calls their connection “magnetic.”

    “My impression of Larry: sexy, handsome and warm,” he recalls.

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  148. In China, people are hiring ‘climbing buddies’ for big money. The more attractive they are, the higher the price
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    Wendy Chen decided to challenge herself by climbing Mount Tai, a well-known mountain in eastern China.

    But there was one obstacle in her way: she couldn’t find a friend to join her for the five-hour trek.

    Rather than forgo her plans, the 25-year-old hired a “climbing buddy,” a young man with extensive outdoor experience, to accompany and support her to the 5,000-foot peak.

    Known in Chinese as “pei pa” (meaning “accompany to climb”), these are young Chinese men who join strangers on their journeys up popular mountains for a price. The trend has gained momentum this year, as hashtags related to “climbing buddy” have had over 100 million views on Chinese social media.

    Young, athletic individuals, often university students or even military veterans, advertise themselves on social media platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, with profiles featuring their height, fitness level and hiking experience. They usually charge between 200 to 600 yuan ($30 to $85) per trip.

    During the climb, these “buddies” will do anything to distract their clients from feeling exhausted and push them to keep going: from singing, telling jokes, playing music, verbal encouragement, going so far as carrying their bags, holding their hands, and pulling them.
    A day on the mountain
    Chen and her climbing buddy’s adventure began at around 8:00 pm so she could arrive at the peak in time for the famous sunrise. After assessing her fitness level, her climbing buddy planned a moderate route and carried her backpack the whole way.

    When they faced chilling winds at the peak, Chen’s climbing buddy rented a thick coat for her while directing her to a walled shelter.

    At the moment the sun rose, Chen’s climbing buddy was already prepared with a national flag and other props so that she could take a memorable photo. Though she felt his photography skills still had room to improve, she rated her climbing buddy as “satisfactory.” The service cost her 350 yuan ($49).

    Though Chen paid a typical price for a climbing buddy, she acknowledges that more good-looking buddies can command higher rates.

    “Attractiveness is also part of their strength,” she says.

    Climbing buddies’ main customers tend to be single young women, but that’s slowly changing.

    A video of a strong male university student carrying a three-year-old effortlessly up a steep mountain — while the toddler’s mother trailed far behind — went viral this summer.

  149. The surprising history of the Fair Isle sweater
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    Which fashion item is as beloved by members of the royal family as it is by JLo? Or as relevant on the runways of 2024 as in the knitting catalogs of 1960? The answer is surprisingly festive. The Fair Isle knit, a two-stranded knitting tradition originating off the coast of Scotland, has been a wardrobe staple for well over 100 years — keeping everyone from 18th century fisherman to Mick Jagger warm.

    In the last five years, luxury brands Ralph Lauren, Thom Browne, Chanel, Celine, Balenciaga, Raf Simons, Versace and Dries van Noten have all sent their renditions of the heritage knit down the catwalk. London-based designer Molly Goddard has even made the pattern something of an unofficial signature, making sure to pair a structured Fair Isle-style knit with a flouncy, tulle skirt in almost every collection.

    In short, it has become a winter classic that seems perpetually in vogue. Rom-com leading man, Adam Brody, recently wore a red and white version on the cover of Stylist magazine; while Katie Holmes was snapped running errands in an old beige Fair Isle favorite from 2022.
    For those in the northern hemisphere, it’s appropriate to shrug on as soon as the nights draw in right until sweater weather deteriorates. That being said, even in season-less Los Angeles, stars like Hailey Bieber have been seen in the cozy Fair Isle knits grabbing coffees.

    Taking its name from the island of Fair Isle — part of the Shetland archipelago about 100 miles off the northeastern coast of Scotland — the knitting technique first began in fisherman’s hats during the 18th and 19th century (our beloved sweaters came much later). The two strand pattern was not only artistic, but made the tall, conical shaped caps extra warm by doubling the textile mass. They often featured a knitted interior lining, too.

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    Как ГСУ питерского главка МВД выбивало «показания» по «делу «Лайф-из-Гуд» –«Гермес» – «Бест Вей»

    5 декабря на заседании Приморского районного суда Санкт-Петербурга была допрошена в качестве свидетеля 75-летняя Зоя Магомедовна Семенова из Самары.

    Она сообщила суду, что была пайщиком кооператива «Бест Вей» и клиентом компании «Гермес», консультантом, привлекавшим клиентов и в «Гермес», и в «Бест Вей», но больше в «Бест Вей», так как он был более интересен ее знакомым. Пояснила, что «Бест Вей» и «Гермес» – разные организации, а не подразделения одной, как пытаются представить следствие и государственное обвинение.

    У Зои Магомедовны было три договора с кооперативом на приобретение квартир, один из них – на внука. С помощью кооператива, сообщила она, многие приобрели квартиру, в том числе участники СВО. Многие не успели приобрести из-за того, что счета кооператива были арестованы, а сам он руководителем следственной группы Винокуровым признан гражданским ответчиком по уголовному делу.

    Кооператив, подчеркнула она, работал с 2014 года, действительно помогал приобрести жилье, никто в него людей не заманивал. Кооператив, пояснила Зоя Магомедовна, не имел никаких признаков финансовой пирамиды, в чем его обвиняет следствие.

    Выдуманные Сапетовой показания

    Зоя Магомедовна была приглашена как свидетельница обвинения, на нее именно в этом качестве рассчитывали государственные обвинители из Прокуратуры Санкт-Петербурга (покрывающие преступления следственной группы ГСУ питерского главка МВД).

    Но ее показания на суде полностью разошлись с теми, что она (якобы) давала на следствии – следователям Сапетовой и Мальцеву.

    В выдуманном следователями тексте, зачитанном прокурором, она:
    – якобы обвиняла кооператив в том, что он ее обманул – что она опровергла в суде;

    – якобы предъявляла претензии, что кооператив работал непрозрачно, непонятно как формируется очередь на жилье, от пайщиков закрыта информация о состоянии паевого и других фондов – она полностью опровергла это в суде, заявив, что кооператив работал абсолютно прозрачно для пайщиков, информация была доступна в реальном времени, механизм работы «Бест Вей» был совершенно понятен;
    – якобы заявила следствию, что работа кооператива строилась на обмане – сказала в суде: «Мы никого не обманывали»;
    – якобы рассказывала об аффилированности кооператива «Бест Вей» и «Гермесом» – что она также опровергла в суде, подчеркнув, что это разные организации;
    – якобы пришла к заключению, что кооператив – это пирамида – что она полностью опровергла в суде.

    Зоя Магомедовна категорически отвергла показания, которые якобы давала следствию: «Я не могла всего этого говорить, я даже терминов и слов таких не знаю, слышу все это впервые, вслух показания мне никто не зачитывал!». Таким образом, следователи прямо нарушили УПК.

    Прессинг начался с задержания

    Зоя Магомедовна пояснила суду, что была задержана в аэропорту Санкт-Петербурга – когда она должна была улетать в Самару вместе с другими пайщиками из Самарской области, с которыми приезжала на суд об аресте счетов кооператива, чтобы поддержать кооператив.

    Перед этим ей позвонила соседка и рассказала, что в ее дом в Самаре в ее отсутствие ворвались полицейские, они сломали двери, разбили окна и учинили обыск без хозяйки. Причем Семенова приглашена как свидетельница обвинения – на основании тех показаний, которые якобы дала на следствии (на самом деле выдуманы следователем-преступницей Сапетовой) и которые полностью опровергла в суде.

    Гестаповец и обманщица

    Зоя Магомедовна допрос частично помнит, частично не помнит – так как очень плохо себя чувствовала: у нее было высокое давление (она – хронический гипертоник с инвалидностью). С ней работали два следователя: Сапетова и Мальцев. Мальцев кричал на нее, угрожал, что прямо сейчас спустит ее в подвал. Сапетова разговаривала спокойно, «входила в положение». Но при этом не давала Семеновой пить, о чем та неоднократно просила, и не давала подышать свежим воздухом, ссылаясь на необходимость проводить допрос без пауз.

    «Допрос продолжался 12 часов – и когда он закончился, мне было не до чтения. Я подписывала не читая, чтобы только побыстрее уйти», – рассказала Зоя Семенова суду.
    То есть следователи сознательно создали риски для здоровья допрашиваемой, чтобы обманным путем получить нужные им, заранее написанные показания. И это далеко не единичный пример – один из свидетелей умер после допроса в ГСУ.

    Возмутительно, что липовое уголовное дело, сплошь состоящее из подобных «показаний», крышуется руководством МВД во главе с Колокольцевым. А также Прокуратурой Санкт-Петербурга – хотя адвокаты кооператива и обвиняемых предупреждали прокуратуру, что дело зиждется исключительно на липовых, нарисованных показаниях и развалится в суде!

    Преступные следователи Сапетова, Мальцев, их коллеги по следственной группе, а также руководивший следственной группой Винокуров должны быть привлечены к уголовной ответственности! Выявленные факты должны стать предметом внимания генерального прокурора Краснова, председателя Следственного комитета России Бастрыкина и главы ФСБ Бортникова!

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    Гестапо Колокольцева

    ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует фашистские методы

    ГСУ питерского главка МВД использует гестаповские методы и фальсификацию показаний для создания фальшивых дел по указке заказчиков из руководства МВД, под прикрытием оборотней из прокуратуры.

    Приморский районный суд рассматривает так называемое дело «Лайф-из-Гуд» – «Гермес» – «Бест Вей», обвиняется основатель «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» Роман Василенко (для горе-правоохранителей он недоступен), по делу 10 подсудимых-заложников – ни в чем не повинных людей, технических сотрудников и пайщиков кооператива, в том числе отец Романа Василенко 83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко.

    В ходе судебных заседаний выявлены уже десятки пострадавших от фашистских методов ГСУ.

    Лариса Василенко

    77-летняя Лариса Александровна Василенко, мама Романа Василенко, ветеран Вооруженных сил – офицер морской авиации. Служила на Дальнем Востоке в в/ч морской авиации начальником секретной части, которая была признана лучшей на Тихоокеанском флоте, награждена государственными наградами и наградами вооруженных сил.

    Гестаповцы, предатели Родины из питерской полиции в шесть утра ворвались к ней в спальню и под дулами автоматов заставили в их присутствии обнажиться и переодеваться, при этом унижали и оскорбляли. После обыска забрали ее на допрос, весь день до девяти часов вечера продержали в коридоре: дали сломанный стул без ножки, не пускали в туалет, не давали воды.

    Руководитель следственной группы – замначальника ГСУ полковник Винокуров лично явился для того, чтобы орать матом на женщину вдвое старше его, угрожал расправой и тюрьмой. К Ларисе Василенко не пустили адвоката – он весь день и вечер просидел на крыльце ГСУ. Зато назначили своего, «подсадного» так называемого адвоката по назначению: Лариса Александровна смогла понять, что это не тот адвокат, который прислан ее близкими.

    Лариса Александровна в коридоре потеряла сознание – ее вынесли на воздух, на улице она пришла в себя и что было сил на всю улицу закричала: «Помогите!» Прохожие попытались броситься ей на помощь – и только после этого молодые гестаповцы решили ее отпустить, чтобы избежать скандала.

    При всех стараниях следствия к уголовному делу Ларису Александровну «пришить» не удалось, так как она никак не была связана с «Лайф-из-Гуд» и «Бест Вей» – то есть оснований для ее допроса не было никаких: это была попытка найти хоть какой-то компромат на ее сына.

    Виктор Василенко

    83-летний Виктор Иванович Василенко ветеран Вооруженных сил, полковник морской авиации, инвалид второй группы – он не видит на один глаз.

    Жестко задержан и принудительно доставлен в ГСУ на допрос. Во время задержания у него забрали все деньги, которые были с собой, не оприходовали и не вернули ему – украли деньги у пенсионера!

    Во время длительного допроса терял сознание – ему вызывали скорую. Но это не помешало помещению Виктора Ивановича на трое суток в КПЗ. Трое суток настоящих пыток: КПЗ страшнее, чем СИЗО! Все эти трое суток над ним издевались и оскорбляли.

