د. هەتاو حمەصالح
هونەر و سینەما وەك باشترین ئامرازی ئاڵوگۆركردنی كلتوری نەتەوە جیاوازەكان دادەنریت، بەهۆی فیلمە جیهانیەكانەوە خەڵكی ئەمرۆ شارەزای زۆرێك لە كلتور و زمان و هەڵسوكەوتی میللەت و نەتەوەكانی دەوروبەروبەر و جیهان بووە.
ئایا ڕۆڵی فیلم و سینەما جیهانیەكان چۆن وینای ژن دەكەن؟ چ جۆرە ڕۆڵێك دەدرێت بە ئافرەت؟ ئایا ئەو رۆلانە لە ئاست بەرەو پێشبردنی كار و پێگەی ژندایە؟ گەر سەیرێكی ئامادەبوونی ئافرەت لەنێو هونەردا بكەین دەبینین ئامادەییەكی ئێجگار زۆری هەیە، بەڵام ئایا هەموو ئەو ئامادەبوونە بە شێوەیەكی ئیجابی بۆ ئافرەت و ڕۆلی لەكۆمەڵگەدا هەژمار دەكرێت؟ بێگومان نەخێر، چونكە ڕۆڵی ئافرەت لەو نێوەندەدا لەگەڵ ئاستی بەرەوپێشچوونی ئافرەتدا لەبوارە جۆربەجۆرەكانی ژیاندا نیە، (وەك دەبینرێت ئافرەت لە زۆر بواردا، زانستی و پزیشكی و ئەندازیاری فێركاری ……..هتد هەنگاوی باشی بریوە). لێرەدا ناكرێت بلێین هەموو ڕۆڵی ئافرەت لە فیلم هونەردا ڕۆلێكی نیگەتیفانە بووە، چونكە كەم تا زۆر ڕۆڵی بەهێزیشی پێدراوە، بۆ نمونە ڕۆڵی ژن بەرادەیەكی باش بەهێزترە لە سینەمای ئیرانیدا، لەگەڵ ئەو سانسۆرانەی لەسەر فیلمی ئێرانیە، بەڵام پێشكەوتنی زۆر بەخۆیەوە بینیەوە، ساڵانە 80 فیلم بەرهەم دەهێنێت و لەڤیستیڤاڵی نیودەوڵەتیەكاندا كێبركێ سینەما جیهانیەكان دەكات و زۆرجار خەلاتی یەكەمی دەبەنەوەو جاروباریش پێش میسر و توركیاش دەكەون، لەگەل ئەوەشدا لەسینەما و درامای ئێرانیدا ئافرەت زۆر بۆ مەبەستی اغراو بەكارناهینریت تاڕادەیەك ڕۆڵی بەهێزتری پێدراوە وەك ئەوەی لەتوركیا و میسردا هەیە.
بەدەر لە باسی سینەمای ولاتان ئایا بە گشتی فیلم و دراماكان چ وێنەیەك بۆ ژن نمایش دەكەن ؟
سەرەتا پێویستە بڵیین ئەگەر بوویسترایە دەتوانرا بەهۆی فیلم و هونەر و دراما و سینەماوە كاری گەورە لەسەر پێگەی ئافرەت بكرێت لە كۆمەلگەدا. دەكرا فیلم و دراما بكرابا بە ئامرازیك بۆ گۆرینی ئەو شێوە تەقلیدیەی كەئافرەتی پێ دەناسریت، دەكرا گۆڕانكاری لەو ڕێگەیەوە دەستەبەر بكرابایە، چونكە ئەو فیلم دراماكان ئیستا میوانی هەموو مالێكن و زۆرترین پێشوازیان لێكراوە. بەڵام بەداخەوە لەبەر ئەوەی فاكتەری قازانج و بزنس ئامانجی سەرەكی بەرهەمهینەرانی فیلم و دراماكانە، ڕۆڵی ئافرەت بەدریژایی مێژوی سینەمادا لەخزمەت بەرەو پیشبردنی دۆزی ئافرەتدا نەبووە، زۆرترین كارەكان خۆی لەنمایشكردنی جەستە و وروژاندن و پاشان خستنەرووی واقعێكی دواكەوتووی ئافرەت بینیوەتەوە، گرفتی میدیای ئێستا ئەوەیە كەزیاتر بۆ وەرگرتنی قازانج كار دەكات، وەك دەبنین بەردوام باس لە بڕی قازانجی فیلمەكان و ڕادەی بینەریان دەكرێت، گومانیشی تیدا نیە كەفاكتەری وروژاندن و جەستەو ئەكشن هۆكاریكی گەورەن بۆ زیاتر ڕەواجی فیلمەكان. هەرچی