پێنجشەممە , شوبات 20 2025

هاوڕه‌گه‌زبازی له‌ نێوان قه‌ده‌غه‌ بوون و سه‌پاندندا

به‌شی سێ یه‌م
دیمه‌ن محمد

تێبینی: ناوه‌ڕۆكی ئه‌م بابه‌ته‌ هه‌ستیاره‌و ده‌سته‌واژه‌ی پێگه‌شتووانه‌ی تێدا به‌كارهاتووه‌ بۆ خوار ته‌مه‌نی ١٨ ساڵ گونجاو نیه‌، تكایه‌ ئاگادار بن.

ته‌وه‌ره‌كانی به‌شی سێیه‌م:
-وانه‌ی مشتومڕ هێنه‌ری (په‌یوه‌ندیه‌كان وپه‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی) له‌ قوتابخانه‌كانی به‌ریتانیا
.داواكاری دایكان و باوكان
.مه‌ترسیه‌كانی ناوه‌ڕۆكی وانه‌ی (په‌یوه‌ندیه‌كان وپه‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی)
ده‌ره‌نجام ولێكه‌وته‌ ته‌ندروستی وكۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كان
کێشە تەندروستیه‌ جه‌سته‌ییه‌كان
کێشە تەندروستیه‌ دەروونیه‌كان
ده‌ركه‌وته‌ كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كان

وانه‌ی RSE) – په‌یوه‌ندیه‌كان و وپه‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی) قوتابخانه‌كان

وه‌ك له‌ به‌شی یه‌كه‌می باسه‌كه‌ما ئاماژه‌م بۆ كرد چه‌ند ساڵێكه‌ مشتومڕێكی زۆر له‌سه‌ر وانه‌ی (په‌یوه‌ندیه‌كان وپه‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی) دروست بووه‌ له‌ به‌ریتانیا.

سه‌ره‌تای ئه‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌ له‌وه‌وه‌ هات كه‌ له‌به‌رئه‌وه‌ی لە هەندێک خێزاندا دایک و باوک ناتوانن منداڵان فێری پەیوەندییەکان بکەن یا ده‌رباره‌ی په‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی قسه‌یان له‌گه‌ل بكه‌ن ٠ ئێستاش ئینتەرنێت کۆمەڵێک زانیاریی ناڕاست و زیانبەخشی بەرفراوان سەبارەت بە سێکس دەخاتە بەردەم منداڵان كه‌ ئه‌گه‌ر سه‌رچاوه‌ی باوه‌ڕپێكراو پێشتر ده‌ستی نه‌گات به‌ مناڵه‌كان و، ده‌رباره‌ی ئه‌و بابه‌ته‌ هه‌ستیاره‌ هۆشیاریان نه‌كاته‌وه‌ ئه‌وا بێگومان ڕووبه‌ڕووی زیان ده‌بنه‌وه‌. بۆیه‌ کۆدەنگییەکی بەرفراوان هه‌بوو له‌سه‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی کە قوتابخانەکان ڕۆڵیان هەبێت لە پەیوەندییەکان و پەروەردەی سێکسیدا. هەر بۆیە حکومەتی به‌ریتانیا لە مانگی ئەیلولی ٢٠٢٠ەوە فێرکردنی پەیوەندیه‌كان و پەروەردەی سێکسی لە سەرجەم قوتابخانە ناوەندییەکان كرده‌ ناچاری. بەپێی ڕێنماییەکان ئامانج یارمەتیدانی منداڵان بوو، به‌ڵام دوواتر وەزیری پەروەردە داوای له‌ کۆمیساری منداڵان كرد كه‌ یارمەتی بده‌ن لە پشتگیریکردنی قوتابخانەکان بۆ فێرکردنی RSE له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی كواله‌تی وانه‌كه‌ ته‌نسیقی تیا نیه له‌ نێوان قوتابخانه‌كاندا‌، ئه‌مه‌ش‌ ده‌رفه‌تی بۆ ڕێکخراوە دەرەکییەکان ڕه‌خساند کە ببنه‌ سەرچاوەو دابین كه‌ری بابه‌ته‌كان بۆ ئه‌و وانه‌ هه‌ستیاره‌.

ئێستاش حكومه‌ت و وه‌زاره‌تی په‌روه‌رده‌ ڕووبه‌ڕووی ڕه‌خنه‌یه‌كی زۆری دایكان و باوكان بونه‌ته‌وه‌ بەهۆی فێرکردنی ناسنامەی ترانس و شتنه‌وه‌ی مێشكی مناڵانه‌وه‌. ئه‌وان پێیان وایە پێویستە دایک و باوک ڕۆڵی پێشەنگ ببینن لە فێرکردنی منداڵ سەبارەت بە پەیوەندییەکان و په‌یوه‌ندی سێكسی، چونكه‌ ئه‌وه‌ یه‌كێكه‌ لە ئەرکە سەرەکییەکانی دایك و باوك نه‌ك ئه‌ركی ڕێكخراوه‌ لۆبیه‌كانی هاوڕه‌گه‌زبازان.

داواكاریه‌كانی ئه‌وان له‌ چه‌ند شتێكا خۆی ئه‌بینێته‌وه‌‌:

ئێستا دایکان و باوکان گله‌ییان له‌ هه‌بوونی وانه‌كه‌ نیه‌، ئه‌ڵێن ئه‌یانه‌وێت منداڵه‌كانیان له‌ قوتابخانه‌ فێری ڕاستییەکان ده‌رباره‌ی سێکس و پەیوەندی نێوان مرۆڤه‌كان و تەمەنی باڵغبوون و یاساكانی تایبه‌ت به‌ سێكس بكرێت، بەڵام پێویسته‌:

پێداچوونەوە بۆ پرۆگرامی په‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی قوتابخانەکان بكرێت له‌لایه‌ن حكومه‌وته‌وه‌ وه‌ قوتابخانەکان ناچار بكرێت كه‌ سەرچاوەکان و ناوه‌ڕۆكی بابه‌ته‌كان لە ماڵپەڕەکانیاندا بڵاوبکەنەوە.
سه‌رچاوه‌و کەرەستەی گونجاو به‌ پێی گونجانی تەمەنی منداڵه‌كان بەکاربهێنرێت.
ڕێنمایی بەهێزتر دابنرێت بۆ دابین كردنی كه‌ره‌سته‌كانی وانه‌كه‌و کۆتاییهێنان بەو پەروەردەییه‌ سێکسیه‌ نه‌گونجاوانه‌ی كه‌ بۆ وانه‌كه‌ لە قوتابخانەکاندا بەکاردەهێنرێن ( بۆ نمونه‌ زۆر نیگه‌رانن له‌وه‌ی كه‌ منداڵانی شەش ساڵان فێری”یاساکانی دەست لە خۆدان” بكرێن، یاخود بۆ منداڵانی تەمەن ١٤ ساڵان باسی سێکسی زبرو توندوتیژ بكرێت.
داوا لە حکومەت ده‌كه‌ن ڕێوشوێنی بەپەلە بگرێتەبەر بۆ وەستاندنی ئەو بۆچوونە ‘توندڕەوانەی’ ڕەگەزگۆڕاوەکان کە لەلایەن (ستۆنوۆڵ) و کەمپەین کارانی دیکەی (ئێڵ جی بی تی)یەوە بەرەوپێش دەچێت و بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی نه‌بنه‌ دۆگما لە پۆلەکاندا لە سەرانسەری وڵاتدا.

مه‌ترسیه‌كانی بڵاوبوونه‌وه‌ی ئایدۆلۆژیای ترانس:

یه‌كێك له‌و ده‌نگه‌ به‌رزانه‌ی چه‌ند ساڵێكه‌ به‌هه‌موو شێوه‌یه‌ك دژی ئه‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌ خه‌بات ئه‌كات ئه‌ندام په‌رله‌مانی لاوی پارتی پارێزگاران خاتوو (میریام کەیتس)، كه‌ له‌نزیكه‌وه‌ شوێنی دۆسیه‌كه‌ كه‌وتووه‌و په‌یوه‌ندی باشی له‌گه‌ل دایك و باوك و كه‌سانی خه‌مخۆری ئه‌م دۆسیه‌یه‌دا هه‌یه‌.

ئه‌و خاتوونه‌‌ ئاماژه‌ بۆ ئه‌وه‌ ئه‌كات كه‌ دۆسیەیەکی بەڵگە لەلایەن دایک و باوکانەوە کۆکراوەتەوە سەبارەت بە بڵاوبوونەوەی ئایدیۆلۆژیای ترانس کە مه‌ترسی زۆر له‌سه‌ر مناڵان و داهاتووی خێزان دروست ئه‌كات، له‌وانه‌:

چه‌ندین سه‌رچاوه‌ی هه‌ڵه‌ له‌ دەزگا دەرەکییەکانه‌وه‌ بانگهێشت دەکرێن بۆ ناو قوتابخانه‌كان بۆ ئەوەی لەگەڵ منداڵان باسی سێکس و پەیوەندییەکان بکەن، هەندێکجار تەنانەت بەبێ ئەوەی مامۆستایەک لە ژوورەکەدا ئامادەبێت له‌ كاتی وانه‌ ووتنه‌وه‌ی بانگهێشت كراوه‌كان.

زۆرێک لە قوتابخانەکان سه‌رچاوه‌كانیان بۆ ووتنه‌وه‌ی ئه‌م وانه‌یه‌ ‘ئامرازەکانی ڕەگەزگۆڕاو’ كانه‌ كه‌ لەلایەن گروپە لۆبییە مشتومڕاوییەکانی وەک (ستۆنۆڵ)ەوە به‌رهه‌م هێنراوه‌.

دایکان و باوکان ترسیان له‌وه‌ هه‌یه‌ كه‌ قوتابخانەکان لێكدانه‌وه‌ی هه‌ڵه‌ بۆ یاساکانی یەکسانی بكه‌ن و وه‌ك پاساوێك بۆ فێرکردنی ئایدۆلۆژیای ڕەگەزگۆڕاو بۆ منداڵان به‌كاری بهێنن.

له‌ڕێگای ئه‌وانه‌وه‌ هه‌ندێك له‌ قوتابخانەکان ئەو مامۆستا و قوتابیانە دیسپلین دەکەن کە پابەند نین بە بیروباوه‌ڕی نوێی ترانسەوە، ته‌نانه‌ت قوتابی سزا دراوه‌ به‌هۆی ڕه‌خنه‌ گرتنه‌وه‌ له‌وه‌ی منداڵانی ڕەگەزی بەرامبەر ڕێگەیان پێدراوە ژووری گۆڕینی جلوبەرگی وه‌رزشیان بەکاربهێنن.

چه‌ندین خێزان تووشی شۆك بوون دوای ئەوەی منداڵەکانیان ‘مێشکیان شۆراوه‌ته‌وه‌’ دووای گوێ گرتنیان له‌ چالاکوانانی ترانس كه‌ قوتابخانه‌كانیان بانگهێشتیان كردوون بۆ ناو پۆلەکانیان و قسه‌یان بۆ قوتابیان كردووه‌.

هەندێک لە قوتابخانەکان تاکلایەنە بڕیار دەدەن بۆ ئەوەی ڕێگە بەو منداڵانه‌ بدەن كه‌ ده‌یانه‌وێت ڕەگەزی خۆیان بگۆڕن، تەنانەت ئه‌گه‌ر پێچەوانەی خواستی دایک و باوکه‌كانیش بێت.