    Оборотни в погонах МВД требовали заключить 83-летнего инвалида под стражу – но даже судья Цибизова, имеющая репутацию максимально лояльной к следствию, пришла в ужас от гестаповских методов и отказалась это сделать – оставила старика-инвалида дома под ограничением определенных действий.

    83-летнего ветерана привлекли в уголовное дело в качестве обвиняемого на том основании, что он был пайщиком кооператива – фактически взяли его в заложники.
    Так МВД преступно издевается даже над заслуженными пенсионерами, ветеранами, которые посвятили свою жизнь защите Родины.

    Зоя Семёнова

    75-летняя Зоя Магомедовна Семёнова, пенсионерка из Самары. Ее грубо задержали в аэропорту Пулково, когда она улетала домой после участия в заседании суда, на котором Зоя Магомедовна поддерживала кооператив. Параллельно провели в ее доме в ее отсутствие обыск – сломали дверь, разбили окна.

    Ее силой доставили на допрос, весь день держали в застенках ГСУ, не давали воды и сходить в туалет. Не вызвали врача, несмотря на критическое состояние здоровья – давление за 200.

    С ней работали одновременно два следователя. Следователь Мальцев во время допроса кричал на нее, грозился посадить в подвал. Следователь Сапетова в роли «доброго следователя» говорила, что готова войти в положение и отпустить: «Только подпишите».

    Зою Магомедовну довели до такого состояния, что она не могла читать то, что давали ей подписывать, – при этом Сапетова не стала зачитывать ей вслух написанные самой следовательницей-преступницей «показания», чтобы Зоя Магомедовна не заявила об отказе от показаний.

    На суде выяснилось, что практически вся информация, внесенная следователем в протокол допроса, не подтверждается – Семёнова отказалась от своих показаний, сказала, что слышит в первый раз якобы свои высказывания, с ними не согласна, не знает даже таких слов и не могла использовать таких формулировок, не говоря уже о смысле «показаний», который не соответствует ни фактам, ни отношению Зои Магомедовны к кооперативу МВД – она поддерживала и продолжает поддерживать кооператив «Бест Вей», о чем заявила в суде.

    Евгений Иорданиди

    ­­­­66-летний Евгений Иорданиди офицер Военно-морского флота в отставке, кавалер государственных наград и наград Вооруженных сил.

    Подвергся жесткому обыску и жесткому допросу. Отказался в суде от акцентов в написанных за него показаний, на которые не обратил должного внимания из-за мер физического и морального воздействия на него во время допроса в ГСУ.

    Дмитрий Выдрин

    Дмитрий Выдрин – водитель, был консультантом по продаже продуктов «Гермеса».

    В результате жесткого допроса в ГСУ под угрозой заключения в СИЗО оговорил себя и других, чтобы получить домашний арест.

    Готов полностью отказаться от своих показаний – как полученных под пытками.

    Шамиль Фахруллин

    Пенсионер Шамиль Зиннатович Фахруллин был клиентом «Гермеса» и после жесткого допроса оговорил обвиняемых и написал заявление в качестве потерпевшего.

    Фахруллин скончался после допроса – по словам адвоката, он получил тяжелую психологическую травму на допросе, которая привела к инфаркту.

    Массовая фальсификация показаний

    Десятки свидетелей заявили в суде о том, что показания нарисованы, и отказывались от них в суде.

    Один из ключевых свидетелей обвинения – водитель Алексей Комаров – хотя и соглашался с красивыми показаниями, написанными за него следователями (в обмен на замену статуса с подозреваемого на свидетеля), во время судебного допроса не смог повторить эти показания даже частично, воспроизвести факты, которые он якобы приводил на следствии, – «бэкал», «мэкал» и в конце концов сослался на то, что перенес тяжелый коронавирус и все забыл.

    Таким образом, речь идет о массовой фальсификации показаний преступными следователями!

    Дискредитация вооруженных сил

    МВД и прокуратура в данном уголовном деле занимаются не чем иным, как дискредитацией Вооруженных сил, выступают против армии. Они унижают военных пенсионеров, наносят ущерб пайщикам кооператива – участникам СВО.

    К этому подключилась гнилая коррумпированная судья по гражданским делам Малиновская, вынесшая по наущению прокуратуры преступное, вредительское, откровенно незаконное решение, которое сейчас оспаривается в вышестоящих судах.

    Кооператив «Бест Вей» был создан в 2014 году капитаном третьего ранга запаса Романом Василенко прежде всего для решения жилищной проблемы действующих военнослужащих, военнослужащих, уволенных в запас, и членов их семей. Сейчас кооператив возглавляет полковник запаса депутат Государственной думы VIIсозыва Сергей Крючек. Членами кооператива являются тысячи участников СВО, орденоносцев – все они стараниями МВД и прокуратуры лишены своих денег, которые находятся под арестом, и лишены возможности купить квартиру, на которую собрали средства.

    Органы внутренних дел и примкнувшие к ним прокуроры систематически унижают военных – что наносит непоправимый ущерб престижу воинской службы – в воюющей России!

    Военные должны сплотиться против беззакония зажравшихся и жирующих тыловых беспредельщиков в погонах МВД и прокуратуры. Военным надо объединяться в борьбе с преступниками МВД и защищать свои права в рамках закона, добиваться контроля за правоохранительными органами, которые захвачены коррупционерами и предателями.

    Предателей – к ответу

    МВД – фашистские преступники под крышей ОПГ Колокольцева. Вся коррумпированная система МВД и прокуратуры не защищает народ, а, пользуясь вверенными полномочиями, стремится надругаться над ним и обворовывают его.

    Гестаповцы, исповедующие фашистские принципы во время войны России и фашизмом, предатели Родины, замаскированные погонами МВД и прокурорскими погонами, должны быть осуждены как предатели, заслуженная кара настигнет их в полном соответствии с законом в ближайшее время!

    #Лайф-из-Гуд #Гермес #Бест Вей

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    Шарлатан всея Руси.
    Представляется как Моисеев Георгий Валерьянович, пайщик кооператива «Бест Вей», профессиональный юрист.

    На самом же деле корыстный прилипала, необразованный, непорядочный, лживый и хитрый мерзавец, наживающийся на проблемах пайщиков.
    А вот что он научился делать профессионально, так это оборачивать в свою материальную выгоду сложные ситуации людей, обращающихся к нему за помощью.
    Неприкрыто лжет в проводимых эфирах, в комментариях своего чата, и завуалировано, а чаще открыто пытается очернить действующее руководство и защитников кооператива «Бест Вей».

    А еще и появилась информация о сотрудничестве Гуру –Георгия с правоохранительными органами. В целях избежать личной ответственности и поскорее разрушить кооператив «Бест Вей». Так, наши источники располагают информацией о том, что в октябре 2024 года было принято решение об отказе в возбуждении уголовного дела в отношении Георгия Моисеева. При этом в показаниях, данных Георгием, присутствуют очень интересные моменты, как, например, полное отречение от владения чатом «Мифы о компании» … и другие …

    Ну и венец его «профессионализма» – это вопиющие ляпы при проведении видеовстреч.

    Одни из последних:
    Эфир от 25.11.2024 г.: На вопрос пайщика, как всё же должна быть подана жалоба на решение суда о незаконности деятельности ПК, Георгий ответил: Подавать от неопределенного круга лиц … (у слушающих Георгия юристов –«кровь из ушей»).

    Тот же эфир: было сказано про «отзыв на апелляционную жалобу».
    Ч. 2. Ст. 325 ГПК РФ: «Лица, участвующие в деле, вправе представить в суд первой инстанции возражения в письменной форме …»
    Профессиональные юристы используют терминологию в соответствии с процессуальными нормами –если отзыв, то отзыв, если возражения, то –возражения…
    Человеку без специального образования это ни о чем не скажет, а вот настоящему профессионалу ухо изрядно режет.

    Список будем продолжать …

    Теперь по порядку и доступно.

    “Если друг оказался вдруг”

    Если человек в свое время сделал благое дело, проявлял себя как верный помощник, значит ли это, что он действительно действовал искренне, имея желание помочь и спасти нуждающихся в помощи и спасении?

    Или он пытался показаться соратником и сподвижником, потому что было выгодно двигаться сообща? Потому что одни шли с благой целью спасти и помочь, а нашему лжедругу Георгию так было надо? Что бы собрать как можно больше людей, нуждающихся в помощи и поддержке? Ведь это очень уязвимая категория- они готовы поверить не проверяя, лишь бы маяк надежды не угасал. И вот, на растерянности и боли людей, Георгий собирает огромное количество человек, доказывает свою якобы бескорыстность, и, добившись беззаветной веры в него, как в мессию, понемногу начинает продвигать свои отнюдь не благие идеи.

    До лета 2024 года он понемногу обирал людей – на заключении договоров цессии, на установлении права собственности на объект недвижимости, на правовых консультациях и, наверное, на хлеб хватало …

    Но в октябре 2024 года перед нашим шарлатаном замаячило уголовное преследование… Задумаемся: мог вызов, допрос или другие следственные действия так повлиять на кардинальный разворот мыслей человека? За какие ниточки подергали наши недруги, чем припугнули: карьера, репутация, семья, свобода? Мы уже видели шантаж, запугивания, угрозы реальным заключением. И не каждому удалось выдержать давление. Кто-то выбрал путь наименьшего сопротивления и стал играть сам за себя. А кто-то стал играть против своих, ради спасения или ради выгоды.

    И тут Георгия от страха п(р)онесло …

    Несколько мыслей для рассуждения

    Кардинальная смена позиции

    Буквально недавно мы слышали лозунги и призывы наказать, взыскать, посадить недругов. И вдруг мы слышим: “Они все правильно делают, мы сами виноваты” Дальше что? “Давайте придем с повинной головой, согласимся со всеми обвинениями, передадим все НАШЕ имущество, объявим благодарность следственной группе и всем-всем за то, что проявили о нас заботу. А мы, неразумные, никак не хотели понять, что нас защищают. От наших денег, квартир, планов, прав и свобод. Поклонимся в пол. И, возможно, эти заботливые люди простят нас недалёких.”
    К этому мы шли все эти годы борьбы?

    Доверенность под прикрытием

    Несколько фактов:
    руководство кооператива не сдается, отстаивает права пайщиков
    не отдает на растерзание имущество, за каждую квартиру бьётся и в собственность пайщикам передает ОН
    добилось-таки снятия ареста со всех квартир, чтоб люди могли в собственность без лишних проблем переводить ОН
    в судах поддерживает пайщиков, требования по возврату паевых признает
    за деньги на счетах вцепилось мертвой хваткой. Сотни ходатайств и обжалований ради снятия ареста со счетов
    на каждое заседание приезжает председатель и адвокаты
    нашли способ и документы восстанавливать, и налоги оплачивать. Все отчёты в срок сдают.


    Ну что за несговорчивое руководство…С такими “каши не сваришь”

    Значит надо сменить руководство. Но как, если оно законно избранное? Только переизбрать!
    Кто может убедить 20 тысяч человек переизбрать руководство, которое в таких обстоятельствах действует в интересах пайщиков? Но, если подумать, то можно сделать хитрее. Чтобы люди даже и не знали. Надо лишить их права голоса и передать кому-то другому. Можно же это сделать по доверенности.

    Например, под благовидным предлогом запросить у людей доверенности на представление их интересов в суде, но включить пункт о праве голосовать и принимать финансовые решения за этих людей. И всё-дело в шляпе.
    Осталось только найти того, кто может получить такие доверенности и посулить ему что-нибудь. Например, кресло председателя. Или шантажом и запугиванием.
    Это одна из версий резкой смены Георгием политики ранее так горячо отстаиваемой (По нашей версии – это или внезапно состоявшееся сотрудничество с врагами ПК, или же еще вначале задуманный хитрый план. Скорее всего-первое. Потому что у него самого – кишка тонка… Хотя может недооцениваем )

    И тут небольшой экскурс. Доверенности, с таким ажиотажем запрашиваемые у доверчивых пайщиков, в суде первой инстанции почему- то не пригодились. Георгий просидел на скамейке в углу тихонечко, никому не мешая. Ходатайства об участии пайщиков так и не заявил … Активного желания участвовать не проявил. А вот когда доверенности собирал, заявлял так: «имея такое количество доверенностей, я смогу дверь с ноги открыть в суд» (запись имеется). Не открыл. Зачем обещал?