دراماكانیشە هەمان ئامانجیان هەیە، هەمیشە لەگەل واقعێكی دواكەوتووی كۆمەلگە كاردەكەن و ئیش لەسەر حازردەكەن و ئەگەر بیشیانەویت بیگۆرن بۆ شێوەیەكی زیاتر وروژینەر دەیگۆرن. لەبری ئەوەی تەلەفزیون و سینەما شۆرشێك بۆ ژن درووست بكەن و رزگاری بكەن لەو شێوە نەمەتیە كەواقعی كۆمەڵگە بەسەریدا چەسپاندووە، كەچی دەبینین زیاتر كار لەسەر زەقكردنەوەی دیاردە دواكەوتووەكانی كۆمەلگە دەكەن و وێنایەكی خراپتر بۆ ژن دروستدەكەن، وەك دەبینین زیاترین ڕۆڵەكانی بریتین لەبوونی وەك كەسێكی ئاژاوەگیر،چەنەباز، شاتەشاتكەر یان بابەتیك بۆ چیژ وروژاندن و جەستە، هەریەكە لەمانەش وێنەی زەعیفی و بێ متمانەیی ئافرەت دەردەخەن.
سەرەرای ئەوەش زیادەرۆیی كراوە لەخستنەرووی توندوتیژی بەتایبەت توندوتیژی سێكسی، كەئەمەش ئاسەوارێكی زۆر خراپی لەسەر كچان و ژنان دەبیت و زیاتر بی متمانەییان لادرووستدەكات، بەجۆریك كەوا بزانیت هەرچی لەدەرەوەیە هەموو لە مەلاستدان بۆ ئەوان وەك ئەوەی لە فیلمەكاندا دەردەكەوێت. بێگومان ئامانجی گشتی لەمەدا بازاڕگەرمی فیلمەكەیە، ئاشكرایە تاوەكوو و سێنسی وروژینەر و جەستە زیاتر زەق بكرێتەوە، دیارە لەهەر فیلمكدا ئەو مشاهدانە زۆر بێت ئەوا ئەو فیلمە پرفرۆشتر دەبێت، هەرچەندە لەم ڕووەوە بەدەیان و سەدان ڕەخنە لەو ڕۆلە سەلبیانەی كە بەژن دەدریت لە سینەما و دراماكاندا گیراوە، بەڵام تائیستاش ڕۆژ بەڕۆژ بەرهەمهێنانی ئەو فیلمانە لەزیاد بووندایەو هیچ گرنگیەك بەو هاوار و رەخنانە نادرێت, بیگومان لەم رووەشەوە زۆرترین رەخنە ئاڕاستەی سینەمای توركی میسری، لە ڕۆژئاواش ئاڕاستەی هۆلیودی ئەمریكی كراوە. بۆ نمونە لەسەر سینەمای عەرەبی 23 توێژینەوە كراوە، لە كۆتاییدا دەركەووتووە هەموو ئەو فیلم و درامایانەی پێشكەش دەكرێن لە 78. % كاریگەری نیگەتیفی هەبووە لەسەر ژن و وینەی ژن لە كۆمەڵگەدا.
خۆ ئەگەر بیینە سەر باسی دراما و كورتە فیلم و كوردیانەش بكەین كە لەتەلەفزیۆنە كوردیەكانەو پێشكەش دەكرێت، دەبینین ئەوان ئاستی تەواو خوارەوەن، ئەوەی ئیستا بەناوی هونەرەوە پیشكەش دەكریت، لەلایەكەوە گاڵتەكردنە بە ئافرەت و لە لایەكی دیكەشەوە بەهونەر خۆی، هەندێ لەو فیلم و كورتە تەمسیلیانەی ئێستا هونەری كوردی بەدەیان ساڵ گەڕاندوەتەوە بۆ دواوە، لەمەسەلەی ئافرەتیشدا ئەوەی كە ئیستا ئەوان نمایشی دەكەن ئافرەتی كورد زۆر دەمێكە ئەو هەنگاوانەی بریوە، زۆربەی بگرە هەموو ئەو رۆلانەی كە كورتە قیلم و دراماكانی كوردیدا پیشكەش دەكریت، ئافرەت خۆی دەبینیتەوە لە كەسێكی نەخویندەوارو بێدەسەڵات و شاتەشاتكەرو هیچ نەزان خۆش باوەر، ئەوەی ئیستا نمایش دەكریت ناكرێت ناوی لێبنریت هونەر، بەڵكو تەنها گاڵتەجاریەكەوە دەیەوێت ئافرەت و ڕۆلی ئافرت سووك بكات لە نیو كۆمەڵگەی كوردیدا.