هەندێک لە قوتابخانەکان بە قوتابیان دەڵێن ئەگەر ڕەگەز گۆڕین دڵخۆشیان ده‌كات ده‌توانن ئه‌وه‌ بكه‌ن، تەنانەت ئەگەر بە دایک و باوکیشیان نەگوتبێت.

زۆرێک لەو گه‌نجانه‌ ئۆتیزمیان هه‌یه‌ یان بەدەست کێشەی تەندروستی دەروونییەوە دەناڵێنن و دایک و باوکەکان پێیان وایە کە ناوه‌ نوێیه‌كه‌ی ڕه‌گه‌زه‌ گۆڕراوه‌كه‌یان بەکاردەهێنن بۆ ئەوەی دونیا له‌به‌رچاوی ئه‌وان مانا ببه‌خشێت.

ئەوانەی کە كێشه‌ی ده‌روونیان هه‌یه‌، سوكایه‌تیان پێكراوه‌و شكێنراونه‌ته‌وه‌و ئه‌زمونی ناخۆشیان به‌سه‌ر هاتووە یان کێشەیان هەبووە له‌ دروست كردنی هاوڕێ، له‌پڕێكا ئاهەنگیان بۆ دەگێڕن بەهۆی ئه‌وه‌ی بڕیاریان داوه‌و ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆیان گۆڕیوه‌، وه‌ زۆرجار لەلایەن مامۆستاکانیانەوە هاندەدرێن.

ئه‌گه‌رچی هه‌ندێك كه‌س هیچ كێشه‌یه‌كی نیه‌ له‌وه‌ی کوڕەکەی جلی كچانه‌ له‌به‌ر كات یان کچەکەی قژی کورت كاته‌وه‌ وه‌ك كوڕ، به‌ڵام له‌و پێشبڕکێی ڕه‌گه‌زگۆڕینه‌ تۆقیون كه‌ به‌ ڕێكاری پزیشكی و به‌كارهێنانی ده‌رمانه‌ به‌هێزه‌كانی ڕێگری كردن له‌ باڵغبوون دەتوانن بۆ هه‌تا هه‌تایه‌ پێوه‌ی گیرۆده‌ بن و هه‌موو ژیانیان نه‌توانن ئه‌و نه‌شته‌رگه‌ریانه‌ هه‌ڵوه‌شێننه‌وه‌ كه‌ ره‌گه‌زیان گۆڕیون.

هه‌ندێ چیرۆكی دڵته‌زێن:

ئەو دایک و باوکانەی کە به‌ده‌گمه‌ن كه‌س گوێی له‌ چیرۆكه‌كانیان ده‌بێت لەم مشتومڕە ته‌مومژاویه‌دا بە خۆپەرست و “ئەهریمەن” ناوزەد ده‌كرێن و لەلایەن مامۆستایان و پسپۆڕانی پزیشکییەوە له‌ كه‌یسی منداڵه‌كانیان داده‌بڕدرێن و پێیان ده‌ووترێت كه‌ بۆیان نیه‌ پرسیاریان له‌سه‌ر بڕیاری منداڵه‌كه‌یان بۆ دروست بێت و ناشتوانن به‌شێك بن له‌و بڕیاره‌ گرنگه‌ی كه‌ هه‌موو ژیانی منداڵه‌كانیان ده‌گۆڕێت و گه‌ڕانه‌وه‌ی نیه‌.

دووای ئه‌وه‌ی خاتوو کەیتس له‌ نۆڤه‌مبه‌ری ٢٠٢١ هه‌ندێ چیرۆكی دڵته‌زێنی بۆ ڕۆژنامەی ده‌یلی مه‌یڵی به‌ریتانی گێڕایه‌وه‌ وتارێكیشی له‌ مانگی جونی ٢٠٢٠ له‌ په‌رله‌مانی به‌ریتانیا سه‌باره‌ت به‌ مه‌ترسیه‌كانی ئه‌م ئایدۆلۆژیایه‌ بۆ په‌رله‌مانی ووڵاته‌كه‌ی خسته‌ ڕوو ده‌ڵێت چه‌ندین ئیمەیڵی لەلایەن دایک و باوکانەوە پێگەیشتووە کە گلەیی ئەوەیان کردووە کە منداڵەکانیان مێشکیان شۆراوه‌ته‌وه‌. ئه‌و چه‌ندین چیرۆكی نیگەرانکەری له‌ ده‌می ئه‌و دایك و باوكانه‌وه‌ گێڕاوەتەوە کە چۆن ئەم ئایدۆلۆژیایە ڕێگەی خۆی بۆ ناو قوتابخانەی منداڵەکانیان کردووەتەوە. من لێره‌یا به‌كورتی ئاماژه‌ به‌ دووانیان ئه‌كه‌م.

دایکێک کە پەیوەندی بە خاتوو کەیتسەوە کردووە پێی وتووە کە چۆن قوتابخانەی کچە هەرزەکارەکەی ڕێگەی بە منداڵەکەی داوە ناوی خۆی بگۆڕێت و خۆی وەک ڕەگەزی بەرامبەر بناسێنێت بەبێ ئەوەی دایكی ئاگادار بێت و ڕەزامەندی هەبێت به‌و كاره‌. دایكه‌كه‌ ئه‌لێت نه‌مزانی بوو كه‌ كچه‌كه‌م لە قوتابخانەدا خۆی وەک كوڕ\نێر دەناسێنێت، هەندێک مامۆستا بەبێ ئاگاداری من مامەڵەیان لەگەڵ ئەم بابەتەدا دەکرد و كه‌شێكی له‌باریان بۆ ڕه‌خساندبوو، ببون به‌ جێگای متمانه‌ی منداڵه‌كه‌م كه‌ ئه‌وه‌ بۆ من زۆر شۆکهێنه‌ر بوو، چونکە من خۆمو ماڵەکەی خۆم به‌سه‌لامه‌ت ترین شوێن ئه‌زانم بۆ مناله‌كه‌م. . ئه‌و دایكه‌ ئه‌ڵێت كاتێك ویستویه‌تی‌ له‌ هۆکارەکانی پشت گۆڕانکاری لەناکاوی ناسنامەی كچه‌كه‌ی بکۆڵێته‌‌وە و یارمەتی لە پزیشکی دەروونی وەربگرێت، پێش ئەوەی دەست به‌ لێكۆڵینه‌وه‌كه‌ بكات، ده‌بینێت كه‌ قوتابخانەی کچەکەی ناوەکەی و جێناوەکانییان گۆڕیوه‌ بەبێ ئەوەی لەگەڵ دایکیدا باسی بکەن، وه‌ كاتێك له‌ قوتابخانه‌كه‌ی پرسیوه‌ته‌وه‌ چۆن شتی وا ده‌كه‌ن پێیان وتووە ئه‌وان هەر ناسنامەیەک قبوڵ دەکەن کە خوێندکارەکە هەڵیبژێرێت!

دایکێکی تر چیرۆكی كوڕه‌ ١١ ساڵانەکەی ده‌گێڕێته‌وه‌ كه‌ چۆن لە وانەیەکی تایبەت بە سێکسدا به‌ پاوەرپۆینت پیشانیان دراوە وه‌ داوایان لێكراوه‌ ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆیان دیاری بكه‌ن، واته‌ (لە ڕێگەی لیستێكه‌‌وه‌ كه‌ خراوه‌ته‌ به‌رده‌ستیان) بخوێننەوە و بڕیار بدەن کە ئایا ئەوان ڕەگەزبازن، هاوڕەگەزبازن یان دووڕەگەزبازن.

لەوەتەی ئه‌م پرۆگرامه‌ هێنراوه‌ته‌ ناو خوێندن، دایکان و باوکان لە سەرانسەری به‌ریتانیا دڵەڕاوکێ و نیگه‌رانی خۆیان لەبارەی ئەوەی منداڵەکانیان لە پۆلدا بەرکەوتەی چیی ده‌بن ناشارنه‌وه‌، به‌ڕادده‌یه‌ك دایکان و باوکان ڕەوانەی خزمەتگوزارییە کۆمەڵایەتییەکان (سۆشیال سێرڤس) کراون ته‌نها له‌به‌ر ئەوەی قبوڵیان نەکردووە کە کچەکەیان له‌ پڕێكا بووه‌ به‌ کوڕەکەیان!

خاتوو كه‌یتس ده‌ڵێت “به‌م هه‌نگاوه‌ ڕۆژئاوا به‌ ناوی هەڵمەتەکانی ڕزگاری سێکسی نه‌وه‌یه‌كی كێوی به‌رهه‌م ده‌هێنێت و ئه‌گه‌ر وه‌زاره‌تی په‌روه‌رده‌ ڕێگا له‌م ره‌وته‌ نه‌گرێت و به‌رده‌وام بن له‌ به‌رنامه‌ی (گه‌وره‌كردنی منداڵان) ئه‌وا ڕۆژئاوا كاره‌ساتێك ده‌خولقێنێت كه‌ لەبری پاراستن و پەروەردەکردنی گەنجان کارەکتەری منداڵی تێکده‌دەن ناهێڵن مناڵه‌كان مناڵ بن و چێژ له‌ ته‌مه‌نی مناڵی خۆیان ببینن وه‌ پێشوەختە فێری سێکسیان دەکەن”.

بەڵگەی زیاترو چیرۆكی شۆكهێنه‌ری تر لەسەر بڵاوبوونەوەی ئایدۆلۆژیای ڕەگەزگۆڕاو لە قوتابخانەکاندا لای (گروپی پشتیوانی به‌یسوه‌تەر) هه‌یه‌، كه‌ ساڵی ٢٠١٩ سه‌ره‌تا ٣ دایباب بوون بۆ هاوخه‌می و دڵنه‌وایی یەکتر، چونكه‌ هه‌مان خه‌میان هه‌بوو بۆ یه‌كه‌مجار له‌ به‌یسوه‌ته‌ی له‌نده‌ن یه‌كیان بینی، ئیتر وورده‌ وورده‌ خه‌لكانی تری هاوبه‌شی هه‌مان خه‌م په‌یوه‌ندیان پێوه‌ كردن و ئێستا دایك و باوكی زیاتر لە ٤٠٠ مناڵ لە سەرانسەری بەریتانیا ئه‌وانه‌ی کە منداڵەکانیان بانگەشەی ڕەگەزگۆڕاو بوون ده‌كه‌ن ئه‌و گروپه‌یان پێكهێناوه‌.

واته‌ ته‌نها له‌وه‌ته‌ی به‌رنامه‌ی ترانس خراوه‌ته‌ ناو په‌روه‌رده‌ی منالانه‌وه‌ تا ئێستا ٤٠٠ منال خۆی ڕاگه‌یاندووه‌ كه‌ ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆی گۆڕیوه‌، ئه‌ی ئه‌وانه‌ی كه‌ هێشتا ڕایاننه‌گه‌یاندووه‌، یا ئه‌وانه‌ی دوودڵ و نیگه‌ران بوون و گومانیان له‌ ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆیان بۆ دروست بووه‌و نازانن چی بكه‌ن؟ ، یاخود دایك و باوكه‌كانیان نه‌ڕۆشتونه‌ته‌ ناو گروپی (به‌یس وه‌ته‌)و له‌ ناو ئه‌و ئاماره‌یا ئه‌ژمار نه‌كراون؟

زۆرێک لە قوتابخانەکان به‌سته‌یه‌ك بابه‌تیان له‌ قوتابخانەی ڕەگەزگۆڕاوه‌‌كانه‌وه‌ پێگه‌شتووه‌ كه‌ بۆ ڕێنمایی ستاف به‌كاری ئه‌هێنن لەسەر چۆنیەتی فێرکردنی قوتابیان سەبارەت بە ‘ترانس’ بوون كه‌ لەلایەن کۆمپانیای ستۆنوۆڵ یان ڕێکخراوە خێرخوازییەکانی تری گەنجانەوە دروست كراون.