    Стоять! Госпошлина!

    Ещё один повод задуматься об озвученных противоречиях. Нужна доверенность на представление интересов в первой инстанции, в апелляции, но подавать жалобы не надо, так как госпошлина есть. А деньги пайщиков нужно беречь.
    То есть 7000 ? за юридическую консультацию у него – это необходимые траты. А 3000? госпошлина на защиту своих интересов в суде, по подготовленному проекту жалобы и подробной инструкцией – это неразумно
    Вы правда так думаете, что судебный документ, который обезопасит и квартиру, и деньги пайщика – это лишний шаг и неразумные траты?
    А доверенность разве освобождает от оплаты госпошлины? Получаются двойные расходы. Доверенность плюс госпошлина. Так для чего нужна доверенность на самом деле? Может это абзац в доверенности о представлении в судах лишь прикрытие? А ещё можно “случайно” пропустить срок подачи апелляционной жалобы. Если люди доверили ее подачу другому “нужному человеку”. А если не обжаловали, значит согласны с решением.

    Платите на счет

    Продолжается настойчивая рекомендация все платежи вносить на счета кооператива. С пояснением, что ареста на счетах нет. И налоги можно оплатить со счета.

    Но мы уже неоднократно убеждались, что воспользоваться счетами не дадут, пока не пройдет апелляция.
    К тому же, у банков свой начальник – Центробанк. Банки могут отказаться обслуживать “незаконную” организацию. А неоплаченный налог влечет арест счетов и квартир.
    При том, что есть отработанный механизм оплаты через гос.услуги. Стоит ли рисковать? Кому выгодно, чтобы заблокированных денег на счетах ПК становилось больше?

    “Адвокаты не ведают, что творят. Только я могу все исправить”

    В эфирах Моисеева начала транслироваться идея о том, что адвокаты ни на шаг не продвинулись. Никакого толка от них нет. Все суды проигрывают. Некоторые факты о достижениях адвокатов:
    отказ в иске ФНС о признании кооператива банкротом;
    снятие ареста со всех квартир ПК;
    снятие ареста со вновь поступающих средств;
    изменение меры пресечения на домашний арест для троих наших девочек.

    Список будем продолжать …

    И рассмотрим, какие достижения у нашего “спасателя”:

    помогал пайщикам оформлять право собственности на квартиру после полной выплаты пая. Упустим вопрос о том, сколько стоили эти услуги помощника в комплексе с цессией. Лишь обратим внимание на то что: образец искового заявления предоставлял кооператив. Отзыв для суда готовил кооператив. Положительную судебную практику прикладывал кооператив. Разъяснения, комментарии, инструкции, персональная помощь в заполнении – все это делалось силами кооператива. И все это бесплатно. А потом ещё кооператив добился от Росреестра, чтобы аресты с квартир сняли на основании полученного адвокатами кооператива Постановления.
    Ай яй яй … Кажется, кто-то потерял весомую часть заработка И, кажется, кому-то было бы на руку новое наложение ареста на квартиры. Например, из-за невозможности оплатить налоги.
    иски об административном правонарушении – ни одного выигранного.
    порядка 60 выигранных дел “о неосновательном обогащении” в разных инстанциях.
    Этим он действительно очень помог многим людям. И сложилась устойчивая судебная практика по этому вопросу. Это бесспорная помощь людям.
    Только к кооперативу это не имеет никакого отношения!
    И поймите, что это 60 одинаковых гражданских дел. Когда нашел путь, как выигрывать, потом остаётся только фамилии в отзывах менять. И действовать по шаблону. Тем более, что противоположная сторона подаёт такие же шаблонные иски.
    И известны имена других юристов –честных и порядочных, занимающихся такими же делами, и не кричащих из каждого утюга, что они незаменимы и срочно нужно избрать их Председателями всея кооперативов.
    Думайте. Может быть для Вас создали иллюзию всегда выигрывающего юриста? А на самом деле это только шаблонные дела совершенно другого профиля.
    Так как же он может помочь адвокатам кооператива, если положительного опыта в этом ключе у него нет. Почему так настаивает на вхождении в процесс и так настойчиво требует сотрудничества?
    Кому необходима эта помощь? Может быть это в интересах наших недругов?

    Если с “нужным человеком” будут адвокаты ПК сотрудничать, делиться документами, наработками, идеями.. Кто от этого будет в плюсе? Недруги будут знать о каждом шаге адвокатов наперед. И смогут нейтрализовать старания. Ура. Занавес.

    “Почта у них неофициальная”
    Странно, что только сейчас электронная почта кооператива стала подвергаться сомнению и официальности. Совсем недавно, зарабатывая деньги на цессиях, Моисеев не стеснялся отправлять именно на эту почту запросы для пайщиков. За справками/договорами цессии/расчётами он сам обращался именно на эту электронную почту. А теперь она стала “левой”. И эта мысль активно людям внушается в видеоэфирах.
    Что же случилось с почтой именно сейчас? Кооператив не пошел слепо на поводу у чьих-то желаний?

    Инициативная группа, выходи!

    Уже дважды или трижды в видеоэфирах проскальзывала фраза о том, что наш товарищ-спасатель советуется с некой инициативной группой из госорганов. Это не волонтеры, которые действительно защищают свои регионы. Это какая-то другая группа лиц, никому не известная и вопросы о которой активно удаляются из чата, который Моисееву с его слов в полиции «не принадлежит».

    И немного юмора

    Урок математики в школе.
    – сколько будет дважды два?
    Мойша с первой парты:
    – а мы покупаем или продаем?

    Всегда надо помнить древнейшую мудрость: “Не сотвори себе кумира”. Ведь у “кумира” могут быть свои планы. Сопоставляйте факты.
    Всем здравомыслия.

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    Ginzan Onsen, a popular Japanese hot spring town known for its scenic snowy views, has begun limiting entry to day trippers during winter peak season, becoming another destination to tackle overtourism amid the country’s record influx of travelers.

    Located in the Yamagata region about 260 miles north of Tokyo, the onsen is one of the most famous in Japan, drawing around 330,000 visitors each year.

    Travelers from around the world flock to the 300-year-old town during winter not only for a dip in the onsen but its picturesque scenery of traditional Edo-period buildings blanketed in snow – speculated to be the inspiration for Oscar-winning animator Hayao Miyazaki’s film Spirited Away.

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    Согласно данным исследования Университета онлайн-образования, 78% студентов отмечают, что возможность самостоятельно выбирать график занятий позволяет им сохранять мотивацию на протяжении всего курса. Кроме того, гибкость позволяет студентам адаптировать обучение под свою занятость, что делает его идеальным решением для работающих специалистов и родителей.
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    Two of Europe’s great capitals are now linked by their first direct high-speed train connection. Germany’s Deutsche Bahn introduced a daytime InterCity Express (ICE) service between Paris and Berlin on December 16 and is planning to add a second route between the two capitals in 2026.

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    Criminal Andrey Alistarov: From a Criminal Past to a Criminal Present
    Who Is Andrey Alistarov and Why Is Everyone Talking About Him
    Andrey Alistarov is a notorious figure in today’s media landscape. His shameful past—selling narcotics (including to minors!)—was merely a prelude to an even more despicable present. Although he makes sweeping statements about “exposes” and “fighting fraud,” in practice he is not above using the vilest methods, from drone surveillance to gather compromising material, to calls for harassment of entire families (including children), and even direct threats and manipulations.
    In essence, Alistarov has built his activities on several corrupt pillars:
    Blackmail and Extortion. Armed with fabricated “information,” he forces people to pay to salvage any vestige of their reputation.
    Deceit and Financial Schemes. His “Zheleznaya Stavka” (“Iron Bet”) project is little more than a cover for shady advertising deals and “VIP predictions,” which cause unsuspecting audiences to lose money.
    Blatant Violations of Russian, UAE, and EU Laws. Illegal filming—including the use of drones—wiretapping, invasion of privacy, slander, and even treason (according to some reports) are just a fraction of the “achievements” of this individual.
    Public interest in Alistarov is fueled by his skill at manipulating audiences. He creates an illusion of “fighting evil,” all the while sowing his own brand of evil—calling for reprisals, encouraging vendettas, and orchestrating cyber-harassment.

    Born on March 6, 1985, in Kaluga, Andrey Alistarov set foot on a crooked path early in life, delving into crime. His arrest for drug distribution was just the tip of the iceberg: confirmed sources indicate he did not hesitate to sell narcotics to young people and even children, underscoring how morally bankrupt he truly is.
    Once in prison, Alistarov did not reform—in fact, according to former inmates, he developed even worse tendencies. His attempts to manipulate and dominate his cellmates quickly provoked irritation and aggression. Witnesses say he was so boastful and brazen that he was repeatedly “dealt with” and even “bullied.” Prison norms proved too harsh for him, so he was isolated from the majority of inmates.
    Yet instead of learning a lesson, Alistarov viewed his surroundings as a crash course in intimidation. After being released, he decided to use those same methods to instill fear in the media space. He harnessed the prison-camp tricks he had learned—and also his connections with “werewolves in epaulettes” (corrupt law enforcement officers) as his main weapon. Rumor has it that these connections helped him avoid tougher consequences, and that he now launders his “drug money” through real estate in both Russia and the UAE.

    Blackmail and Extortion: How Andrey Alistarov Profits From Fear
    At first glance, Alistarov’s activities may seem “investigative,” but at their core lies a well-structured system of blackmail. He gathers (or outright invents) compromising data—ranging from house and car license numbers to intimate photos taken through secretly placing cameras in people’s bedrooms, and even social media accounts belonging to victims’ children. Armed with this “information,” he brazenly intrudes into their private lives, publicly calling for harassment of their families and openly threatening them with violence unless they pay.
    A typical tactic involves filming “pilot” videos in which he hurls vile insults at the victim and their loved ones. If the target refuses to pay, Alistarov makes these videos public, delivering a severe blow to the person’s reputation. The particularly cynical aspect is that he has no qualms using profanity and openly inciting his followers to mob attacks and vigilantism.
    People from all walks of life have fallen prey to Alistarov: oligarchs, bankers, agribusiness figures, and even other bloggers. Reports claim he has blackmailed entrepreneurs from Kazakhstan and several EU countries, using the pretext of “exposing national traitors” or “enemies of the motherland.” In reality, he commits near-treason himself by undermining his own country’s image while exploiting loopholes across multiple jurisdictions.
    He has reportedly earned millions of dollars in “hush money.” Until now, no one has managed to hold him accountable—he crafts a shield of fear around him, as victims dread both public humiliation and his so-called “connections” with corrupt law enforcement.

    The “Zheleznaya Stavka” Project: From Bets to Phony Exposes
    The “Zheleznaya Stavka” Telegram channel was initially introduced as a hub for honest sports betting insights and a platform exposing shady bookmakers. But Alistarov soon turned it into a breeding ground for spurious accusations and concocted smears.
    Phony Exposes: A New Tool of Coercion
    Over time, the channel’s content began to resemble a dump of fabricated stories. Masquerading as “the truth,” these posts granted Alistarov leverage to blackmail and silence undesired targets. Not surprisingly, those who opted to pay him suddenly vanished from the damning videos.
    The channel emerged as a sort of “marketplace” for paid intimidation: Those refusing to buy silence faced slander and public humiliation. Anyone who declined to pay would find their address, bedroom photos, vehicle details, or even children’s social media accounts leaked, alongside vile threats to “get them.”
    Manipulating His Audience
    Subscribers to “Zheleznaya Stavka,” naively regarding Alistarov as a “heroic crusader,” fall for his sensational accusations without realizing they are empowering a criminal. Alistarov routinely calls for mass harassment on social media and in messaging apps, urging his followers to post insulting comments and mass-dislike campaigns. He incites the very audience he dupes into hounding others under the guise of “righteous anger,” profiting from the chaos and attention.
    Paradoxical “Fight” Against Fraud
    It is both laughable and sickening to watch a man who loudly proclaims “honesty” and “truth-seeking” while simultaneously collaborating with suspicious betting firms, pocketing a cut of the losses incurred by his subscribers. Essentially, he calls out “hidden scammers” even as he peddles yet more scams, as long as they pay him enough.