گرفتی لەچیدایە كاتێك میدیا بەرپرسیار نەبیت و ئەم جۆر نمایشانە پەخش بكات.
• سەیركردن و ویناكردنی ئافرەت بەو جۆرەی كە بەردەوام نمایش دەكریت.
• بە لاڕێدابردنی بیروهزری خەڵكی بۆ شتی لاوەكی و، گوێنەدات بە بابەتە هەنووكەییەكان.
• زۆر دووبارە بوونەوەی سێنسی توندوتیژی بە جۆریك خەڵكی فێری توندوتیژی دەكات بە تایبەت بەرامبەر بە ئافرەت.
• توشبوونی دڵەراوكی لای ژنان بەتایبەت كچانی تازە پێگەیشتوو، هەمیشە لەش ولاری خوی بەراورد دەكات بە ئەكتەرانەی كە كاریان تەنها پیشاندانی جەستەیە
• لاساییكردنەوەی هەڵسوكەوت تەنانەت شێوازی ئەكتەركان و، بۆ ئەم مەبەستەش ئەجامدانی چەندین نەشتەرگەری جۆراو جۆر تاوەكو شێوەو جەستەیان وەك ئەو ئەكتەرانەی لێبیت.
لە كۆتاییدا دەڵێین، ژن بەپێی ئەو پێشكەوتنەكەی كە هەنگاوی ناوە لایەنە كۆمەڵایەتیەی زۆر نەگۆڕاوە، بۆنمونە لە ڕووی زانستیەوە ژنان هەنگاوی باشیان ناوە دەتوانم بڵێم ئافرەتی دكتۆر ئەندازیارو مامۆستا و پاریزەرو ….هتد، ڕیژەیان لە پیاوان كەمتر نیە، بەڵام بۆچی لەڕووە كۆمەڵایەتیەكەوە گۆرانكاری كەم دەبینرێت، دەتوانین بلێین ویناكردنی ژن بەو شیوە لاوازەی كە لە فیلم و دراماكاندا هەیە كاریگەری گەورەی هەبووە، تێروانینی لاواز بۆ ئافرەت تۆخكردنەیوەی، كاریگەری هەبووە لەسەر كاری سیاسی و ئیداری ژنان و بەدەگمەن ژنان دەبینیت ژن لە ناوەندی بڕیاردا هەبێت. لە كۆتاییدا دەگەینە ئەو ڕاستیەی كە ژن ئێستا لە ئاستێكی زۆر بەرزترن زۆر هەنگاویان بڕیوە و، لە زۆر بواردا جێگە دەستیان دیارە، بەلام فیلم و دراماكان نەیانتوانیوە تەمسیلی تەواوی پیگەی ژن بكەن و، ئیمەیجێكی ڕاستەقینەیان لە میشكی خەڵكیدا بۆ ژن درووست نەكردووە.
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Four friends posed for a photo on vacation in 1972. Over 50 years later, they recreated it
Aerodrome Finance
In the photo, four young women walk arm in arm, smiling and laughing, on a beach promenade. They’re dressed in mini skirts and flip flops, and there’s what looks like a 1960s Ford Corsair in the background. This is clearly a snapshot from a bygone era, but there’s something about the picture — the womens’ expressions, their laughs — that captures a timeless and universal feeling of joy, youth and adventure.
For the four women in the photo, Marion Bamforth, Sue Morris, Carol Ansbro and Mary Helliwell, the picture is a firm favorite. Taken over 50 years ago on a group vacation to the English seaside town of Torquay, Devon, the photo’s since become symbolic of their now decades-long friendship. Whenever they see the picture, they’re transported back to the excitement of that first trip together.
“It’s always been our memory of Torquay,” Sue Morris tells CNN Travel. “The iconic photograph — which is why I got the idea of trying to recreate it.”
‘The iconic photograph’
Bamforth, Morris, Ansbro and Helliwell were 17 when the photo was taken, “by one of these roving photographers that used to roam the promenade and prey on tourists like us,” as Morris recalls it.