جگه‌ له‌وه‌ش له‌به‌رنامه‌ی (ئه‌نتی بوڵیینگ) ‌وه‌ كه‌ ئێستا له‌ هه‌موو قوتابخانه‌كان ئه‌ووترێته‌وه‌ بۆ به‌هێزكردنی مناڵان و ته‌سلیم نه‌بوونیان به‌ (بووڵیینگ) و ئیزعاجكردن ئه‌ڕۆنه‌ ناو مناڵانه‌وه‌و هه‌مان ئه‌و به‌رنامه‌یه‌ش بەکاردەهێنن بۆ ناساندنی بیروباوەڕی ‘ناسنامەی ڕەگەزی’ بۆ ناو پۆلەکان.

خاتوو كه‌یتس له‌ دیبه‌یته‌كه‌ی له‌ په‌رله‌مانی به‌ریتانیا پرسیاری زۆری له‌سه‌ر ته‌واوی پرۆژه‌كه‌ دروست كردو هه‌موو لایه‌نه‌ نه‌رێنی و نهێنی و ناڕوونه‌كانی پرۆژه‌كه‌ی خسته‌ ژێر پرسیاره‌وه. له‌ ووتاره‌كه‌یدا كه‌ له‌ لاپه‌ڕه‌ی فه‌رمی په‌رله‌مانی به‌ریتانیا بڵاوكراوه‌ته‌وه‌ و ڤیدیۆكه‌شی له‌ یوتیوب هه‌یه‌، به‌ په‌رله‌مانی ووت، “بێگومان وه‌زیری پەروەردە ڕاست دەکات کە فێرکردنی پەروەردەی سێکسی ته‌نسیقی نیه‌. خۆ وه‌ك وانه‌ی بیرکاری و زانست و مێژوو نیه‌ هیچ پلانێکی کار یان مه‌نهه‌جێكی په‌سه‌ندكراوی نیه‌ بۆیه‌ بێگومان بابەت و کەرەستەکان لە نێوان قوتابخانەکاندا جیاوازییەکی زۆریان هەیە. بەڵام به‌داخه‌وه‌ ئێستا کاتێک سەیری واقیعی ئەو شتانە دەکەین کە فێری مناڵان دەکرێن نه‌بوونی ته‌نسیق کەمترینی نیگەرانییەکانه‌‌ بۆ وەزیری پەروەردە”!

هه‌مان ڕۆژ خاتوو كه‌یتس باسی له‌ دۆسیه‌ی بڵاوبوونەوەی ئایدیۆلۆژیای ترانس كرد و ووتی ئه‌وه‌نده‌ نه‌گونجاون له‌گه‌ڵ یاساكانی په‌خشی به‌رنامه‌كانا پێچه‌وانه‌یه‌ (ئه‌لبه‌ته‌ هه‌مان دیبه‌یت راسته‌وخۆ له‌ چه‌ناڵی فه‌رمی په‌رله‌مانی به‌ریتانیاوه‌) په‌خش ده‌كرا، بۆیه‌ ئه‌و ووتی: من ناتوانم له‌م شاشه‌یه‌وه‌ هه‌ندێك له‌بابه‌ته‌كانی به‌رنامه‌كه‌ باس بكه‌م له‌ كاتێكدا ئه‌و بابه‌تانه‌ ده‌درێن به‌ منداڵانی بچوك!

هه‌روه‌ها بابه‌تێكی له‌ ئیندیپێنده‌نت بڵاوكردۆته‌وه‌ به‌ناوی (مامۆستایان دەبێ له‌ وانه‌كه‌یاندا پابەند بن بە بایۆلۆجی نەک ئایدۆلۆژیا لە سێکسدا) ئه‌ڵێت، “وانه‌كه‌ بە ماددەیەک گۆڕاوە کە ناوه‌ڕۆكه‌كه‌ی كراوه‌ به‌ سێكسێكی توندوتیژ و بە ته‌واوی له‌گه‌ڵ سروشت و ته‌مه‌نی منداڵدا نه‌گونجاوه‌. ناوەڕۆکی هەندێک لەو سەرچاوانەی كه‌ خراونه‌ته‌ ناو پرۆگرامی خوێندنه‌وه‌ به‌ ته‌واوی گرافیکی و توندڕەون و ئەو بابەتانەشی باس دەکرێن بریتین لە کردەوەی سێکسی توندوتیژو، دەستدرێژی سێکسی و زانیاری چەواشەکارانە سەبارەت بە تەمەنی باڵغبوون”.

خاتوو كه‌یتس له‌ په‌رله‌مان ووتی، “ئایدۆلۆژیای جێندەری لە زانستدا بنەمایەکی نییە و ده‌ ساڵ لەمەوبەر لەم وڵاتەدا کەس نه‌یبستبوو”.
مه‌ترسیه‌كانی ناوه‌ڕۆكی وانه‌ی (په‌یوه‌ندیه‌كان و په‌روه‌رده‌ی سێكسی)

مه‌ترسی ئه‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌ له‌ ئەو پێناسەیەیه‌وه‌ ده‌ست پێئه‌كات کە قوتابخانەی پەروەردەی سێکسی بۆ سێكسی ده‌كات كه‌ سه‌رچاوه‌كه‌ی كتێبی مامۆستایانه‌ به‌ناوی Great Relationships and Sex Education‌

هه‌روه‌ها، له‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌دا پێشنیاری چالاکیەک ده‌كرێت بۆ منداڵانی تەمەن ١٥ ساڵ کە تیایدا منداڵان چه‌ند كارتێكیان پێدەدرێت كه‌ ناوی هه‌ندێك موماره‌سه‌ی سێكسی له‌سه‌ره‌ دەبێت مناڵه‌كان بڵێن ئایا ئه‌وان پێیان وایە هه‌ر یه‌ك له‌و جۆره‌ کردەوە سێکسیانه‌ له‌ ڕووی ته‌ندروستیه‌وه‌ باشن یان خراپ؟! به‌ڵام منداڵەکان چۆن بزانن چ کردارێک مەترسی تەندروستی لەگەڵدایە، یان مەترسی دووگیانی یان هەوکردنی سێکسی هەیە؟ خۆ بڕیار نیه‌ ئه‌وان تا ئێستا سێكسیان كردبێت هێشتا ئه‌وان ژێر ته‌مه‌نی یاسایین بۆ سێكس كردن!

هه‌روه‌ها ئه‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌ به‌ منداڵان ئه‌ڵێت ، “خۆشەویستی تەمەنی بۆ نییە” كه‌ ئه‌مه‌ خۆی بۆ خۆی تووشی سه‌رلێشێوانیان ئه‌كات له‌ تێگەیشتنیان سه‌باره‌ت به‌ تەمەنی یاسایی ڕەزامەندی! ئه‌مه‌ نیگەرانییەکی گه‌وره‌یه‌ كه‌ پەیوەندی بە فێرکردنی ڕەزامەندییەوە هەیە. ئەوەمان لەبیربێت کە، بەپێی یاسا له‌ به‌ریتانیا، منداڵان ناتوانن ڕەزامەندی لەسەر سێکس بدەن، چونكه‌ لە ڕووی یاساییەوە توانای ڕەزامەندییان نییە؛ به‌ڵام پۆلەکانی پەروەردەی سێکسی بە گه‌نجانی تەمەن ١٣ و ١٤ ساڵان ده‌ڵێن کە یاسایه‌ك نیه‌ بۆ سزادانی گەنجان لەسەر ئەنجامدانی سێکسی ڕەزامەندی كه‌ ئه‌مه‌ش گه‌وره‌ترین مه‌ترسیه‌ له‌وه‌ی سێکسی خوار تەمەن ئاسایی دەکاتەوە و به‌ یاساییشی ده‌كات.

ئه‌م به‌رنامه‌یه‌ به‌ منداڵان ده‌ڵێن کە هه‌رچه‌نده‌ زۆربەی خەڵک دەڵێن ئەندامی نێرینە و کۆئەندامی زاوزێیان هه‌یه‌ به‌ڵام زۆر کەسیش هه‌ن لە ناوەڕاستی ئەم ڕه‌نگانه‌یان (ڕه‌نگه‌كانی په‌لكه‌زێڕینه‌) بۆ چۆنیەتی ڕێکخستنی جەستەیان!

هه‌روه‌ها له‌م وانه‌یه‌دا، یاریه‌ك هه‌یه‌ كه‌ به‌ به‌كارهێنانی (زار) دایس ئه‌كرێت، هه‌ر لایه‌كی زاره‌كه‌ ناوی ئەندامە جیاوازەکانی جەستە- وەک کۆم، کۆئەندامی زاوزێ، ئەندامی نێرینە و دەم- و شتەکانی تر ی له‌سه‌ره‌، هانی منداڵان ئەدات باس لە کردەوە سێکسییە ئاشکراکان بکەن، لەسەر بنەمای هه‌ڵكردنی دایسه‌كه‌.. دوو دایس فڕێ دەدرێت و دوو له‌و ئه‌ندامانه‌ی سه‌ر دایسه‌كه‌ ده‌ره‌چێت كه‌ ده‌بێت منداڵانه‌كان ناوی کردەوەیەکی سێکسی چێژبەخش بنێن کە دەتوانرێت لە نێوان ئه‌و دوو ئەندامی جەستەیا ڕووبدات كه‌ له‌هه‌ڵكردنی دوو زاره‌كه‌ ده‌ركه‌وتوون. یارییەکە بۆ منداڵانی تەمەن ١٣ ساڵ و به‌ره‌و سه‌ره‌وه‌یه‌!

نیگه‌رانیه‌كی تر ، پێشنیار كردنی ماڵپه‌ڕی سێکسوایزه‌ کە لەلایەن وەزارەتی تەندروستی و چاودێری کۆمەڵایەتییەوە بەڕێوەدەبرێت و پارەی بۆ ته‌رخان كراوه‌ و له‌ لایه‌ن ئه‌م وانه‌یه‌وه‌ بۆ مناڵان پێشنیاركراوه‌ و بانگه‌شه‌ی بۆ ده‌كرێت بۆ ئه‌وه‌ی سه‌ردانی بكه‌ن و به‌كاری بهێنن، ئه‌م ماڵپه‌ڕه‌ ‌هه‌ندێ ڕێنمایی و ئامۆژگاری سێكسی وای تیایه‌ كه‌ ئێمه‌ ناتوانین بۆ خۆشمان به‌ته‌نها به‌ده‌نگی به‌رز بیانخوێنینه‌وه‌. شته‌كان ته‌نانه‌ت به‌ كۆمه‌ڵگای ڕۆژئاواش ئه‌وه‌نه‌ نامۆن كه‌ باسكردنیان له‌ ڕاگه‌یاندنا ئیحراجی دروست ئه‌كات!