    Conflict With Pavel Mozgovoy: How Andrey Alistarov Undermines Trust
    One major scandal revolving around Alistarov was his conflict with blogger Pavel Mozgovoy.
    Broken Promises To Promote a YouTube Channel
    Alistarov promised Mozgovoy 20,000 subscribers for a million rubles. Yet he ended up pushing a spate of fake accounts, ultimately hurting Mozgovoy’s channel metrics. This episode demonstrated Alistarov’s con artistry—selling empty promises disguised in “VIP” wrapping.
    Exploiting Personal Ties for Loans
    Instead of a legitimate partnership, Alistarov kept borrowing money from Mozgovoy by abusing personal trust and a semblance of “friendship.” The debts mounted, yet the funds were never repaid. Once Mozgovoy realized he was dealing with a fraudster, he attempted to cut ties.
    Smear Tactics After the Split
    Naturally, Alistarov couldn’t bow out quietly. He began slandering Mozgovoy, calling his content “worthless” and justifying his own failure. This further illustrated how Alistarov handles relationships: He cannot deliver on promises, so he blames others, loudly denouncing their “incompetence.”

    Alistarov as an Organizer of Crimes in the UAE and the EU?
    Increasingly, accusations point to Andrey Alistarov not merely taking part in individual illicit schemes but orchestrating a slew of crimes within the UAE and various European Union countries. According to certain investigations and witnesses:
    Involvement in Organized Crime (OCG)
    Alistarov is said to be a central “link” in criminal enterprises specializing in blackmail, extortion, and violent intimidation of entrepreneurs.
    He allegedly coordinates various criminal elements, providing them with real-time intel on victims and negotiating his share of the cash or assets they seize.
    Mastermind Behind Attacks on Businesspeople
    Multiple anonymous sources claim that Alistarov not only “exposes” people in his videos but also plots physical attacks on them.
    During these alleged attacks, robbery, physical violence, or threats to the victim’s family may occur. Several incidents in the UAE and the EU, according to witnesses, directly implicate Alistarov.
    Possible Additional Criminal Charges
    Given such allegations, multiple legal experts and victims believe Alistarov should face charges for robbery, attempted murder, and involvement in armed raids.
    Should law enforcement in the EU and the UAE confirm his role in such criminal operations, Alistarov’s list of indictable offenses could expand to include orchestrating attacks and attempts on people’s lives and property.

    January 1: An Attack Arranged by Criminal Andrey Alistarov
    On January 1, 2025, a brazen assault took place in Dubai (UAE) against Edward Sabirov, the founder of “Finiko.” Sources privy to the incident and circumstantial evidence point to none other than Andrey Alistarov—previously accused of blackmail, extortion, and ties to organized crime—as the mastermind.
    Break-In and Theft
    Two Kazakh nationals, Anorbek Tyumibayev and Yesbolat Kenzhegazy, broke into Sabirov’s private villa.
    During the attack, they stole 1.2 million dirhams (approx. USD 327,000), causing damage to Sabirov and his wife.
    Alistarov’s Role in the Crime
    Alistarov allegedly provided these intruders with precise details of Sabirov’s whereabouts and the large sums of money on site.
    Reportedly, Alistarov had personal animosity toward Sabirov and, seeking quick profit, “leaked” the intel to his criminal associates.
    The objective: to extort funds from Sabirov, with Alistarov expecting a portion of the proceeds as his cut for orchestrating the attack.
    Criminal Scheme and the Perpetrators’ Escape
    After the robbery, the two Kazakh men quickly left the UAE on Flight FZ-989 bound for Moscow.
    Learning that the crime was cross-border, Dubai police sent official requests to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and Turkish border authorities.
    Alistarov the Professional Criminal
    Over the years, Alistarov has repeatedly surfaced in cases concerning blackmail and extortion, reinforcing the theory that he is deeply involved in criminal enterprises.
    He has long operated beyond the bounds of the law, leveraging both informational pressure (exposes, defamation) and outright physical violence by organizing attacks on entrepreneurs.
    Criminal Prospects
    Alistarov now faces a substantial array of potential criminal charges: from aiding and abetting an armed robbery to orchestrating an assault and endangering people’s lives.
    Clearly, these acts are far beyond “typical” extortion or blackmail—they represent blatant criminal intimidation, potentially incurring prosecution in multiple jurisdictions at once.
    The events of January 1, 2025, prove once again that Andrey Alistarov is more than just a scandal-hunting blogger or “whistleblower.” He is an individual deeply ensnared in organized crime. His orchestrated attack on Edward Sabirov confirms his criminal reputation: a man willing to carry out unlawful surveillance, persecution, infiltration of private homes, and violent assaults on business owners in the UAE and the EU—for his own gain.

    Key Areas for Law Enforcement in the EU and the UAE
    Below is a list of crucial issues law enforcement should examine when investigating Andrey Alistarov’s possible role in unlawful actions and in coordinating attacks on businesspeople:
    Systematic Surveillance and Monitoring

    Determine what technical tools (drones, hidden cameras, digital eavesdropping) might have been used to gather data on victims.
    Identify who supplies these tools and provides related services.
    Investigate communication channels (social media, messaging apps, email) used to exchange data on potential targets.
    Coordination and Collaboration with Organized Crime

    Investigate ties Alistarov may have with known organized criminal groups in Russia, Kazakhstan, the UAE, and EU states.
    Gather information about phone records, financial transactions to or from persons and companies associated with perpetrators.
    Note how frequently Alistarov and his associates cross borders and the real purpose of such travel.
    Financial Flows and Offshore Schemes

    Conduct an exhaustive financial audit of Alistarov’s accounts and transactions, deploying international monitoring mechanisms.
    Check whether any sums were funneled to offshore accounts directly after attacks or extortion attempts.
    Ascertain whether there were any hasty moves to sell or buy real estate at the time of these crimes, as a way to launder proceeds.
    Repeated Cases of Harassment and Attacks

    Collect all complaints and statements from individuals claiming Alistarov targeted them for harassment or assault.
    Compare timelines to see how, when, and where incidents took place, identifying a pattern or common “handwriting.”
    Interview witnesses who may confirm his role in incitement or orchestration.
    Review of Internet Content

    Examine Alistarov’s online statements, videos, and posts that may directly or indirectly incite violence, blackmail, or defamation against businesspeople.
    Determine whether he revealed victims’ private details (addresses, family info, property photos) and encouraged his audience to commit violent acts.
    Legal Coordination Between Countries

    Enhance information-sharing among Dubai (UAE) police, Interpol, and law enforcement in EU member states.
    Pursue an extradition request or an arrest warrant if Alistarov is located in a particular jurisdiction and officially charged with transnational crimes.
    If needed, involve financial regulators (to trace transactions and freeze accounts) and border agencies (to track movement).
    A thorough inquiry into Alistarov’s finances and communications would be essential to stop him (and his co-conspirators). Gathering concrete evidence—digital traces, witness statements, transaction analyses—and close cooperation with international agencies can confirm his involvement in systematic assaults and persecution across the UAE, EU, and other nations.

    Violations of UAE and EU Laws
    1. United Arab Emirates
    The UAE enforces strict measures to protect private property and combat violent crimes. There are also comprehensive laws on cybersecurity and surveillance (drones, hidden cameras), as well as financial transactions.
    Federal Law No. 3 of 1987 (UAE Penal Code)

    Robbery, assault, violent crimes, trespassing onto private property.
    Aiding or abetting a crime: If Alistarov acted as organizer or instigator, he shares criminal liability with direct perpetrators.
    UAE Cybercrime Law

    Applies if personal data about the victim was obtained illegally (hacking, high-tech surveillance, etc.).
    Money Laundering and Financial Crimes

    If stolen funds are laundered via shell companies, the offender faces strict AML (Anti-Money Laundering) laws, punishable by prison terms and heavy fines—potentially including deportation.
    2. European Union
    Alongside overarching EU legislation (directives and regulations), each member state has its own criminal code. If Alistarov or his accomplices acted on EU territory or prepared their actions from EU member states, the following provisions may be relevant:
    National Criminal Codes

    Robbery, assault, violent crimes vary by terminology, but the essence is the same.
    Participation, organization, and incitement to commit crimes.
    Attempted murder or infliction of harm if there were threats or actual injury.
    Article 8 of the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights)

    Protects the right to privacy; any illegal collection of personal data (surveillance, doxing, hacking) may be construed as a violation.
    GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation)

    If personal data (address, contact details, etc.) was used illegally to plan the attack.
    Although the act of assault itself isn’t regulated by GDPR, the unauthorized sharing or stealing of personal information violates data protection rules.
    Laws Against Incitement to Violence (Hate Speech or Public Incitement)

    Publicly encouraging violence or assault—be it online or offline—can be a separate criminal offense in several EU countries.

    Additional Factors
    International Jurisdiction
    If an assault or extortion spanned multiple countries (leaving the UAE for Russia, potential stops in EU nations, etc.), Alistarov could face an international conspiracy or agreement for financial gain. Interpol might be involved to track him down and possibly extradite him.

    Aggravating Circumstances
    Organized group attacks, large-scale theft, and use or threat of violence can all significantly increase penalties in each jurisdiction involved.

    Investigative Complexity
    With potentially multiple countries involved—UAE, EU member states, Russia, Kazakhstan—cross-border collaboration among law enforcement is crucial, but complicated.

    Considering the allegations and Andrey Alistarov’s suspected role as organizer or accomplice to attacks in the UAE and alleged preparatory activities in the EU, he could face charges for:
    Organizing/committing robbery or assault (UAE, EU).
    Illegal entry and property damage (UAE).
    Involvement in OCG, incitement to violence (UAE, EU).
    Breach of privacy rights (ECHR, GDPR).
    Money laundering and financial crimes (UAE, EU), if stolen funds were funneled through offshore or European bank accounts.
    Each offense may bring severe legal repercussions, up to lengthy prison terms, steep fines, and international arrest warrants.

    Violations of Law in Alistarov’s Videos
    His disgraceful “exposes” regularly infringe upon the law in multiple jurisdictions—Russia, the EU, and the UAE.
    Privacy Rights
    Alistarov fully exploits banned surveillance methods—drones, hidden cameras, or hacking—invading victims’ yards and homes. He then posts footage from their bedrooms, personal videos, scans of documents, and even photos of children in revealing situations, including addresses and license plates. All of this blatantly violates personal boundaries.
    Article 8 of the ECHR: Grossly disregards the right to privacy by dumping personal details online.
    GDPR Violation: No consent is obtained for publishing names, photos, addresses.
    YouTube Policy: Offensive language and publication of private data without permission clearly violate platform guidelines.
    Defamation and Reputational Damage
    Alistarov is notorious for making utterly false allegations against companies and individuals. His aim is obvious—pressure, intimidation, forcing them to pay or remain silent.
    EU Defamation Law: He spreads false statements, deliberately undermining reputations.
    Section 187 of the German Criminal Code: Willful defamation meant to discredit; Alistarov’s “creative” repertoire includes it all.
    Deceptive Practices and Platform Rules
    Article 10 of the ECHR: Freedom of expression has limits when it comes to persecution, calls for mass harassment, and defamation.
    EU Directive 2005/29/EC: Alistarov misleads his audience about the activities of “exposed” companies, while masking his own wrongdoing.

    Theft of Video Content: Another Tool in Alistarov’s Arsenal
    Andrey Alistarov doesn’t stop at blackmail, defamation, and calls for harassment; he is also frequently cited for systematically stealing video materials. Under the guise of “investigative stories,” Alistarov brazenly lifts content from other channels or sources, passing them off as his own “unique evidence.”
    Unlawful Use of Copyrighted Materials

    He regularly ignores copyright, downloading material from fellow bloggers, independent journalists, and social media.
    Often clips are stripped of context, then re-edited and framed as “exclusive” or “proof,” without disclosing the real sources.
    Hijacking Others’ Work Under His Name

    Periodically, he lays claim to investigations he did not conduct, concealing the original authors and presenting stolen work as his own.
    This tactic sustains the illusion of Alistarov being a “tireless whistleblower,” while in reality he merely repackages stolen materials with inflammatory commentary.
    Misleading the Audience

    Many viewers fail to realize that much of his footage is stolen. They are misled by Alistarov’s deceptive narrative and references to non-existent sources.
    Thus, he not only robs legitimate creators but also fools his own audience into believing in his “exclusive insights.”
    Impact on Genuine Content Creators

    Scores of bloggers and journalists complain that Alistarov profits from their work, sapping their revenue and undermining their channel growth.
    Attempts to confront him often provoke aggression and threats, further intensifying his cycle of blackmail.
    By stealing others’ video content, Alistarov accelerates the production of “sensational stories,” fueling his self-styled image as a relentless exposer—when, in reality, it’s just plain theft of someone else’s intellectual property.

    Criminal Case
    Putting all the criminal allegations against Andrey Alistarov together reveals he deserves more than public condemnation—he merits genuine criminal prosecution. His violations of citizens’ rights, calls for harassment and violence, explicit insults, and illegal use of drones to intrude upon private estates in the EU and the UAE represent more than just a “media scandal.” They add up to an extensive catalog of criminal offenses.
    According to many victims, Alistarov should have been held to account long ago. But he deftly exploits the fragmentation of different nations’ legal systems and leverages connections he has in various circles. He also launders drug money using high-end real estate—buying property in the UAE and Russia to “clean” revenue earned from narcotics sales (reportedly including sales to minors).

    Criminals Don’t Change
    Andrey Alistarov’s saga demonstrates just how low one can sink—starting with drug dealing and culminating in brazen calls for vigilantism against those who oppose him. He continues unabated, sowing fear and exploiting those who worry about their families, reputations, and personal safety.
    Today, he paints himself as an “investigator” and a “champion of justice,” but the facts tell a different story. The only one profiting from his exploits is himself and his “benefactors” within law enforcement’s crooked ranks—“werewolves in uniform.”
    If society turns a blind eye to such behavior, Alistarov and those like him will keep terrorizing people, destroying lives and fattening their wallets with dirty money. We cannot allow “heroes” of this kind to feed on the public’s fears and vulnerabilities.
    Instead of ignoring what he does, we should openly spotlight Alistarov’s crimes and demand that he be punished to the full extent of the law—calling for him to be held responsible for defamation, incitement to violence, narcotics distribution, and flagrant violations of Russian, EU, UAE, and other jurisdictions’ statutes.
    Only by doing so can we show that neither his “jailhouse experience,” nor his loud slogans, nor his false reputation as a “whistleblower” will shield him from true evil. The accusations that Andrey Alistarov masterminds attacks on entrepreneurs and collaborates with organized crime groups further blacken his name. If even a portion of these allegations is verified by law enforcement, his chances of evading prosecution will drop to zero.
    Simultaneously, the risk of harsher legal charges grows, since this is about more than just financial misconduct and blackmail—this is about outright attempts on people’s well-being and property.

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  643. What New Glenn will do
    In some ways, New Glenn has already made its mark on the launch industry. Blue Origin has for years pitched the rocket to compete with both SpaceX and United Launch Alliance — a joint venture of Boeing and Lockheed Martin that buys engines from Blue Origin — for lucrative military launch contracts.
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    The US Space Force selected Blue Origin, ULA and SpaceX in June to compete for $5.6 billion worth of Pentagon contracts for national security missions slated to launch over the next four years.
    Blue Origin also has deals with several commercial companies to launch satellites. The contracts include plans to help deploy Amazon’s Kuiper internet satellites and a recently inked deal with AST SpaceMobile to help launch the Midland, Texas-based company’s space-based cellular broadband network.

    New Glenn could also be instrumental in building Blue Origin’s planned space station, called Orbital Reef. Blue Origin and it commercial partners, including Sierra Space and Boeing, among others, hope the station will one day provide a new destination for astronauts as the International Space Station is phased out of service.
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    New Glenn vs. other powerful rockets
    New Glenn packs significant power. Dubbed a “heavy-lift” vehicle, its capabilities lie between SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket and the more powerful Falcon Heavy launch vehicle.

    SpaceX’s workhorse Falcon 9, for example, can haul up to 22.8 metric tons (50,265 pounds) to space. While New Glenn is capable of carrying about double that mass, it may also be roughly the same price as a Falcon 9: reportedly around $60 million to $70 million per launch.

    “I think in order to compete with Falcon 9, you have to go head-to-head or better on price,” said Caleb Henry, the director of research at Quilty Space, which provides data and analysis about the space sector.

    The question, however, is whether Blue Origin will be able to sustain a competitive price point, Henry added.

    Still, one feature that makes New Glenn stand out is its large payload fairing, or nose cone. The component protects the cargo bay and is a whopping 23 feet (7 meters) wide — nearly 6 feet (2 meters) larger than that of SpaceX’s Falcon 9 or Falcon Heavy.

    Henry said Blue Origin likely opted to outfit New Glenn with such a large fairing in order to help fulfill Bezos’ vision of the future.

  644. What’s on board this flight
    Blue Origin had planned to launch a pair of Mars-bound satellites on behalf of NASA for the first flight of New Glenn.

    But delays with the rocket’s development prompted the space agency to change course, moving that flight to this spring at the earliest. So for this inaugural flight, Blue Origin opted to instead fly a “demonstrator” that will test technology needed for the company’s proposed Blue Ring spacecraft — which will aim to serve as a sort of in-space rideshare vehicle, dragging satellites deeper into space when needed.
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    The demonstrator on this New Glenn flight will remain aboard the rocket for the entire six-hour flight, Blue Origin said, and it will validate “communications capabilities from orbit to ground” as well as “test its in-space telemetry, tracking and command hardware, and ground-based radiometric tracking.”

    The Blue Ring Pathfinder demonstrator is part of a deal Blue Origin inked with the US Department of Defense’s Defense Innovation Unit.
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    Why Blue Origin wants to reuse rockets
    Similar to SpaceX, Blue Origin is aiming to recover and refly its first-stage rocket boosters in a bid to make launches less expensive.

    “Reusability is integral to radically reducing cost-per-launch,” the company said in a recent news release, using the same oft-repeated sentiment that SpaceX has touted since it began landing rocket boosters in 2015.
    Bezos, however, has acknowledged the importance of reusing rocket parts since he founded the company in 2000 — two years before Musk established SpaceX. And the company has already developed its suborbital New Shepard tourism rocket to be reusable.
    “It’s not a copy cat game,” Henry said. “Blue Origin has been pursuing reusable vehicles since before reusable vehicles were cool. Now it’s much more of a mainstream idea (because of SpaceX). The difference is that it’s taken Blue Origin so much longer to get to orbit.”

    If successful, returning the New Glenn rocket booster for a safe landing will be a stunning feat. After expending most of its fuel to propel the rocket’s upper stage to space, the first-stage booster will need to make a clean separation. The booster must then maneuver with pinpoint guidance and reignite its engines with precision timing to avoid crashing into the ocean or the Jacklyn recovery platform.

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    Claim Your Rewards: Monitor your earnings and claim your rewards at your convenience.
    Explore More Benefits
    Aside from staking, Convex Finance offers a unique opportunity to participate in liquidity pools and yield farming initiatives. These options provide you with multiple avenues to enhance your total returns on investments.

    Start Staking Today
    Visit the official website to learn more about which pools and strategies offer the best returns. Take action today and secure your financial future with Convex Finance’s powerful staking solutions.

    Understanding Convex Finance: Boost Your DeFi Earnings
    As decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to grow, Convex Finance emerges as a powerful tool for users looking to optimize their Curve Finance (CRV) earnings. Whether you’re a seasoned crypto enthusiast or a newcomer, understanding how Convex Finance works can significantly enhance your income from DeFi investments.

    What is Convex Finance?
    Convex Finance is a platform that allows liquidity providers (LPs) and CRV stakers to earn higher returns without locking CRV. It achieves this by leveraging specific tokenomics to maximize yield earnings for users, while simplifying the staking process.

    How Convex Finance Works
    Here’s a breakdown of how Convex Finance operates:

    Increased Yield: Convex offers LPs additional rewards on top of the incentives already provided by Curve Finance. This maximizes your DeFi returns.
    Platform Flexibility: Unlike traditional staking, Convex Finance enables users to stake either LP tokens or CRVs without enduring long lock-up periods.
    Reward Distribution: Participants earn not just from Curve rewards but also receive a share of fees distributed by the platform, further increasing potential earnings.
    Benefits of Using Convex Finance
    There are several reasons to consider using Convex Finance:

    Efficient Yield Optimization: Convex Finance combines yields from multiple sources, providing a streamlined way for users to maximize their earnings.
    Lower Commitment: Users can earn rewards without the need for long lock-up periods, maintaining greater liquidity and flexibility.
    Community Support: With an active community and ongoing development, Convex Finance regularly updates its platform features to ensure high performance and security.
    Getting Started with Convex Finance
    To begin using Convex, you’ll need to connect a compatible crypto wallet and deposit your Curve LP tokens. Once connected, you can decide on the best strategy for your investment needs, benefiting from the enhanced yields available on this innovative DeFi platform.

    Overall, Convex Finance represents an evolving landscape in decentralized finance, offering a compelling option for maximizing CRV earnings with minimal staking constraints. Explore this platform to leverage its full potential and take advantage of the thriving DeFi ecosystem.

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  671. Introducing the Zircuit Token System
    The Zircuit token, a pivotal element in the blockchain landscape, plays a crucial role in enabling efficient transactions and offering enhanced security. Designed for seamless integration into various platforms, it aims to revolutionize the way digital currencies are perceived and utilized.
    Key Advantages of the Zircuit Token
    Enhanced Security: Security is a core benefit of utilizing the Zircuit token. By employing advanced cryptographic techniques, it ensures that transactions are secure, safeguarding user data and funds from potential threats.
    Scalable Transactions: Zircuit token is engineered for scalability, allowing for a large number of transactions per second. This capability promises efficiency even as user numbers grow, ensuring smooth operations across digital platforms.
    Low Transaction Fees: One of the significant advantages of using the Zircuit token is the cost-effectiveness of its transactions. It boasts lower fees compared to traditional financial systems, making it an attractive option for users.
    Implementing Zircuit Tokens in Everyday Use
    The implementation of Zircuit tokens into daily transactions is designed to be straightforward. Users can manage their tokens seamlessly through dedicated wallets that offer user-friendly interfaces and robust security. Thanks to its decentralized nature, it enables trustless interactions, where intermediaries are reduced, thereby minimizing costs and enhancing speed.

    Furthermore, Zircuit tokens offer compatibility with various platforms, allowing users to transact with ease across a plethora of services. This flexibility is crucial for both individuals and businesses looking to integrate blockchain technology into their operations.

    In conclusion, the Zircuit token stands as a testament to the evolving nature of digital currencies, offering a secure, scalable, and cost-effective solution for modern financial transactions. As adoption continues to grow, the robustness of the Zircuit token system is likely to play a critical role in shaping the future of digital exchanges.

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  673. Ethena Fi – Your platform for decentralized financial services
    Invest, exchange, and manage your assets with confidence on Ethena Fi
    Discover the power of decentralized finance with Ethena Fi. As the world moves towards decentralized financial solutions, Ethena Fi offers you a platform to explore the limitless possibilities of cryptocurrency investments, exchanges, and asset management.

    At Ethena Fi, we believe in empowering individuals to take control of their financial future. Whether you’re an experienced investor or new to the world of cryptocurrencies, our user-friendly platform provides you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.

    With Ethena Fi, you can:

    Invest in a wide range of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more
    Exchange digital assets quickly and securely
    Manage your portfolio with ease
    Access innovative financial products and services
    Join thousands of users who have already started their journey to financial freedom with Ethena Fi. Sign up today and experience the future of decentralized finance!