تەنانەت قوتابخانە سەرەتاییەکانیش لە بەکارهێنانی کەرەستەی نەشیاو بێبەری نین

پرۆگرامی “هەموو شتێک دەربارەی من” منداڵانی شەش و حەوت ساڵان ئاشنا دەکات بە “یاساکانی دەست لە خۆدان”!

منداڵان هانده‌دات بۆ قسەکردن لەسەر وردەکارییە سۆزداریه‌كان لەگەڵ گەورەکان، هه‌موو سنوورە گرنگە ڕه‌وشتی و كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كان دەشکێنێت و زیاتر ئامادە و بەردەستیان دەکات بۆ دەستدرێژیه‌ سێکسییەکان، چ لە ڕێگەی ئۆنلاینەوە و چ لە دەرەوە.

بەکارهێنانی مناڵان و پاڵنانیان به‌ره‌و ئایدیۆلۆژیای جێندەری توندڕەو كه‌ سیستەمێکی بیروباوەڕەو به‌ ئاشكرا بە منداڵان دەڵێت کە له‌ هه‌ر كاتێكدا دەتوانن ڕەگەزی بایۆلۆژی خۆیان بگۆڕدرن.

ڤیدیۆیەک بەرهەم هێنراوە و لە قوتابخانەکاندا بەکارهاتووە، ئەوە پیشان دەدات کە ئەو کوڕانەی کە نینۆکیان ڕه‌نگ ده‌كه‌ن یان ئەو کچانەی حەزیان لە بەرزکردنەوەی قورساییە، لە ڕاستیدا ڕەنگە ڕەگەزی بەرامبەر بن، كه‌ ئه‌مه‌ گومان بۆ مناڵان له‌سه‌ر ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆیان دروست ئه‌كات!

تەنانەت تیۆری جێندەر بە منداڵە زۆر بچووکەکانمان دەخوێندرێت. (پۆپ ئه‌ند ئۆلی) بە منداڵان دەڵێت کە ده‌كرێت ڕەگەز نێر، مێ، هەردووکیان یان هیچ کامیان بێت.

کتێبی ناساندنی تێدی کە ئامانجی منداڵانی قۆناغی سەرەتاییە، چیرۆکی وورچێك دەگێڕێتەوە کە ڕەگەزی خۆی دەگۆڕێت.

یان وۆرک شۆپی ڕاهێنانی قۆناغه‌كانی سەرەتایی كه‌ (یونیكۆرن) ێكی کارتۆنییە و ڕوونی دەکاتەوە کە پۆلێکی سێکسی بایۆلۆژی تر هه‌یه‌ جگه‌ له‌ نێرو مێ ده‌توانرێت پێیان بووترێت (ئەوانی تر).

ده‌ره‌نجام و لێكه‌وته‌ ته‌ندروستی و كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تیه‌كانی

بێگومان کەسانی هاوڕه‌گه‌زبازو ڕه‌گه‌زگۆڕاو مەترسی زیاتریان لەسەره‌ بۆ کێشەی تەندروستی جه‌سته‌یی و ده‌روونیش چونکە زۆرێك له‌وان ئه‌كرێت به‌ هۆكاره‌كانی هەست بە شەرمەزاری كردن\ئیحراج بوون، به‌ هۆكاری ئه‌وه‌ی له‌وانه‌یه‌ ئەزموونێکی خراپیان به‌سه‌ر هاتبێت، لە ترسی ئه‌وه‌ی مه‌حكوم نه‌كرێن له‌سه‌ر بڕیاره‌كه‌یان یا به‌ هه‌رهۆكارێكی تر له‌وانه‌یه‌ نه‌توانن له‌ ژێر چاودێری تەندروستییا بن به‌ گوێره‌ی پێویست.

کێشە تەندروستیه‌ جه‌سته‌ییه‌كان

وتارێکی (گۆڤاری تەندروستی گشتی ئەمریکی) كه‌ ڕاپرسییەکی له‌ نێوان ١٣،١٧٤ له‌ گەنجانی کەمینە سێکسییەکان ئه‌نجامداوه‌ ئه‌ڵێت كه‌ ئه‌ندامانی كۆمه‌ڵگای (ئێڵ جی بی تی) مەترسی زیاتریان لەسەرە بۆ بەکارهێنانی ماددە هۆشبەرەكان و قەڵەوی وه‌ چەندین هۆکاری مەترسی پەیوەست بە شێرپەنجەوه‌، به‌ به‌راورد به‌ خه‌ڵكانی جیاڕه‌گه‌زو ڕه‌گه‌ز نه‌گۆڕدراو.

به‌تایبه‌تی ڕێژه‌ی تووشبووان به‌ نه‌خۆشیه‌كانی (گانه‌ریا، کلامیدیا وئایدز) لە ناو گەنجانی کەمینە سێکسییەکان دوو هێندە زیاترە له‌گه‌نجانی ده‌ره‌وه‌ی ئه‌و بازنه‌یه‌.

به‌ پێی داتاكانی سەنتەری کۆنترۆڵکردن و خۆپاراستن لە نەخۆشییەکان The Center for Disease Control and Prevention پیاوانی هاوڕەگەزباز و دووڕەگەزباز له‌ ٨٣%ی تووشبووان بە ئایدز لەنێو پیاواندا پێکدەهێنن، کە تەمەنیان ١٣ ساڵ و سەرووترە. هەروەها پیاوە هاوڕەگەزبازەکان مەترسی تووشبوونیان بە شێرپەنجەی پرۆستات، کۆئەندامی زاوزێ، کۆم و قۆڵۆن زیاتره‌.

له‌گه‌ڵ مەترسی تووشبوون بە نەخۆشییە سێکسییەکان و هەوکردنە سێکسییە گواستراوەکان له‌وانه‌:
ڤایرۆسی (HPV)
ئاوسانی جگەر – ناسراو به‌ هه‌پیتایته‌س A وB
هەوکردنی جگەر

هه‌ریه‌ك له‌م نه‌خۆشیانه‌ له‌‌ ناو ئەو پیاوانەی سێکس لەگەڵ پیاوان دەکەن به‌رده‌وام ڕوو له‌ زیادبوون دەکات.

لە نێوان ژنانی هاوڕه‌گه‌زبازو دووڕەگەزبازیشدا زیادبوونی مەترسی شێرپەنجەی مەمک و هێلکەدان و ناوپۆشی مناڵدان زیاتره‌ بەهۆی کەمبوونەوەی دووگیانی تەواو و قەڵەوی.

لەنێو کەسانی ئێڵ جی بی تی کیودا قەڵەوی وجگەرەکێشان و بەکارهێنانی هۆرمۆنەکان باون. ئەم هۆکارانە مرۆڤ دەخاتە مەترسی تووشبوون بە نەخۆشییەکانی دڵ و جەڵتەی دڵ و جەڵتەی مێشک.

هۆرمۆنەكانی به‌ مێینه‌ کردن یان به‌ نێرینه‌كردن مەترسی زیاتری ده‌روونی و جەستەیییان بۆ دروست ئه‌كات.‌

ڕێژەی قەڵەوی وترس و دوودڵی و دڵه‌ڕاوكێ له‌ نێو تاکەکانی ڕەگەزگۆڕاو به‌ هۆی نه‌شته‌رگه‌ری و وه‌رگرتنی چارەسەری هۆرمۆنی بۆ گۆڕینی ڕەگەزه‌كه‌یان ڕوو له‌ زیادبوونه‌.

له‌كاتی پرۆسه‌ی گۆڕانكاری ڕه‌گه‌زیه‌كه‌یا بێگومان پێویستیان به‌ به‌كارهێنانی هۆرمۆنه‌كانه‌ بۆ گۆڕینی ڕه‌گه‌زیان وه‌ك نێر یاخود مێ، زۆربەی نەخۆشەکان له‌ به‌ریتانیا له‌سه‌ره‌تاوه‌ چارەسەر لە ڕێگەی (کلینیکەکانی ناسنامەی ڕەگەزی) (GIC) وه‌رده‌گرن كه‌‌ به‌كارهێنانی ئه‌و هۆرمۆنانه‌ چه‌ندین مه‌ترسی ڕووبه‌ڕووی نه‌خۆش ده‌كه‌نه‌وه‌، له‌وانه‌:

دابەزین یان بەرزی پەستانی خوێن
مه‌یینی خوێن
وه‌ستانی مێشك\ سترۆك
نەخۆشی دڵ
هەندێک جۆری شێرپەنجە
لەدەستدانی شلە (وشکبوونەوە)
تێکچوونی جگەر
زیادبوونی هیمۆگلۆبین

له‌ كاتێكا بۆ سنووردارکردنی مەترسییەکان، پێویستە لە نزیکەوە چاودێری چارەسەری هۆرمۆنی بكرێت لەگەڵ ئاستی خوێن، به‌ڵام هەندێک جار کەسێکی ڕەگەزگۆڕاو هۆرمۆنەکان لە سه‌رچاوه‌یه‌كی ناپزیشکی دەکڕێت له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی له‌وانه‌یه‌ هه‌رزاتر ده‌ستی كه‌وێت، ئەمەش ده‌كرێت ببێتە هۆی خواردنی هۆرمۆنی هەڵە یان ژەمی هەڵە، كه‌ کاریگەری لاوەکی جددی زیاد ده‌كات بۆ به‌كارهێنه‌ره‌كه‌.

کەسانی ڕەگەزگۆڕاو مەترسی تووشبوونیان بە هەندێک شێرپەنجە کە پەیوەستن بە بەکارهێنانی هۆرمۆنەکانەوە زیاترە. بەپێی قۆناغه‌كانی گۆڕینی ڕه‌گه‌ز، له‌وانه‌؛ شێرپه‌نجه‌ی مەمک، منداڵدان، هێلکەدان، پرۆستات، جگەر.

به‌رزبوونه‌وه‌ی کێشی ناتەندروستی جەستە كه‌ دەتوانێت بەشداربێت لە کۆمەڵێک کێشەی تەندروستی كه‌ لە خەمۆکییەوە دەست پێدەکات تا دەگاتە نەخۆشییەکانی دڵ.

به‌كارهێنانی ئامێری ئوتوكردنی مه‌مك\ یاخود ته‌خت كردنی سنگ كه‌ به‌و كچانه‌ ده‌درێت كه‌ ده‌یانه‌وێت ڕه‌گه‌زی خۆیان بگۆڕن به‌ كوڕ، ئه‌بێته‌ هۆكاری چه‌ندین كێشه‌ی ته‌ندروستی. به‌ گوێره‌ی توێژینەوەیەکی قوتابخانەی تەندروستی گشتی جۆنز هۆپکینز به‌كارهێنانی ئه‌و ئامێرانه‌ ئه‌بێته‌ هۆكاری: ئازار، شکانی بڕبڕەی پشت، گۆڕانکاری لە بڕبڕەی پشت، سەرئێشە ، هەوکردنی کۆئەندامی هەناسە و پێست و ئه‌زیه‌ت بوونی ماسولکەکان.

کێشە تەندروستیه‌ دەروونیه‌كان

به‌ پێی ڕاپرسیه‌كه‌ی (گۆڤاری تەندروستی گشتی ئەمریکی) هەرزەکارانی کەمینە سێکسییەکان زیاتر کێشەی تەندروستی دەروونی وەک خەمۆکی، دڵەڕاوکێ و زیادبوونی ڕەفتاری خۆکوژی یان هه‌یه‌ به‌به‌راورد به‌ هەرزەکارانی جیاڕەگەز.