  674. Welcome to Vertex Protocol: Revolutionizing DeFi Trading
    Discover the revolutionary Vertex Protocol, your gateway to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) trading. As the crypto landscape rapidly evolves, Vertex Protocol stands at the forefront, providing users with unparalleled seamless trading experiences and enhanced liquidity access.
    vertex protocol trading
    What Makes Vertex Protocol Stand Out?
    Vertex Protocol is more than just a trading platform. It is a designed to empower you with:

    Intuitive User Interface: Navigate the complex world of crypto with ease and efficiency.
    Advanced Security: Enjoy peace of mind with industry-leading security protocols and safeguarding of your assets.
    High Liquidity: Access deep liquidity pools to execute large trades with minimal slippage.
    Diverse Asset Options: Explore a wide array of cryptocurrencies and tokens.
    Unlock Potential with Vertex’s Features
    Leverage the full potential of Vertex Protocol with these standout features:

    Decentralized: Trustless and Secure
    Trading on Vertex ensures transparency and autonomy, free from third-party control, making it a trustless and secure choice for crypto enthusiasts.

    Efficient Trading Engine
    Benefit from fast, efficient trade execution supported by state-of-the-art technology that maximizes your trading efficiency.

    Community Governance
    Be a part of a community-driven , allowing you to have a say in the protocol’s future developments.

    Getting Started with Vertex Protocol
    Embarking on your DeFi journey with Vertex is straightforward. To get started:

    Sign up and create your account.
    Securely connect your wallet.
    Begin trading and explore diverse assets and liquidity options.
    Whether you are a seasoned trader or new to the crypto scene, Vertex Protocol offers the tools and resources you need to succeed.

    Join the Vertex Community
    Participate in webinars, discussions, and forums to stay informed and connected. The vibrant awaits, offering support and insights to enhance your trading journey.

    In conclusion, Vertex Protocol is your ideal partner in navigating the dynamic world of decentralized finance. Start today and experience the future of trading.

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  686. Carrie Underwood slated to perform at Trump’s inauguration
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    Country music star Carrie Underwood is slated to perform “America the Beautiful” at President-elect Donald Trump’s inauguration, according to a copy of the program obtained by CNN and confirmed by a spokesperson for the inaugural committee.

    “I love our country and am honored to have been asked to sing at the Inauguration and to be a small part of this historic event,” Underwood said in a statement to CNN. “I am humbled to answer the call at a time when we must all come together in the spirit of unity and looking to the future.”

    The presidential oath of office will be administered by Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Brett Kavanaugh expected to administer the oath of office to Vice President-elect JD Vance.

    Trump’s inauguration as the 47th president of the United States will take place on January 20 at the US Capitol.

    Underwood is a big get for Trump’s inauguration, considering Hollywood’s Trump blackout over the course of his political career.

    In his first term and throughout the past three elections, Trump has struggled to garner support from major Hollywood stars. At the Republican National Convention last year, the two biggest stars onstage with Trump were musician Kid Rock and retired WWE wrestler Hulk Hogan – a far cry from a superstar at the height of their career, like Underwood.

    The Grammy-winning artist is as high-profile as you can get in country music, not only with numerous platinum hits, but also with public-facing, mainstream business associations. Underwood is the face of Sunday Night Football and is set to make her debut this March as a judge on ABC’s “American Idol” – the singing competition show that catapulted her to fame when she won in 2005.

    While many NFL fans will likely applaud Underwood for singing at the inauguration, any time a celebrity aligns themselves with Trump, they run the risk of alienating left-leaning fans and Hollywood allies.

    Underwood has kept her politics under wraps over the course of her career. In her statement, she did not mention Trump by name and kept her focus on unifying the country – still, Underwood’s decision to publicly align with Trump is a big statement for any star, particularly one as private as the singer.

    Historically, Hollywood has always been closely associated with the Democratic Party, but country stars have always been an outlier, leaning more conservative. In recent years, as new singers join the genre, country music has gotten to be more progressive. This past election cycle, country stars like Mickey Guyton and Maren Morris stood with Vice President Kamala Harris.

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  689. A brief history of sunglasses, from Ancient Rome to Hollywood
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    Sunglasses, or dark glasses, have always guarded against strong sunlight, but is there more to “shades” than we think?

    The pupils of our eyes are delicate and react immediately to strong lights. Protecting them against light — even the brilliance reflected off snow — is important for everyone. Himalayan mountaineers wear goggles for this exact purpose.

    Protection is partly the function of sunglasses. But dark or colored lens glasses have become fashion accessories and personal signature items. Think of the vast and famous collector of sunglasses Elton John, with his pink lensed heart-shaped extravaganzas and many others.

    When did this interest in protecting the eyes begin, and at what point did dark glasses become a social statement as well as physical protection?
    The Roman Emperor Nero is reported as holding polished gemstones to his eyes for sun protection as he watched fighting gladiators.

    We know Canadian far north Copper Inuit and Alaskan Yupik wore snow goggles of many kinds made of antlers or whalebone and with tiny horizontal slits. Wearers looked through these and they were protected against the snow’s brilliant light when hunting. At the same time the very narrow eye holes helped them to focus on their prey.

    In 12th-century China, judges wore sunglasses with smoked quartz lenses to hide their facial expressions — perhaps to retain their dignity or not convey emotions.

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  700. Understanding Rhino Technology
    Rhino technology represents the forefront of digital finance solutions, offering innovative tools for both consumers and businesses. Designed to streamline processes and enhance user experience, Rhino technology stands out as a pivotal development in the financial world.
    rhino swap
    Features of Rhino Technology
    Scalability: Rhino technology is built to grow with user needs, supporting both small operations and larger enterprises with ease.
    Security: Integration of advanced security protocols ensures that transactions and data are protected from unauthorized access.
    User-Friendliness: With a focus on intuitive design, Rhino technology offers an interface that is easy for users of all levels to navigate.
    Applications of Rhino Technology in Finance
    In the financial sector, Rhino technology plays a crucial role in enhancing efficiency and ensuring compliance with industry standards. It empowers users with tools that simplify complex financial operations, making them more accessible and less time-consuming. Beyond financial transactions, Rhino technology aids in data analysis, helping businesses make informed decisions based on real-time analytics.

    In conclusion, Rhino technology is a transformative force in the financial industry. Its ability to provide scalable, secure, and user-friendly solutions positions it as a crucial player in digital finance. As industries continue to evolve, relying on such cutting-edge technology ensures that businesses remain competitive, efficient, and secure.

  701. Understanding Hop Exchange
    Hop Exchange is a groundbreaking platform designed to simplify the process of transferring cryptocurrencies across multiple blockchains. This guide will explore its functionality, benefits, and how you can make the most of its features.
    hop exchange
    What is Hop Exchange?
    Hop Exchange is a decentralized protocol that facilitates efficient and cost-effective cross-chain cryptocurrency transfers. It aims to solve the challenges of interoperability between blockchain networks, enabling seamless asset movement without compromising security or incurring high fees.

    Features of Hop Exchange
    Cross-Chain Compatibility: Easily transfer tokens across different blockchain networks.
    Low Transaction Fees: Enjoy minimized expenses compared to traditional bridging solutions.
    High-Speed Transfers: Experience rapid transaction confirmations and settlements.
    Secure Transactions: Rely on advanced security protocols to protect your assets.
    How Does Hop Exchange Work?
    Hop Exchange functions by employing liquidity pools and multi-chain bridges. When a user initiates a cross-chain transfer, the protocol uses these pools to swap assets between the source and destination chains, effectively minimizing transaction times and costs.

    Benefits of Using Hop Exchange
    Seamless Experience: Eliminate the hassle of navigating multiple platforms for asset transfers.
    Cost Savings: Reduce overhead costs associated with traditional exchanges and bridging services.
    Enhanced Security: Leverage advanced cryptographic techniques to safeguard your transactions.
    DeFi Integration: Integrate easily with decentralized finance platforms, broadening your investment opportunities.
    Getting Started with Hop Exchange
    To start using Hop Exchange, follow these simple steps:

    Connect your digital wallet to the Hop Exchange platform.
    Select the source and destination networks for your transfer.
    Input the amount of cryptocurrency you wish to move and authorize the transaction.
    Confirm the transfer and monitor the progress via the platform’s dashboard.
    With Hop Exchange, you can easily navigate the complex landscape of cryptocurrency with a tool that emphasizes efficiency, affordability, and security. Whether you are an individual investor or a business, Hop Exchange offers the flexibility needed to keep pace with the rapidly evolving blockchain ecosystem.

  702. Welcome to Owlto Finance
    Owlto Finance is your ultimate partner for secure and efficient financial solutions. Whether you’re a personal investor or a large-scale business, we have the services that cater to your financial needs.
    owlto swap
    Why Choose Owlto Finance?
    Choosing the right financial platform is crucial for safeguarding your investments and ensuring growth. Here are some reasons why Owlto Finance stands out:

    Security: Your assets’ safety is our top priority, employing state-of-the-art security measures to protect your finances.
    Efficiency: Our platform is designed for efficiency, ensuring that your transactions are processed seamlessly and quickly.
    User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive and easy to navigate, our platform simplifies your financial management.
    Our Services
    Owlto Finance offers a wide range of services tailored to your specific needs, whether you’re looking to invest, save, or manage your funds better.

    Investment Options: Choose from a variety of investment plans that align with your goals and risk tolerance.
    Savings Accounts: Flexible saving options to grow your money with competitive interest rates.
    Financial Advising: Get expert advice from our team of experienced financial advisors to navigate your financial future.
    Getting Started with Owlto Finance
    Starting your financial journey with Owlto Finance is easy and straightforward:

    Sign Up: Create your account in minutes with our streamlined registration process.
    Customize Your Portfolio: Select from our range of financial products to customize your portfolio according to your needs.
    Monitor and Adjust: Use our tools to track your financial progress and make adjustments as necessary.
    Join Our Community
    At Owlto Finance, you’re not just investing; you’re joining a community of like-minded individuals who value financial freedom and security. Join us today and take control of your financial future.

    For more information, visit our website and start your journey with Owlto Finance now!

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  704. Welcome to SushiSwap: Your Gateway to Decentralized Finance
    SushiSwap is a leading decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that allows users to trade cryptocurrencies directly from their digital wallets. Built on top of the Ethereum blockchain, SushiSwap is designed to offer a seamless, trustless, and secure trading experience.
    sushiswap exchange
    Key Features of SushiSwap
    Here’s what sets SushiSwap apart from other decentralized exchanges:

    Swaps: Instantly swap a wide array of tokens without the need for an intermediary.
    Liquidity Pools: Provide liquidity to earn rewards from transaction fees and Sushi tokens.
    Yield Farming: Stake your tokens and earn additional incentives with high returns.
    Governance: Participate in community decision-making processes to shape the future of the platform.
    How to Use SushiSwap
    Follow these steps to get started on SushiSwap:

    Connect Your Wallet: Select a compatible wallet like MetaMask to interact with the platform securely.
    Select Tokens: Choose the cryptocurrencies you wish to swap.
    Confirm Transaction: Review and confirm your transaction details.
    Manage Liquidity: Optionally, add liquidity to pools and earn rewards.
    Why Choose SushiSwap?
    SushiSwap offers numerous advantages for crypto traders:

    Decentralized control ensures your funds are always under your personal control.
    Competitive fees and rewards mechanisms encourage active participation.
    A diverse range of tokens and pairs expands your trading options.
    Join the SushiSwap community now and transform the way you trade using our state-of-the-art platform.

    Stay Informed
    Stay updated with the latest developments and community news by joining SushiSwap’s social media channels and forums. Unlock the potential of decentralized trading today.

  705. Pendle Finance: Unlocking New Opportunities in DeFi
    As the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) continues to evolve, Pendle Finance is at the forefront, offering innovative solutions for yield and trading. This platform has quickly become a go-to resource for individuals looking to maximize their crypto investments.
    pendle finance
    What is Pendle Finance?
    Pendle Finance is a DeFi protocol designed to provide enhanced yield management opportunities by leveraging tokenization of future yield. It allows users to trade tokenized yield, offering flexibility and potential for optimized earnings.