هۆكاره‌كانی کێشەکانی تەندروستی دەروونی زۆرن، له‌وانه‌:

سه‌ره‌تا كێشه‌ ده‌روونیه‌كانیان له‌ خودی خۆیانه‌وه‌ ده‌ست پێئه‌كات له‌ هەبوونی هەستی نەرێنی سەبارەت بە خودی خۆیانه‌وه‌ هه‌تا ئه‌وه‌ی چۆن خۆیان لەگەڵ ڕه‌گه‌زه‌كه‌ی خۆیان بگونجێن.
ئیحراج بوون بە ڕاگه‌یاندنی ڕه‌گه‌زه‌ نوێیه‌كه‌یان وه‌ ئه‌وه‌ی چۆن بتوانن به‌ ڕاشكاوی ووتوێژێكی له‌وجۆره‌ له‌گه‌ڵ خزم و براده‌ره‌كانیان بكه‌ن.
ترسی ڕەتکردنەوەیان لەلایەن خێزان وكۆمه‌ڵگا.
نیگەرانی لەوەی کاردانەوەیان چۆن ئەبێت. ‌
ترسان له‌ مه‌حكوم كردنیان له‌لایه‌ن خێزان و كۆمه‌ڵگاوه
ترس له‌ نەبوونی پشتگیری یان قبوڵکردنیان لەلایەن هاوڕێ، خێزان، کۆمەڵگاوه‌. ‌
هەستکردن بە گۆشەگیری یان هەست بە تەنیایی كردن چونکە نایانه‌وێت بە کەس بڵێن، تەنانەت کەسانی نزیکیش لە خۆیانەوه‌.
نه‌توانینی به‌ ئاشكرا قسەکردن لەگەڵ خێزان وكۆمه‌ڵگا سه‌باره‌ت به‌و بارودۆخه‌ی پێیدا تێده‌په‌ڕن.

توێژینەوەیەکی ئەم دواییەی ستۆنۆول دەریخستووە کە بە بەراورد بە ساڵی پێشوو:

تووشی خەمۆکی بوون سێ لە هەر پێنج کەس له‌وانه‌ی ڕه‌گه‌زیان گۆڕیوه‌ تووشی دڵەڕاوکێ و
یه‌ك له‌ هەشتی كه‌مینه‌ی ئێڵ جی بی تی کیو كه‌ ته‌مه‌نیان له‌ نێوان ١٨ بۆ ٢٤ ساڵدایە لانی كه‌م جارێك هەوڵی کۆتاییهێنانیان بە ژیانی خۆیان داوه‌، وه‌ نزیکەی نیوەی کەسانی ترانس بیریان لەوە کردۆته‌وە کە كۆتایی به‌ ژیانی خۆیان بهێن.

جگه‌ له‌وه‌ی كه‌ هه‌ندێكیان به‌هۆی ئه‌و بارودۆخه‌ ده‌روونیه‌ی تێی ده‌كه‌ون ده‌ست ده‌كه‌ن به‌ بەکارهێنانی مادەی هۆشبەر.

ئه‌مانه‌ مه‌ترسی گه‌وره‌ن و ڕوو له‌هه‌ر ووڵاتێك بكه‌ن به‌ره‌و هه‌ڵدێرو وێرانی ڕه‌وشتی و كۆمه‌ڵایه‌تی ئه‌به‌دی ئه‌به‌ن، ئەرکی ئەو کەسانەیە کە بەرپرسیارن لە پەروەردەکردنی منداڵان – بە تایبەتی دایک و باوک و مامۆستایان ووریا و هۆشیار بن له‌ هه‌ر كرانه‌وه‌یه‌ك به‌ره‌و ئه‌و ئاراسته‌یه‌، هه‌موان ئه‌زانین كه‌ ئەوانەی منداڵێک فێر دەکەن کە ٦٤ ڕەگەزی جیاواز هەیە، ڕاستییەکان ناڵێن. مەنهەجی خوێندن و په‌روه‌رده‌ پێویستە یارمەتی منداڵان بدات بۆ په‌روه‌رده‌ كردن و پەرەپێدانی متمانە و ڕێز له‌ خۆ گرتن نه‌ك بەکاربهێنرێت بۆ تێکدانی واقیع و دواجار منداڵ و كۆمه‌ڵگاش بخاته‌ مەترسییەوە.

بۆ بینینی به‌شی یه‌كه‌م كلیكی ئێره‌ بكه‌ ‌

بۆ بینینی به‌شی دووه‌م كلیكی ئێره‌ بكه‌‌

تێبینی: له‌به‌ر ئه‌وه‌ی بابه‌ته‌كه‌ له‌وه‌ درێژ تر نه‌بێته‌وه‌ من هه‌ندێ لایه‌نی تری ئه‌م بابه‌ته‌م باس لێ نه‌كردووه‌ كه‌ په‌یوه‌ستن به‌باته‌كه‌وه‌و ده‌بوو باسیان لێ بكرایه‌، وه‌ له‌وانه‌شه‌ له‌ هه‌ندێك شوێنا له‌به‌ر هه‌مان هۆكار وه‌ك خۆم ده‌مویست مافی ته‌واوم به‌ ته‌وه‌ره‌كان نه‌دابێت ‌، به‌ڵام سه‌رچاوه‌كان له‌خواره‌وه‌ داده‌نێم بۆ هه‌ركه‌سێك بیه‌وێت كه‌ زانیاری زیاتر سه‌باره‌ت به‌هه‌ر یه‌ك له‌و خاڵانه‌ ده‌ست بخات كه‌ من لێره‌ باسم كردوون.

A timeline of LGBTQ communities in the UK, key events (2022), (Online). Available at: https://www.bl.uk/lgbtq-histories/lgbtq-timeline#Buggery%20Act

A History of LGBT Criminalisation- Over 500 years of outlawing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people – Human Dignity Trust- (2022) (Online). Available at: https://www.humandignitytrust.org/lgbt-the-law/a-history-of-criminalisation/

Government Equalities Office, National LGBT Survey- Summery Report. (2018) (Online). Available at: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/722314/GEO-LGBT-Survey-Report.pdf/

Section 28 (2003), (Online). Available at: https://lgbtplushistorymonth.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/1384014531S28Background.pdf

The murder of gay actor Michael Boothe- His killers roam free, but his death led to the formation of OutRage! Stuart Hobday- London, UK – (2020) (Online). Available at: https://www.petertatchellfoundation.org/the-murder-of-gay-actor-michael-boothe-30-years-on/

HELP SAVE THE BOLTON 7, (Online). Available at: https://www.petertatchell.net/lgbt_rights/rosecottage/OutRage-archives/bolton7.htm

Over 100 major companies join together to say trans rights are human rights. (Online). Available at: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/over-100-major-companies-join-together-say-trans-rights-are-human-rights

Mermaids Stars Tyler, (2022) (Online). Available at: https://mermaidsuk.org.uk/news/mermaids-tales/

The Queen has turned her back on the gay community Peter Tatchell (2012) (Online). Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2012/jun/01/queen-gay-community-homophobe

52% of British Muslims in poll think homosexuality should be illegal (2016). (Online) Available at: https://edition.cnn.com/2016/04/11/europe/britain-muslims-survey/index.html

Imaan Foundation. London (Online). Available at: https://imaanlondon.wordpress.com/about/

Hidayah LGBTQI+ The Leading Queer Muslim charity (Online). Available at: https://hidayahlgbt.com/about-us/

Data and analysis from Census 2021- Sexual orientation, UK: 2020 – Office for National Statistics (2021) (Online). Available at: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/sexuality/bulletins/sexualidentityuk/2020

Hexham Courant News (2022) Children’s commissioner shocked by ‘horrendous’ sex education materials. (Online). Available at: https://www.hexham-courant.co.uk/news/national/20256770.childrens-commissioner-shocked-horrendous-sex-education-materials/

Tory MP calls for inquiry into ‘trans ideology’ in schools, Rachel Badham )2021( (Online). Available at: https://www.gscene.com/news/gay-news/tory-mp-calls-for-inquiry-into-trans-ideology-in-schools/

EXCELLENT speech by Miriam Cates MP on RSE resources in schools – Westminster Hall debate(2022) (Online). Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nF_F1MOjtoI

Bayswater Support Group – Home Page (Online). Available at: https://www.bayswatersupport.org.uk/

Are puberty blockers reversible? The NHS no longer says so (2020) (Online). Available at: https://www.transgendertrend.com/nhs-no-longer-puberty-blockers-reversible/

LGBTIQ+ people Statistics, Explore mental health, Mental Health Foundation (2022) (Online). Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/explore-mental-health/mental-health-statistics/lgbtiq-people-statistics

LGBT Community Faces a Variety of Serious Health Problems- Health News, Healthline.com (2022) (Online). Available at: https://www.healthline.com/health-news/lgbt-community-faces-serious-health-problems

Schools are telling children lies, (2022) (Online). Available at: https://mickhartley.typepad.com/blog/2022/07/schools-are-telling-children-lies.html

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لەئەمریکا ترەمپ فەرمانێک واژۆدەکات کە تەنها (دوو) ڕەگەز دەناسێت

وەرگێڕانی:د.بێخاڵ ئەبوبەکرلە یەکەم کاتژمێرەکانی دەستبەکاربوونی لە پۆستەکەیدا، سەرۆک ترەمپ فەرمانێکی جێبەجێکاری بەرفراوانی واژۆکرد کە تەنها …

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  7. Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux,
    has described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst film ever made’. 

    The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring
    Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before its October 4 release and flopped at the box office.

    Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s new
    film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going
    to bomb’ while filming. 

    Speaking on The Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Tim said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made.

    ‘I think what happened, after the first Joker, there was a lot of
    talk like, ‘Oh, this was loved by incels. This was loved by the
    wrong kinds of people. This sent the wrong kind of message.

    Male rage! Nihilism! All these think pieces. 

    Tim Dillon, who makes a brief appearance in Joker: Folie à Deux,
    has described the new sequel as ‘terrible’ and ‘the worst
    film ever made’

    The follow-up to the Oscar-winning 2019 film, starring Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck (Joker) and
    Lady Gaga as Lee Quinzel (Harley Quinn), faced negative reviews from critics before its October 4 release and flopped at
    the box office

    ‘And then I think, ‘What if we went the other way,’ and
    now they have Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga tap dancing to a point where it’s insane.’

    He continued: ‘It has no plot. We would sit there, me and these other guys were all dressed
    in these security outfits because we’re working at the Arkham Asylum, and
    I would turn to one of them and we’d hear this crap and I’d
    go, ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This
    is going to bomb, man.’ I go, ‘This is the worst thing I’ve ever seen.’

    ‘We were talking about it at lunch, and we’d go, ‘What is the plot?

    Is there a plot? I don’t know, I think he falls in love with her
    in the prison?’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
    That’s how terrible it is.’

    Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last month to defend the
    sequel to Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture.

    The film debuted to a paltry $40 million at the domestic box office,
    good enough for the weekend’s top spot, but less
    than projections, and half that of its predecessor.

    Amid the early returns, a number of fans took up for the movie and
    its cinematic depth, in breaking away from the cookie cutter nature of
    sequels to introduce a musical element not present in the first film,
    with Lady Gaga joining the franchise.

    ‘Joker 2 was amazing,’ one user said, adding that it was ‘100% as divisive as people are making it out to be.
    I love that the film didn’t try to be a traditional sequel,
    and fully committed to the storytelling they presented.

    It never deviated to be a film full of Easter eggs or any other crowd pleasing aspects.’

    Another user said, ‘I kinda loved Joker 2. I loved how it was structured as a meta-exploration of the first film’s fandom and the musical elements were a lot of fun.’ 

    Tim, 39, who played a guard at Arkham Asylum in the movie, said Todd Philips’s new film has ‘no plot’ and admitted he knew it was ‘going
    to bomb’ while filming

    He said: ‘It’s the worst film ever made. It has no plot. We would sit there,
    me and these other guys and I’d go, ‘What the f*** is this?’ And they’d go, ‘This is going to bomb, man.’ It’s not even hate-watchable.
    That’s how terrible it is’

    Despite the negative reviews a number of fans of the sequel took to social media after its release last month to defend the sequel to
    Todd Phillips’ 2019 motion picture 

    One user marvelled that Joker 2 is ‘getting
    universal hate despite being more interesting and creative than anything marvel has done
    in years is expected.’

    It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood of negative
    reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux, with the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects to help distract from
    the furore over the film, insiders claim.

    Todd Phillips‘ sequel has bombed, raking in just under $40 million at the domestic
    box office, and receiving the lowest CinemaScore in comic book movie history.

    Gaga, 38, is reportedly confused at the lack of love for her turn as Harleen Lee Quinzel,
    aka Harley Quinn, alongside Joaquin Phoenix, 49, as the Joker – a role that won him the best actor Oscar in 2019 – in the wake of the standing ovation it
    received at the Venice Film Festival last month.

    ‘Gaga is surprised by the response to Joker 2 and
    is shocked that people don’t love it after the response it received from critics before it
    premiered,’ a source exclusively told DailyMail.com. 

    ‘She put so much heart into the movie and has so much respect for the DC comics fan base.’

    They added: ‘Her team is quietly looking at other projects they can roll
    out as they want to move on this from as quickly as possible.’

    It comes after lead star Lady Gaga was left ‘disappointed’ at the immense flood
    of negative reactions to Joker: Folie à Deux, with
    the singer’s team now keen to quickly push out other projects to help distract
    from the furor over the film, insiders claim

    But despite the lacklustre reception from fans, a second source claimed she is not letting it deter her from returning to the big screen, with the singer said to be eyeing up a Quentin Tarantino movie.

    ‘She is disappointed that Joker is pretty much a bomb,’
    they said. 

    ‘She thought that this film could get her an Oscar nomination, especially since the first film was such
    a success and Joaquin won an Oscar.

    ‘She would now like to land a role in Quentin Tarantino’s next and final film.
    Nobody knows what that is going to be, but she wants to audition. 

    ‘She’s going to lobby hard to get a meeting with him once a script is presented,
    it is a bucket list moment for her to be involved.’

    Lady Gaga

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  336. Hamas’ leader Yahya Sinwar could have given an order to execute all the hostages
    who remain in Gaza if he died, a top Israeli negotiator has claimed. 

    Sinwar died on Wednesday after the IDF encountered him by chance, sending a drone to kill the terror leader. 

    Gershon Baskin, the Israeli negotiator who oversaw Sinwar’s 2011 release from an Israeli prison, along with 1,026 Palestinian prisoners, in exchange for the return of kidnapped soldier Gilad Shilat, said that his death was a ‘moment of either opportunity or a moment of doom.’

    ‘A moment of doom because there are rumours that Sinwar
    instructed people holding hostages that, should he be killed, they should kill their hostages,’ he told the Telegraph. 

    At the time of Sinwar’s death, just over 100 hostages remained in Gaza, with 60 thought
    to still be alive. 

    Those who remain alive are at risk of never being returned to their families, according Haaretz,
    which reported on Sunday that top US officials, including Secretary of
    State Anthony Blinken, have assessed there is a slim chance of a deal
    being brokered, given the tensions between Israel
    and Hamas. 

    Sinwar (pictured) died on Wednesday after the IDF encountered him by chance, sending a drone to kill the terror leader

    Protesters attend a demonstration against Israeli Prime Minister
    Benjamin Netanyahu’s government and demand a deal to release all hostages held
    in Gaza, during the Israel-Hamas conflict, near Netanyahu’s private residence in Jerusalem June 20

    People protest against the government, to demand a ceasefire deal and the immediate release of hostages kidnapped during the deadly October 7,
    2023 attack by Hamas, in Tel Aviv, Israel

    A senior Israeli official told the newspaper on Sunday, several days after Sinwar’s passing: ‘There
    are currently no serious cease-fire talks, and Blinken is fully aware of this.’

    Read More

    Child among four killed and dozens injured after IDF airstrike near Lebanon’s biggest hospital

    They added: ‘It’s unclear how Sinwar’s death will impact any potential negotiations, if they even exist at this stage.’

    While Baskin told the Telegraph that it wasn’t possible to confirm whether Sinwar had
    a kill order on the hostages, he said the rumours ought to be taken seriously, given how little Hamas appears to
    care for them. 

    He cited the horrific killing of six hostages in tunnels under Rafah in late

    Israeli military spokesman Daniel Hagari said the six were ‘cruelly murdered by Hamas just a short time
    before we got to them.’

    The six dead hostages were identified as Eden Yerushalmi,
    24, Carmel Gat, 39, Almog Sarusi, 26, Alex Lubnov, 26, Ori Danino, 25,
    and Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 23.  

    Five of those who were recovered had been attending the Nova music festival when Hamas terrorists
    began slaughtering festivalgoers, while taking others hostage.

    Gat was at her family kibbutz when she was captured.

    The time on the clock by the end of the footage is 1.32am, just five hours before the first terrorists were spotted
    breaching into Israeli territory

    This is the moment Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar’s wife is spotted seemingly holding a $32,000
    bag in the tunnel leading to his secret lair

    Footage of his wife seems to show her entering the tunnel to the lair,
    carrying a Birkin bag, the day before the horrendous
    tragedy. She is seen appearing to smile at the camera

    People pass by a newly painted graffiti depicting Hamas Leader Yahya
    Sinwar, days after he was killed by Israeli forces
    in Gaza, in Tel Aviv, Israel, on Sunday, Oct. 20, 2024

    Goldberg-Polin lost his arm when a grenade exploded during the

    ‘We saw the six hostages killed when Israel
    was entering the tunnel. That could be the case now. We just don’t know,’ Baskin said. 

    Read More

    US probing ‘leaked Israeli documents’ which ‘indicate Britain’s
    involvement in a deadly plot’ 

    He said the return of the hostages depended entirely
    on whether Israel is able to make a deal with Hamas. 

    ‘It’s a moment of opportunity where Israel should be issuing a very clear call that anyone who’s
    holding a hostage that releases them will be given free passage for themselves
    and their family out of Gaza to another country, as well as a lot of money.

    ‘In order to encourage them to do that, Israel should also be reaching out to Egypt and Qatar and tell
    them to renew the negotiations quickly, not on the deal that’s been negotiated without success for almost four months, but on a deal that would bring the hostages
    home quicker and would obviously require Israel to end the

    He said a deal would likely mean the release of Palestinian prisoners, a
    controversial point for many Israelis who believe
    that their release would simply lead to another October 7-style attack in the future. 

    A Yemeni man looks at an artwork depicting the Hamas’ Political Bureau
    Head Yahya Sinwar

    Sinwar’s lair, discovered by Israeli soldiers in the Tel al-Sultan area, was well-resourced,
    with food, water and other supplies to help him survive for months

    These are the disquieting images that show Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar was callously hiding out
    in relative comfort from his underground lair as he ordered his terror group to carry out the bloodiest massacre Israel has ever

    But Baskin said it was a mistake to think like this:
    ‘October 7 wasn’t because of Sinwar. [It] was because we’re occupying another people for 56 years without enabling them to ever believe that they’re going to be
    free, or locking two million people in Gaza under poverty and
    telling them that they’ll never be able to leave Gaza.’

    Read More

    Hamas ‘will keep new leader’s identity SECRET to avoid another assassination’

    He said he hoped the deadly attack would ultimately
    force Israelis to ‘confront the fallacy of basing its policies, vis-à-vis the Palestinians, on military force’.

    ‘For Palestinians, the lessons learned must, first and foremost, be that there should no longer be an armed
    struggle as part of their liberation strategy.

    ‘Right or wrong, the armed struggle primarily brings death and destruction.’

    He added: ‘Every person living between the river and the sea must have the same right to the same rights.

    ‘From that principle, we can move forward. Freedom, self-determination,
    security, and dignity for all.’


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    Care of Fish

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    Meat and fish stay fresh in cans due to the process of canning, which involves
    sealing the food in an airtight container and heating it to a
    high temperature to
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    Care of Fish


    What do pet sea snails eat?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, hello there, my friend! Pet sea snails enjoy a diet of algae, plankton, and sometimes even small particles of
    fish or shrimp. It’s important to provide th
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    Care of Fish


    Name of fish that begins with an A?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, you’re really testing my fish knowledge here.
    Alright, let’s see… how about the angelfish? Yeah, that’s right, it starts with an A.

    Like, not to bra
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    Care of Fish


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    Well to me it means a lot because the fish are a bit like us.
    They need food to stay nice a healthy and
    if you do not feed the fish for a long time it will star
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    Care of Fish


    What eats benthic fish?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, like, lots of things eat benthic fish! You’ve
    got your sharks, seals, sea birds, and even some larger fish like groupers and snappers.

    It’s like a buf
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    Care of Fish


    Do betta fish really eat other fish?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, betta fish can be pretty territorial and aggressive, especially the males.
    They might snack on some smaller fish if they get the chance, but it’s not
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    Care of Fish


    What are the similarities between a dog and a sea crab?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Well, darling, both a dog and a sea crab have legs, they can move around, and they have sensory organs to help
    them navigate their environments. But let’s be re
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    Chickens and Roosters


    How many cells does a chicken have?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A chicken typically has around 20 billion cells.

    This estimate includes various cell types found in different
    tissues and organs throughout the chicken’s
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters

    What is opposite gender of a cock?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A cockerel is a male chicken and a hen is the
    female chicken. A hen, as in ‘peacock and peahen’. It is the same
    with chickens and swampfowl. Unless of course so
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters

    What is the average volume of a chicken?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The average volume of a chicken can vary depending on the breed, age, and size of the
    chicken. However, a standard adult chicken typically
    has a body volume ran
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    Chickens and Roosters

    What time does a chicken wake up?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Chickens typically wake up at dawn, which varies depending on the time of
    year and location. This is due to their natural circadian rhythm, influenced by the am
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters

    How do you spell the noise a chicken makes?

    Asked by Wiki User

    The onomatopoeia for the sound of a chicken is variously rendered in many languages, the most common English variants
    being “cluck cluck” or “buc buc” (bok bok)
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters

    Is rex the goliath rooster real?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, isn’t that just a delightful question! Rex the Goliath Rooster is a character from a
    popular children’s book series called “Rex the Big Dinosaur.”
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters

    How much water did your county use each day in 1990?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, isn’t that a fascinating question! In 1990, my county used about 100 million gallons
    of water each day. It’s amazing to think about all the ways water nouri
    Read more

    Chickens and Roosters


    Is hen is a bird or animal?

    Asked by Wiki User

    A hen is both an animal and a bird. All birds are animals.
    They are all part of the kingdom animalia.