    Key Features
    Yield Tokenization: Convert future yield into tradable assets, enhancing liquidity.
    Yield Trading: Enter and exit yield positions at strategic times to capitalize on market conditions.
    Multi-Chain Support: Access a wide range of DeFi ecosystems through cross-chain functionality.
    Benefits of Using Pendle Finance
    Pendle Finance provides numerous benefits to its users, making it a compelling choice for DeFi enthusiasts and investors:

    Diversified Investment Options: By tokenizing future yields, Pendle offers a variety of strategies to enhance your investment portfolio.
    Market Flexibility: Trade yield tokens freely, allowing for strategic entry and exit points.
    Enhanced Liquidity: Tokenization increases the liquidity of yields, offering more opportunities for dynamic financial strategies.
    How to Get Started with Pendle
    Embarking on your Pendle Finance journey is straightforward. Follow these steps to unlock the potential of yield trading:

    Create an Account: Set up a user account on the Pendle Finance platform.
    Link Your Wallet: Connect your cryptocurrency wallet to seamlessly manage transactions.
    Start Trading: Explore the available yield tokens and start trading to optimize your returns.
    In a rapidly changing financial landscape, Pendle Finance stands out by offering innovative solutions aimed at enhancing investment opportunities. Whether you are a seasoned DeFi user or a newcomer, Pendle provides tools and resources to empower your financial growth. Join the community and start unlocking the potential of your investments today!

  706. Understanding Etherscan: Your Gateway to Ethereum
    Etherscan is a powerful Ethereum block explorer and analytics platform. It enables users to view transactions, check cryptocurrency balances, and track the status of smart contracts on the public Ethereum blockchain. Whether you’re an investor or a developer, Etherscan offers the tools you need to navigate the Ethereum ecosystem efficiently.
    etherscan wallet
    What Can You Do on Etherscan?
    Track Transactions: Enter a wallet address to see all associated transactions, including timestamp, amount, and status.
    Verify Smart Contracts: Check the code and state of any smart contract deployed on Ethereum.
    Monitor Gas Fees: Stay updated on current gas prices to optimize transaction costs.
    Explore Blockchain Data: Access detailed analytics on network activity and token transfers.
    How to Use Etherscan
    Using Etherscan is straightforward. Simply and enter the information you wish to explore. Here’s a quick guide:

    Search for an Ethereum Address: Input the address in the search bar to view its transaction history.
    Check Transaction Status: Enter the transaction hash ID to monitor its progress.
    Analyze Tokens: Use the token tracker to see movement and analytics for specific tokens.
    Benefits of Using Etherscan
    One of the primary benefits of Etherscan is the transparency it brings to the Ethereum blockchain. Here are some reasons why it is beneficial:

    Enhanced Security: By allowing you to verify address activity, Etherscan helps identify suspicious transactions.
    Data Transparency: Provides access to all transaction data, ensuring open-access information across the network.
    Community Support: Etherscan’s API enables developers to create advanced applications interacting with Ethereum data.
    Stay Updated with Etherscan
    For the latest Ethereum news, trends, and updates, staying engaged with Etherscan can be significant. It not only provides transaction data but also offers for developers and enthusiasts alike.

    Start utilizing Etherscan today to keep a closer watch on your Ethereum investments and participate actively in the evolving blockchain landscape.

  707. What is Lido Finance?
    Lido Finance is a decentralized finance (DeFi) platform that provides simple and efficient solutions for crypto staking. It allows users to stake their digital assets without locking them up, thus maintaining liquidity and flexibility.
    lido fi
    Why Choose Lido Finance?
    Lido Finance provides several benefits to its users:

    Liquidity: Unlike traditional staking, Lido issues liquid tokens that can be traded or used within other DeFi applications.
    Flexibility: Avoid the rigid locking periods that come with typical staking protocols.
    Security: Leverages the security and decentralization inherent in blockchain technology, ensuring your assets are safe.
    How Does It Work?
    Users can stake their assets via Lido’s platform, which then delegates these assets across a set of trusted validators. In return, users receive staked tokens which represent their staked assets and accrue rewards over time.

    Getting Started with Lido Finance
    Follow these steps to begin staking:

    Visit the Lido Finance website and connect your crypto wallet.
    Select the asset you wish to stake, for instance, ETH.
    Enter the amount and execute the transaction.
    Receive staked tokens that represent your staked amount.
    Join the Decentralized Finance Revolution
    With Lido Finance, enjoy the benefits of staking without compromising on liquidity and flexibility. Start today and keep your crypto assets working round the clock.

  708. Unlock Your Financial Potential with Puffer Finance
    In an ever-evolving economic landscape, finding the right financial partner is essential for achieving your investment goals. Puffer Finance stands out as a beacon of innovation and stability, offering a plethora of opportunities to enhance your wealth.
    puffer fi
    Why Choose Puffer Finance?
    Choosing the right financial institution is pivotal in ensuring the security and growth of your investments. Here are compelling reasons to partner with Puffer Finance:

    Innovative Financial Solutions: Puffer Finance provides cutting-edge options tailored to meet diverse investment needs.
    Expert Guidance: Harness the wisdom of experienced finance professionals dedicated to optimizing your portfolio.
    Robust Security Measures: Your investments are well-protected, ensuring peace of mind amidst market fluctuations.
    Services Offered by Puffer Finance
    Puffer Finance prides itself on offering a wide range of services, each designed to cater to specific client needs and financial ambitions. These include:

    1. Investment Management
    Our thorough investment management services provide strategic planning and execution to enhance your portfolio’s performance.

    2. Personal Financial Planning
    Whether you are saving for retirement or planning a major purchase, our personal financial planning services are tailored to help you achieve your ambitions.

    3. Wealth Preservation Strategies
    We offer strategies that not only aim to grow your wealth but also safeguard it against potential risks.

    Getting Started with Puffer Finance
    Embarking on your financial journey with Puffer Finance is a seamless process. Simply to explore how we can help tailor financial strategies to your individual needs. With Puffer Finance, you are not just investing your money; you are investing in a future laden with possibilities.

    Testimonials from Satisfied Clients
    Puffer Finance has been a trusted partner for many satisfied clients:

    “Thanks to Puffer Finance, I have not only grown my wealth but gained confidence in my financial future.” – Alex T.
    “The tailored advice and financial strategies have truly transformed my investment approach.” – Samantha L.
    In conclusion, if your goal is to enhance and secure your financial estate, Puffer Finance provides the tools and expertise to guide you through a prosperous journey.

  709. Welcome to Swell Network: Your Gateway to Decentralized Finance
    The world of cryptocurrency is rapidly evolving, with new platforms emerging to offer innovative financial solutions. Swell Network stands out as a pioneering force in decentralized finance (DeFi), providing users with unique opportunities to engage with the financial future.
    swell network
    What is Swell Network?
    Swell Network is a blockchain-powered platform that aims to disrupt traditional financial systems. It offers a wide range of DeFi services designed to enhance user autonomy and financial inclusivity. By leveraging blockchain technology, Swell Network ensures secure, transparent, and efficient financial transactions.

    Key Features of Swell Network
    Decentralization: Operates on a decentralized framework, reducing reliance on traditional financial institutions.
    Security: Utilizes cutting-edge security protocols to protect user assets and data.
    Transparency: All transactions are recorded on the blockchain, ensuring complete visibility and traceability.
    Accessibility: Open to anyone with internet access, promoting global financial inclusivity.
    Benefits of Using Swell Network
    Adopting Swell Network for your financial activities comes with several benefits:

    Reduced Fees: Experience lower transaction fees compared to conventional banking systems.
    Greater Control: Manage your funds in real-time without intermediaries.
    Innovative Opportunities: Participate in a variety of financial ventures such as liquidity pools and yield farming.
    Getting Started with Swell Network
    If you’re ready to join the DeFi revolution, getting started with Swell Network is straightforward. First, create your account on the platform, then explore different financial instruments that meet your needs. Swell Network offers comprehensive support and resources to guide new users through the onboarding process.

    Stay Informed
    In the ever-evolving crypto landscape, staying informed is crucial. Swell Network regularly updates its community with the latest developments and feature releases. Follow their official communication channels such as blogs, newsletters, and social media to stay up-to-date.

    Embrace the future of finance today with Swell Network and explore the endless possibilities of decentralized finance. to learn more and start your journey.

  710. Welcome to Dexscreener
    If you’re looking for comprehensive and real-time cryptocurrency market data, look no further than Dexscreener. With a plethora of tools at your disposal, you can analyze, trade, and excel in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies.
    dex screener
    Features of Dexscreener
    Real-Time Data: Get the latest updates on cryptocurrency prices, market trends, and trading volumes.
    Comprehensive Charts: Utilize interactive charts to spot trends and make informed trading decisions.
    Customizable Alerts: Set alerts for when your favorite cryptocurrencies hit your chosen price points.
    Why Choose Dexscreener?
    Dexscreener stands out in the crowded field of cryptocurrency analysis tools for several reasons:

    Unmatched Accuracy
    Accuracy is king in the world of crypto trading. With Dexscreener, you can trust that you’re getting precise data, ensuring that every trading decision is backed by solid information.

    User-Friendly Interface
    Whether you’re a seasoned trader or a newcomer, Dexscreener’s intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and utilize. The platform is designed to provide a seamless user experience.

    Community and Support
    Join a vibrant community of traders and investors. Dexscreener offers robust customer support to help you at every step of your trading journey. Whether you have a query or need detailed insight, our support team is there to assist.

    Getting Started
    Start your cryptocurrency trading journey with Dexscreener today. Sign up in a few simple steps and gain access to invaluable trading tools and insights right away.

    For more information, visit the Dexscreener website and discover how you can succeed in the cryptocurrency market!

  711. Getting Started with Quickswap
    Quickswap is revolutionizing the way we trade cryptocurrencies by offering a decentralized platform for seamless crypto trading. As a user-friendly decentralized exchange (DEX), Quickswap allows users to swap tokens effortlessly without the need for intermediaries. Here’s a detailed guide to getting started with Quickswap.
    quickswap exchange
    What is Quickswap?
    Quickswap is a layer-2 decentralized exchange built on the Polygon network, which is known for its high-speed and low-cost transactions. This platform provides an efficient and secure way to trade a wide range of cryptocurrencies without enduring hefty fees typical of Ethereum-based DEXes.

    Why Use Quickswap?
    Low Fees: Thanks to the Polygon network, trading on Quickswap is significantly cheaper than on Ethereum-based platforms.
    High Speed: Experience fast transaction speeds that enhance user experience and trading efficiency.
    User-Friendly Interface: Quickswap’s interface is designed to be intuitive, even for beginners, making it easy to trade cryptocurrencies.
    How to Use Quickswap
    Set Up a Crypto Wallet: You’ll need a compatible wallet like MetaMask or Trust Wallet. Ensure it’s connected to the Polygon network.
    Fund Your Wallet: Purchase or transfer tokens into your wallet for trading.
    Visit Quickswap Platform: Navigate to the Quickswap website and connect your wallet. This step is essential to access all features of the platform.
    Start Trading: Select the tokens you want to swap. With its simple interface, you can execute trades in just a few clicks.
    Tips for Effective Trading on Quickswap
    To make the most out of your trading experience on Quickswap, consider these tips:

    Keep an eye on the market trends and choose the right time for your trades.
    Understand the token pairs and their liquidity status to avoid high slippage.
    Regularly update your wallet and security settings to protect your assets.
    Quickswap offers a robust platform for trading a wide range of cryptocurrencies efficiently. By leveraging the benefits of the Polygon network, it minimizes delays and costs associated with traditional crypto trading. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned trader, Quickswap empowers you to navigate the DeFi space with ease and confidence.

  712. Understanding Venus Protocol: Your Gateway to DeFi
    Venus Protocol has carved a niche in the fast-paced DeFi landscape by offering a one-stop solution for decentralized finance activities. Whether you’re interested in lending, borrowing, or yield farming, Venus provides secure and scalable services on the blockchain.
    venus swap
    Why Choose Venus Protocol?
    The Venus Protocol stands out because:

    It operates on the Binance Smart Chain, ensuring fast and cost-effective transactions.
    It offers a decentralized lending platform that allows users to earn interest by supplying assets.
    The protocol enables borrowing against crypto collateral without the need for a trusted counterparty.
    It supports a wide range of crypto assets, providing higher liquidity and flexibility.
    Key Features of Venus Protocol
    Lending and Borrowing
    Venus Protocol facilitates decentralized lending and borrowing with minimal fees, supported by a robust risk management framework. Users can seamlessly supply assets to the protocol and earn interest, or borrow by simply collateralizing their holdings.