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    squeak: ‘pure Cumbrian comfort by way of Lewis’,
    is Tom’s verdict

    We’re here with Peter Gott, that great Cumbrian hero, and the man behind Sillfield Farm,
    who has invited me up to cook at the Westmorland
    County Show; also chef Phil Vickery, who certainty knows his alliums; and the
    force of nature that is Lorraine Stanton, something of a legend around these
    parts. But first dinner, and a sublime twice-baked Mrs Kirkham’s cheese soufflé,
    the texture as light as a sigh, the flavour profoundly, lasciviously rich.
    Mrs Kirkham’s, now made by her son Graham, is one of the world’s great cheeses, and this is a soufflé of
    quiet majesty. A mushroom soup is equally splendid, managing to be both light and gutsy, while Stornoway black pudding with bubble and squeak and a
    deep-fried egg is pure Cumbrian comfort by way of Lewis.

    There’s a fundamental generosity here, matched by assured technical precision. Duck à l’orange sees a
    plump breast cooked rare, the skin crisp, the sauce just the right side of bitter.
    It comes with a fat potato fondant and cabbage spiked with shards of smoked bacon. I eat rump of lamb, four vast just-pink slices, drenched in the stickiest,
    most gloriously intense of gravies; by its side, a tiny shepherd’s pie, one bite of
    pure ovine brilliance.

    Puddings are every bit as fine: a lemon tart, beautifully sharp, with damson sorbet (this part of the Lake District is famed for its
    damsons); along with a banana soufflé, this time the classic version but ethereal,
    served with vanilla ice cream and a pot of sticky-toffee
    sauce to pour deep into its molten centre. This is good old-fashioned food, immaculately done, in the sort of pub designed for lingering.
    It’s getting late now, and we’ve an early start. But first, another bottle of
    wine. Dinners like this are too rare to be rushed.

    About £45 per head. The Punch Bowl Inn, Crosthwaite, Cumbria; the-punchbowl.co.uk


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  610. What do pop star Lily Allen, Olympic gold medal-winning diver Jack Laugher, tennis
    player Nick Kyrgios and 25-year-old Bonnie Blue from Nottingham, who has filmed herself having sex with hundreds of 18-year-old
    students (and sometimes their dads, too), all have in common?

    Yes, you guessed it. They are all ‘creatives’ on OnlyFans, the adults-only online content provider founded in 2016 by a young Essex businessman called Tim Stokely, which is now one of the most visited (and lucrative) websites in the world.

    Just last month, Lily Allen caused a stir by revealing that she makes more money charging $10
    (£8) – the site works in dollars – for pictures of her
    feet on her OnlyFans account labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does
    from her 7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify.

    But Lily’s content is tame in comparison to much of the content on the site,
    the sort company execs refer to as ‘spicy’. Everything from
    cheeky shots of bottoms peeking out of bubble baths, blondes
    stirring vats of steaming pasta in G-strings, hot men waxing
    cars in their pants, right through the sex spectrum to twosomes, threesomes, sixsomes and hardcore
    pornographic videos.

    But also because, thanks to the allure of OnlyFans and the astonishing sums that a teeny number of the platform’s 4.1million creatives are raking in,
    more and more young women (and it is mostly young women)
    who would never have considered it before are suddenly happy to join in and sell photos of, well, pretty
    much anything, to pay rent, settle credit card bills or splash out on nice holidays.
    Basically, a flashier life all round.

    ‘We feel empowered. We have agency. It’s completely up to me if I take my top off or not,’
    says one 21-year-old girl, who joined a year ago
    and makes enough in a week to cover a year’s student rent at Sheffield University and prefers not to give her name.

    ‘And I am happy to do it because for once I make the rules, in the safety of my
    home and they’re paying me to do it. It’s a mug’s game, but I
    am not the mug.’

    For the benefit of those readers who are not among the site’s 305million users,
    OnlyFans offers creators a platform where they can charge
    their fans a subscription fee ranging from $4.99 to $49.99 a month to look at their
    content, contact them (or more often access their ‘chatter’ – more of which later) and
    access often more explicit, personalised, ‘à la carte’ content
    through ‘tips’.

    OnlyFans model Bonnie Blue has filmed herself having
    sex with hundreds of 18-year-olds

    Rapper Cardi B is said to make $9million (£7.1million) a month from the

    Actress Bella Thorne, a former Disney child star, made
    a record-breaking $1million (£800,000) in 24 hours

    ‘Pay $10 to unlock this video’. ‘Click here for more spicy content’.
    ‘The more you pay, the more you see’. You get the gist.

    In 2023, the site generated a record $6.6billion (£5.2billion),
    of which the company takes a straight 20 per cent – much
    less than YouTube – and the rest goes to the ‘performers’.

    It is unlike Instagram or other social media sites in that nothing is suggested – instead,
    you have to search for, and then subscribe to, individual accounts to see much more than profile pictures.

    Which is a good thing, because while some of the content is anodyne, much
    is highly sexual and many people on the site can bob freely from
    one to another. Perhaps a cookery hack one day, modelling new boots the next, then graduate to a few cheeky cleavage and bikini shots and
    more, as the money becomes more tempting.

    Every week, it seems, we hear of someone who has made millions.

    Last month it was announced that American influencer Corinna Kopf had retired from
    the site, aged 28, after making $67million (£53million).

    In her best month, she reportedly earned more than $2million (£1.6million).

    Rapper Cardi B is said to earn more than $9million (£7.1million) a month from the site.

    Meanwhile, Darcie Rattles was an out-of-work bricklayer with £6,000 in credit card bills and debts when she joined OnlyFans in 2022.

    ‘I was thinking: how the hell am I going to get to next week?

    How am I going to pay my credit cards?’ she says in an online interview.

    ‘I’m young, I’ve got a good body and I’ve got
    a lot of followers. It is what any girl would turn to.
    It had been in the back of mind for two years, but then I did

    Within two days of launching, she had earned enough to pay off her debts.
    Today, Darcie, who comes across as likeable, down-to-earth and has no qualms about what she shares, claims to earn more than £250,000 a year.

    Pop singer Lily Allen has discovered a niche market…

    … she sells pictures of her feet for £8 and makes more money from her
    account labelled ‘La Dolca Feeta’ than she does from her 7.5million monthly listeners on Spotify

    ‘It doesn’t matter to me whether I get my feet out, or my other bits out,’ she says.

    Though it does tend to be the other bits, because Darcie’s content promises very few clothes and, for those who
    pay extra, ‘a naughty side to me you’ve never seen before’.

    But even Darcie seems like the girl next door compared to Lily
    Phillips, a British model who earned £2,000 in her
    first 24 hours on the site and recently went viral for sleeping with 101 men over a 14-hour
    period. She has since announced she is planning to set a record of having sex with 1,000 men in 24 hours.

    And Bonnie Blue, a beautiful blonde with a golden tan and astonishingly
    white teeth, who has worked her way round Derby, Nottingham, Cancun and Australia, sleeping with university students.

    On one night during Nottingham Trent freshers’ week – after publicising her stunt by wearing a sandwich board that read: ‘Bonk me for free and let me film it’ – she had boys queuing up from 6pm until five
    in the morning.

    ‘I got through them all,’ she said proudly in one interview in which she reminds us that, thanks to OnlyFans, she has already banked more than £3 million – for which she was
    applauded by her followers for her entrepreneurship.

    But all that is chicken feed when you consider the £370 million dividend that company owner paid himself last year.

    And these days that’s Leonid Radvinsky, who bought a majority stake from Tim
    Stokely in 2018, two years after he started the business with the help of a loan from his father.

    It was the Covid-era lockdowns that thrust OnlyFans
    into the stratosphere. Everyone shut up at home, nothing to do.
    In 2020, it generated revenues of $2.23billion (£1.8billion).
    By 2021, it was up to $4.8billion (£3.8billion).
    There was a brief hiatus in October of that year when they tried banning sexually explicit content but that lasted about ten minutes before they switched back.

    There have been plenty of scandals along the way.
    A BBC investigation back in 2021 revealed that children were not just accessing the material online by
    foxing the age verification process but were also selling explicit videos on the website.
    Leah, 17, had used a fake driving licence to set up an OnlyFans account where
    she made £5,000 uploading revealing videos of herself.

    There have also been claims of OnlyFans creators using
    public gyms and spaces to make adult content.

    Recently there has been more concerns that the company is
    not doing enough to protect minors.

    OnlyFans, however, prefers to portray itself as a force for good, with supporters arguing that it empowers people by allowing them to sell content – over which they have full control –
    directly to consumers. And many of the Gen Z generation seem to agree.
    ‘It’s fine. It’s empowering. It’s taking control,
    ‘ they cry, pointing out that the site has loads of moderators and a tight security system to ensure
    that all users are over 18.

    And they say, anyway, that OnlyFans isn’t just about sex.

    Of course, they’re right. It has long been awash with pneumatic reality TV stars and the likes of Lottie Moss, Kerry Katona and
    Katie Price, who are happy to tease their followers with
    a few cheeky peeks in skimpy bikinis.

    I spend an afternoon browsing the site and, while it is not
    all ‘spicy’ content as the company executives
    like to call it, everything is dripping with sauce
    and promise.

    The big lips, the push-up bras, even the way a
    pretty Spanish chef is holding her paella pan. Company executives have been pushing hard to make the platform more mainstream
    – offering contracts and financial incentives to encourage musicians, sports stars, cooks, anyone
    really, to come on and share a bit of exclusive – or niche – content.

    Really, anything that people will pay to look at – glimpses backstage at concerts.

    Celebrities in the bath.

    During the 2024 Olympic Games, a raft of athletes jumped on the OnlyFans bandwagon to share pictures of their
    beautifully toned bodies.

    Along with Jack Laugher, Team NZ rower Robbie Manson uses the site to share ‘exclusive
    content that tastefully explores the boundaries, including artistic
    portrayals of nudity’ for $14.99 a month. British speedskater

    Olympic diver Jack Laugher is among a number of sports stars
    using OnlyFans

    Reality TV star Kerry Katona has also teased followers with content

    Lottie Moss  has also taken to the adults-only online content provider that was founded in 2016 and is used by 4.1 million creatives

    Elise Christie turned to the site when she found herself in financial difficulties.

    All of which seems to be working well for them, but it can be rather murkier for others.

    Not least because, in less than a decade, OnlyFans has spawned an entire support industry
    of ‘sugar daddies’ who support performers financially
    and ‘chatters’ who work for them. ‘Sugar daddies’ tend to be older male businessmen who ‘invest’ in promising creatives.
    In what are referred to rather murkily as ‘mutually beneficial
    deals’, they invest in branding and marketing and videography to boost traffic.

    Chatters are different. For the real stars, the traffic is
    so high and the interaction with followers so demanding that
    if they had to do it all themselves, there’s no way they would
    ever have time to put their pyjamas back on.

    So ‘chatters’ – a sort of online 21st-century Cyrano de Bergerac – do that for them.
    Keeping them engaged, online, needy and most of
    all, spending, spending, spending for more and more content.

    Which means, of course, that the whole thing is a total scam.
    The poor daft subscriber thinks he’s really making a connection with ‘Racy
    Tracey from Twickenham’, but is more likely chatting to a middle-aged father of three from the Philippines.

    He will have learnt everything about Tracey – her favourite colour, favourite animal
    and favourite position – have studied a script that reminds him ‘it’s
    all about selling, selling, selling’, and will be being paid $4 an hour for his efforts.
    Or the subscriber could just be talking to an AI bot – which perhaps is more appealing.