    Automated Yield Farming
    Maximize your returns with Venus Protocol’s yield farming opportunities. By leveraging your assets, you can participate in governance and earn rewards in the form of XVS, Venus Protocol’s native token.

    Multi-Asset Support
    The platform supports numerous cryptocurrencies, enabling diverse investment strategies and providing a convenient way to gain returns on multiple asset classes.

    Getting Started with Venus Protocol
    Start your DeFi journey with Venus Protocol by following these steps:

    Create a Wallet: Use a compatible wallet like Metamask or Trust Wallet to interface with Venus.
    Fund Your Wallet: Transfer crypto assets to your wallet to engage with the Venus Protocol.
    Connect and Start Earning: Connect your wallet to the Venus platform and start supplying or borrowing assets.
    Venus Protocol is your trusted partner in the decentralized financial ecosystem. With its advanced features and strong community support, it simplifies DeFi for everyone from beginners to seasoned users. Embrace the future of finance with confidence and start exploring the possibilities at .

  713. Welcome to Orbiter: Your Gateway to Financial Innovation
    In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, Orbiter stands out as a pioneering platform dedicated to providing cutting-edge solutions for modern investors. As we navigate the future of digital assets and decentralized finance, Orbiter remains at the forefront, committed to innovation and accessibility.
    orbiter finance
    Why Choose Orbiter?
    Orbiter offers unique advantages that set it apart in the financial world:

    Decentralized Solutions: Benefit from a trustless environment where transactions are secure and transparent.
    Innovative Technologies: Leverage groundbreaking technologies, designed to maximize efficiency and utility.
    Community Driven: Engage with a global community that supports and uplifts each other in the financial journey.
    Key Features of Orbiter
    Orbiter’s platform is rich with features tailored to both new and experienced investors.

    1. Smart Investments
    Utilize intelligent tools that enable you to optimize your investment strategies. Orbiter’s algorithms are crafted to pinpoint opportunities in both volatile and stable markets.

    2. Secure Transactions
    Enjoy peace of mind with Orbiter’s advanced security measures. Our platform ensures that each transaction is protected through top-tier encryption and blockchain technology.

    3. User-Friendly Interface
    Navigate with ease! Our user-friendly design ensures accessibility for everyone, from beginners to seasoned traders.

    Join the Orbiter Community
    By joining Orbiter, you’re becoming part of a larger movement towards decentralized and democratized finance. Share insights, learn from peers, and grow your financial acumen in the company of like-minded individuals.

    Ready to explore the future of finance? Let Orbiter guide your journey towards smarter, more secure, and lucrative investments. Join us today and revolutionize how you approach financial management.

  714. Welcome to dYdX: The Future of Decentralized Trading
    dYdX is a leading decentralized exchange (DEX) platform designed specifically for perpetual trading. Powered by a unique layer 2 solution, it offers zero gas fees and high-speed transactions, ideal for traders looking to maximize efficiency and minimize costs.
    dydx trade
    Why Choose dYdX?
    Fully Decentralized: Enjoy complete control over your funds and trades with no third-party intervention.
    No Gas Fees: Thanks to our layer 2 integration, trade without worrying about expensive gas fees.
    Advanced Features: Utilize advanced trading features like cross-margining and isolated margin accounts to optimize your strategies.
    Getting Started with dYdX
    To start trading on dYdX, simply connect your wallet and begin trading a wide range of perpetual contracts. Our ensures that both novice and experienced traders can navigate and execute trades with ease.

    Trade Perpetual Contracts with Confidence
    Perpetual contracts are a powerful trading tool that allows you to speculate on the future price movements of a variety of cryptocurrencies without owning the underlying asset. With dYdX, you can:

    Leverage Up to 20x: Enhance your trading potential with leverage options tailored to your risk tolerance.
    Variety of Pairs: Trade a diverse selection of cryptocurrency pairs across multiple markets.
    Security at dYdX
    Your security is paramount at dYdX. Our platform employs state-of-the-art security measures to protect your assets and data, ensuring peace of mind with every trade you make.

    Join the dYdX Community
    Join a global community of traders who are revolutionizing the way decentralized finance operates. Stay updated and connected through our social media channels and community forums.

    Note: Always conduct thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before engaging in cryptocurrency transactions.

  715. Saved as a favorite, I really like your web site!

  716. Maximize Your Crypto Trading with ParaSwap
    If you’re looking to enhance your cryptocurrency trading experience, it’s time to explore ParaSwap. This innovative platform serves as a decentralized exchange aggregator, giving you the best deals on the market.
    para swap
    What is ParaSwap?
    ParaSwap is a cutting-edge platform that aggregates the best prices from various decentralized exchanges. It provides users with the most efficient path to execute their trades by considering factors like price impact and gas fees.

    How Does ParaSwap Work?
    ParaSwap functions by connecting directly to multiple liquidity sources. It then simplifies the process of trading across different platforms by bringing the best rates to users all in one place. This means that you don’t have to hop between multiple exchanges—you can find everything you need through ParaSwap.

    Benefits of Using ParaSwap
    Competitive Rates: ParaSwap offers some of the best rates by aggregating prices from various platforms.
    Efficiency: Trade execution is designed to be quick and reliable.
    Transparency: Get clear insights into your trades with detailed transaction information.
    Why Choose ParaSwap?
    Choosing ParaSwap means straightforward, efficient crypto trading. Whether you’re a seasoned trader or new to the crypto space, having a tool like ParaSwap can enhance your trading strategy by ensuring you’re always accessing the best available prices.

    Getting Started
    To start trading with ParaSwap, simply connect your crypto wallet, input the details of your trade, and let ParaSwap find the best route for your transaction. It’s that simple!

    Maximize your trading potential by leveraging the power of ParaSwap. With its aggregated approach to finding the best prices, efficiency, and transparency, ParaSwap stands out as a leading choice for cryptocurrency traders.

  717. Welcome to Karak: Pioneering Blockchain Solutions
    The world of blockchain is evolving rapidly, and Karak is at the forefront of this revolution. Whether you are a developer, an investor, or merely a tech enthusiast, Karak offers a unique blend of innovative solutions designed to meet the diverse needs of the blockchain community.
    karak network
    What is Karak?
    is a sophisticated blockchain platform engineered to provide cutting-edge solutions that streamline processes and enhance efficiency. With a focus on decentralization, security, and speed, Karak integrates seamlessly with existing technologies to deliver a scalable blockchain experience.

    Key Features of Karak
    One of the standout aspects of Karak is its comprehensive suite of features aimed at solving complex blockchain issues.

    Scalability: Karak’s architecture is designed to handle a high volume of transactions without compromising performance.
    Security: Robust security protocols ensure the integrity and confidentiality of data across all network points.
    Interoperability: Seamlessly integrates with various blockchain networks, fostering collaboration and innovation.
    User-Friendly Interface: Intuitive design that caters to both professionals and novices in the blockchain space.
    Why Choose Karak?
    Choosing Karak is choosing a future-proof solution. Its dedicated team of developers and blockchain experts continually work to enhance the platform, ensuring it meets the present and future demands of its users.

    The benefits of using Karak include:

    Access to a rapidly growing ecosystem that supports a vast array of applications.
    A commitment to transparency and community-driven development.
    Dynamic support systems that help users navigate and maximize platform capabilities.
    Get Started with Karak
    Jump into the world of digital transformation with Karak today. Visit to explore the platform and stay ahead in the dynamic blockchain landscape.

    For more information, updates, and support, sign up for the Karak newsletter and become a part of the innovation that is reshaping the future of blockchain.

  718. Renzo Protocol: Secure Blockchain Innovation
    Discover the Renzo Protocol: Revolutionizing Blockchain
    The Renzo Protocol represents a significant advancement in the blockchain technology landscape. It offers a secure and efficient platform for decentralized applications, setting a new standard in the industry.
    renzo protocol
    Key Features of the Renzo Protocol
    The Renzo Protocol is designed to enhance the functionality and security of blockchain applications. Here are some of its key features:

    High Security: Utilizing advanced encryption methods to protect user data and transactions.
    Scalability: Capable of handling a large number of transactions per second, making it ideal for various applications.
    Decentralization: Ensures that no central authority controls the network, maintaining the core principles of blockchain.
    Interoperability: Seamlessly connects with other blockchain networks and systems.
    Benefits for Developers and Businesses
    The Renzo Protocol offers numerous benefits for both developers and businesses looking to leverage blockchain technology:

    Reduced Costs: By automating processes and cutting out intermediaries, businesses can significantly reduce operational costs.
    Improved Transparency: Every transaction is recorded on the blockchain, providing an immutable and transparent ledger.
    Enhanced Trust: The secure nature of the protocol builds trust among users and stakeholders.
    Development Support: Provides extensive documentation and tools to help developers create robust applications.
    Getting Started with the Renzo Protocol
    To start utilizing the Renzo Protocol, follow these simple steps:

    Visit the Renzo Protocol website and create an account.
    Access the API documentation and development tools.
    Join the Renzo community to connect with other developers and experts.
    Start building and deploying your decentralized applications.
    The Renzo Protocol is not only a beacon of security and efficiency in the blockchain space but also a catalyst for innovation. Whether you are a developer, a business leader, or simply interested in cutting-edge technology, the Renzo Protocol offers the tools and community support needed to drive your projects to success. Embrace the future with the Renzo Protocol and harness the full potential of blockchain technology.

    Renzo Protocol Restaking Guide
    Renzo Protocol Restaking: A Comprehensive Guide
    Renzo Protocol has revolutionized the method through which investors can maximize their crypto assets, particularly through the innovative concept of restaking. This guide will explore the benefits, processes, and strategies of restaking within the Renzo Protocol ecosystem, helping you make the most out of your investments.

  719. Robertdig

    Unveiling the Potential of Kelp DAO
    In today’s rapidly evolving digital economy, Kelp DAO emerges as a transformative force in the field of decentralized finance (DeFi). By leveraging blockchain technology, Kelp DAO aims to improve governance and promote sustainability.

    What is Kelp DAO?
    Kelp DAO is a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) designed to democratize decision-making processes on the blockchain. It serves as a pivotal tool for communities seeking enhanced and a focus on eco-friendly initiatives.

    Why Choose Kelp DAO?
    Here are several compelling reasons to consider Kelp DAO for your blockchain ventures:

    Environmental Sustainability: Kelp DAO incorporates mechanisms that align with environmental conservation goals, making it an eco-conscious choice.
    Decentralized Governance: With a robust framework for community-driven governance, participants can actively influence project directions.
    Innovation in DeFi: By fostering an environment of innovation, Kelp DAO contributes to the evolving landscape of decentralized finance.
    How Does Kelp DAO Work?
    Kelp DAO operates through a token-based voting system, where community members hold the power to vote on proposals and influence project decisions. The DAO’s infrastructure ensures transparency and inclusivity, empowering stakeholders.

    Getting Involved with Kelp DAO
    Joining Kelp DAO is a straightforward process. Interested parties can engage by acquiring Kelp tokens, participating in community discussions, and voting on platform proposals. This involvement not only offers strategic governance participation but also contributes to the broader aim of sustainable development in the digital realm.

    The Future of Kelp DAO
    The ultimate vision for Kelp DAO is a fully decentralized platform where members collaboratively address global challenges while advancing decentralized financial mechanisms. As the community grows, so does its capacity to influence .

    Join Kelp DAO today and become part of a pioneering movement towards a sustainable and decentralized financial future.

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  723. Welcome to EtherFi: Revolutionizing Financial Transactions
    In the dynamic world of digital finance, EtherFi stands out as a revolutionary platform designed to reshape how you manage transactions and investments. Understanding this cutting-edge platform can provide you with the tools necessary for financial success in the digital age.