    Read More


    A year after split, I’ve had a baby and got engaged, writes Mother Pukka ANNA

    Chatters can be dangerous. As Alanya, a paralegal from Scotland, discovered when she
    learned that one of her most enthusiastic followers had travelled to her home town to
    find her, encouraged by her chatter.

    ‘My chatter told him that I loved him. I would never, ever have said that,
    ‘ she said.

    But, sadly, chatters, sugar daddies and stalkers are
    not a problem for most creatives. Almost all of whom are
    still struggling to make any proper money, however many clothes
    they take off.

    They will never know the clout of Cardi B, or Lily Allen, or former Disney child star Bella Thorne,
    who famously made a record- breaking $1million (£800,000) in 24 hours when she joined in August
    2020. (Though initially there was some confusion as to whether she would be
    appearing nude or not. She did not – which caused quite a

    Because, unlike celebrities who can redirect their existing social media followers to
    their OnlyFans accounts, most people find it
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    Read more

    Importing and Exporting

    What is glcoloc dinnerware France?

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    Read more

    Importing and Exporting

    What are the Advantage and disadvantages of retail

    Asked by Wiki User

    Some advantages to working in the retail trade include flexible scheduling; and
    the ability to increase your pay with bonuses and commission. Disadvantages
    of w
    Read more

    Importing and Exporting

    What is the importance of lumbering?

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    The importance of lumbering is building houses and making paper products.

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  750. ‘Tis the season of hosiery. Paired with a mini skirt
    and a sequin blazer (we’re looking at you, Selena Gomez),
    or styled with a little black dress and a pair of killer heels (à la Alexa Chung at the Fashion Awards), tights and stockings are
    a great way to add style – and perhaps an extra layer of warmth – to your outfits during the autumn and
    winter months.

    From matte to glossy, opaque to sheer, and black to skin-toned shades,
    there’s a lot more to consider than just the denier number when it comes
    to picking out a pair of classic tights. And then, of course, there is also patterned hosiery (think delicate designs like a
    back seam, polka dots or lace detailing) to elevate your winter style.

    ‘Tis the season of hosiery

    In 2024, tights should no longer be an obligation but a fashion choice.
    Google searches for ‘tights’ are up by 115% since the temperatures first
    dropped, and at high-street favourite M&S two pairs are sold every minute.
    So what styles are we buying?

    The top spot is claimed by the retailer’s 60 Denier Body Sensor
    Tights (a handy three-pack that sells for just £8 and is available in a black, navy and brown).
    The 40 Denier Body Sensor Tights (£8 for a three-pack) are second favourite, followed by the 30 Denier Body Sensor Tights (£8
    for a three-pack). The fourth most popular pair is the 60 Denier
    Magicwear Opaque Tights (£14 for a two-pack), and the top five is rounded out by
    the 100 Denier Magicwear Opaque Tights (£14 for a two-pack).

    These are the number one selling tights at Marks & Spencer

    M&S believes the decision between opaque and sheer tights should be based on the formality of our outfit.
    ‘Opaque black tights will go with basically everything.
    Often said to clash with black; blue or brown hues are also
    an option.’

    ‘Sheer tights are great for more formal occasions and warmer temperatures,
    as they provide a lighter and more breathable option,’ the high street giant added.
    ‘You can achieve that elegant, barely-there look with a little extra coverage.’

    Similarly, intricate patterns, logos and glitter are best suited for
    evening looks, says M&S. ‘For a daytime or office look, stick
    with polka dots or diamond patterned tights, or if
    you’re looking for some added cosiness, try cable-knit tights for some subtle texture.’

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  821. By Siddharth Cavale

    April 9 (Reuters) – British American Tobacco said on Thursday that it sued Philip Morris International
    Inc in the United States and Germany, alleging
    that the tobacco heating technology used in its bigger rival’s IQOS devices infringed its patents.

    The Lucky Strike cigarette maker said it had filed two patent
    infringement claims in the United States against Philip Morris,
    one through the International Trade Commission (ITC) and one in the Virginia federal court,
    seeking remedies for damages caused and an injunction on importing the product.

    The lawsuits in Germany and the United States focus on the heating
    blade technology used in IQOS, which BAT said was an earlier version of the technology
    currently being used in its glo tobacco heating devices.

    BAT has laid out plans to launch glo range of products
    in Germany this year.

    “If we win we may be able to get an ITC exclusion order blocking the importation of IQOS into the U.S. by Philip Morris unless they agree to take a license to our patents,” BAT spokesman Will Hill
    said when contacted for comment.

    Philip Morris started selling IQOS in the United States
    last year. The device is also the only tobacco heating product to be approved for sale in the country.

    “We have seen media reports that BAT has filed legal actions but have not had the opportunity to evaluate its allegations. We can say, however, that we will vigorously defend ourselves,” Philip Morris said
    in a statement.

    The ITC and district court cases will run separately and the courts’ decisions are
    not dependent on one another, BAT said.

    Tobacco companies are spending billions of dollars
    to develop smokeless alternatives such as e-cigarettes and tobacco-heating devices
    as fewer people smoke traditional cigarettes.

    Unlike combustible cigarettes, IQOS devices heat tobacco-filled sticks wrapped in paper that generate an aerosol containing
    nicotine. They are also different from e-cigarettes such as Juul, which vaporizes
    a nicotine-filled liquid.

    In the UK, the company said it was challenging the validity of a Philip Morris’ patent,
    in response to a lawsuit filed against BAT by the American company in Japan.

    BAT did not disclose the amount it was seeking in damages from all the cases.

    Shares of BAT, a FTSE-listed company, closed up about
    3% on the London Stock Exchange. Philip Morris shares were up 2.5% at $76.52 the New York Stock Exchange.
    (Reporting by Siddharth Cavale in Bengaluru; Editing by Maju Samuel and Anil D’Silva)

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  823. Oh, dude, Santa totally supports the North Pole Reindeers.
    I mean, they have a killer running game with Rudolph
    leading the pack, and their defense is solid wit
    Read more

    Football – Soccer


    What is the average pay for a female footballer
    in England?

    Asked by Wiki User

    O salário de uma jogadora de futebol na Inglaterra pode
    variar bastante dependendo de diversos fatores, como: Liga:
    As jogadoras da Premier League Feminina (WSL
    Read more

    Football – Soccer

    Is Edison Cavani gay?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Oh, dude, who cares? It’s 2021, let people live their lives.
    But hey, just to answer your question, no, Edinson Cavani is not gay.
    Like, why does it even matter
    Read more

    Football – Soccer


    What is the difference between Live and Exclusive?

    Asked by Wiki User

    Live is something that is happening right now (as
    opposed to recorded).

    Exclusive is when only one channel has the broadcasting rights to the game.

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  825. March 24 (Reuters) – Marlboro maker Philip Morris International Inc is working on options to exit the Russian market, citing
    a complex and rapidly changing regulatory and operating environment in the country following its
    invasion of Ukraine.

    The company, which garnered around 6% its net revenue from Russia in 2021, said on Thursday it has
    discontinued sale of several cigarette products and canceled all product launches for the year in Russia.

    It has also canceled plans to make over 20 billion TEREA sticks, heated tobacco units intended for use with its IQOS ILUMA devices,
    as well as related investment of $150 million.

    Earlier this month, Philip Morris had suspended its planned investments and decided to scale down manufacturing operations in the country.

    Rival Imperial Brands too has started talks to transfer its Russian business to a local third party, joining BAT in exiting the sanction-hit country.
    (Reporting by Praveen Paramasivam in Bengaluru; Editing by
    Aditya Soni and Arun Koyyur)

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  833. Lady Gaga looked typically stylish as she posed with co-star Joaquin Phoenix at Joker:
    Folie à Deux photocall during Venice Film Festival on Thursday. 

    The singer, 38, who stars as Harley Quinn in the upcoming thriller, donned a black skin-tight top
    and wide leg trousers, while accessorising with shades.

    Gaga, who opened up about fiancé Michael Polansky’s proposal on Thursday, posed with her co-star Joaquin, 49, who has reprised his role as Arthur Fleck AKA Joker in the new film.

    Gaga and Joaquin are currently promoting their new film
    Joker: Folie à Deux at Venice Film Festival.

    It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which earned more than $1 billion at
    the global box office and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film of all time.

    Lady Gaga looked typically stylish as she posed with co-star Joaquin Phoenix at Joker:
    Folie à Deux photocall during Venice Film Festival on Thursday

    The singer, 38, who stars as Harley Quinn in the upcoming thriller, donned
    a black skin-tight top and wide leg trousers, while accessorising
    with shades

    Set for release on October 4, the second instalment finds Arthur
    Fleck institutionalised at Arkham awaiting trial for his crimes as Joker.

    ‘While struggling with his dual identity, Arthur not only stumbles
    upon true love, but also finds the music that’s always been inside him,’ a press release shared.

    Vogue’s October 2024 issue is available on newsstands nationwide
    on September 24

    Elsewhere, Gaga opened up about her love for fiancé Michael Polansky in a candid interview with Vogue.

    The couple’s engagement was revealed to the world in July this year, with Michael actually getting down on one knee back in April after a day of rock climbing.

    Gaga was first romantically linked the tech entrepreneur
    linked around New Year’s Eve 2019 and later went Instagram official
    in early 2020, with the couple remaining relatively private about their relationship.

    Wedding plans for the couple are underway and their
    legal plan is being negotiated. 

    And Gaga – real name Stefani Germanotta – told how it was
    actually her mother Cynthia who met him first and thought he was
    perfect for her daughter, telling the singer: ‘I think I just
    met your husband!’

    Gaga was at first apprehensive after insisting to her mother that
    she was ‘not ready’ to meet her husband, but then noted to the publication that she was later excited at the prospect of bumping into him at Facebook founding president
    Sean Parker’s 40th birthday party.

    Her platinum blonde locks were styled in a glamorous blow dry 

    Gaga and Joaquin are currently promoting their new film Joker: Folie à Deux at Venice Film

    The actor cut a casual figure in a navy cardigan and trousers, teamed with a white T-shirt

    Gaga, director Todd Phillips and Joaquin posed for a
    group snap

    It is the much-anticipated follow-up to 2019’s Academy Award-winning Joker, which earned more than $1 billion at the global box office and remains the highest-grossing R-rated film of all

    Joaquin Phoenix, left, and Lady Gaga in a scene from Joker: Folie à Deux 

    After she did indeed run into Michael, the star recalled
    how they spoke for ‘three hours’ and had the most ‘amazing conversation’, with
    their meeting later leading to weeks worth of phone calls ahead of them finally going
    on a first date together where they ‘fell in love’.

    The pair’s relationship blossomed as Covid hit and they hunkered down in her Malibu abode for
    over a year, with Gaga describing the break from her busy schedule
    and cohabitation with the businessman as ‘really kind of special’

    Read More

    Lady Gaga puts on a loved-up display with her fiancé Michael Polansky at Joker premiere

    Polansky is a 2006 graduate of Harvard University and runs Napster founder Sean Parker’s Parker Group.

    Throughout their years dating, Gaga and Polansky have attended the Super Bowl ,
    the BAFTAs, and the Critics Choice Awards together.

    Lady Gaga and Michael reportedly decided to go their separate
    ways in early 2023 due to the singer-songwriter wanting marriage and children and the tech executive not being ready to take those steps.

    The pair reportedly had an amicable dissolution to their coupling, and remained

    Then, in August 2023 they were spotted together for the first time