It was the summer of 1972 and the four high school classmates — who grew up in the city of Halifax, in the north of England — were staying in a rented caravan in coastal Devon, in southwest England. It was a week of laughs, staying out late, flirting with boys in fish and chip shops, sunburn, swapping clothes, sharing secrets and making memories by the seaside.
Fast forward to 2024 and Bamforth, Morris, Ansbro and Helliwell remain firm friends. They’ve been by each other’s sides as they’ve carved out careers, fallen in love, brought up families and gone through heartbreak and grief.
The Australian city that became a global food and drink powerhouse
Sydney or Melbourne? It’s the great Australian city debate, one which pits the commerce, business and money of Sydney against cultural, arts-loving, coffee-drinking Melbourne.
While picking one can be tricky, there’s no denying that Australia’s second city, home to 5.2 million people, has a charm all of its own.
Melburnians (never Melbournites) get to enjoy a place where nature is close by, urban delights are readily available and the food and drink scene isn’t just the best in Australia, but also one of the finest in the world.
There’s no better way to start a trip to Melbourne than with a proper cup of coffee. Coffee is serious stuff here, with no room for a weak, burnt or flavorless brew. The history of coffee in Melbourne goes back to the years after World War II, when Italian immigrants arrived and brought their machines with them.
Within 30 years, a thriving cafe scene had developed and, as the 21st century dawned, the city had become the epicenter of a new global coffee culture. The iconic Pellegrini’s on Bourke Street and Mario’s in the Fitzroy neighborhood are the best old-school hangouts, while Market Lane helped lead the way in bringing Melbourne’s modern-day coffee scene to the masses.
Kate Reid is the best person to speak with about Melbourne’s coffee obsession. The founder of Lune Croissanterie, she was once a Formula 1 design engineer and has brought her expertise and precision to crafting the world’s best croissant, as well as knowing how to brew a coffee, and specifically a flat white, just the way it should be.
“Good coffee is just ingrained in everyday culture for every single Melburnian now,” says Reid. “I think that that peak of pretentious specialty coffee has come and gone, and now it’s just come down to a level of a really high standard everywhere.”
That’s clear when she pours a flat white. Describing herself as a perfectionist, the way she froths the milk and tends to the cup is a sight to behold.
You’ve come across a bison in the wild. It’s looking at you. Do you know what to do next?
A dangerous encounter with a territorial bison and the subsequent viral video were not what Rebecca Clark had in mind when she set out for Caprock Canyons State Park in early October 2022.
She had been so enamored with Texas’ third-largest state park on her first solo hiking and camping trip there a year earlier that she decided to go back for more. Roughly two hours by car from either Lubbock or the Panhandle city of Amarillo, Caprock attracts visitors with big blue skies, brown and green prairielands and rugged red-rock formations.
Caprock has another draw – its wild bison herd, about 350 strong in late 2022. But bison, the great symbolic animal of the Great Plains, weren’t on her radar. Until suddenly, they were.
The Texas resident recounted her experience with CNN’s Ed Lavandera, telling him that she came upon a herd while she was walking a trail back from Lake Theo.
“I decided to just kind of wait for them to … get across the trail, and then I would pass them.” But they weren’t moving away fast enough for Clark. She said she decided to just walk by them – closer than the recommended safety distance. She was recording the moment on her smartphone.
In her video, Clark can be heard saying, “Thank you, I appreciate it” as she passes the animals.
Things got dangerous very quickly when one of the agitated bison took notice. “When I saw him turn, it’s like instantly I knew he was gonna come after me.”
And that’s exactly what the bison did. Once it charged, the large mammal was upon Clark within two seconds despite her frantic attempt to flee.
“It was so fast. He hit me in the back, rammed me, hooked me, then flipped me up and face forward into the mesquite bush.”
And there was Clark. Gored, bleeding and alone. How would she survive?
They fell in love three decades ago. Now they pilot planes together
[url=https://sites.google.com/view/aave-protocol/aave ]Aave[/url]
On their first flight together, Joel Atkinson and Shelley Atkinson couldn’t contain their excitement. They enthused to the flight attendants. They posed for photos. They told passengers via a pre-flight announcement.
“We made a big deal about it,” Joel tells CNN Travel.
Then, right before take off, Joel and Shelley sat side by side in the flight deck, just the two of them. They’d come full circle, and were about to embark on an exciting new chapter.
“It felt amazing,” Shelley tells CNN Travel.
“As we prepared to take off, I was giddy, euphoric,” says Joel.
Joel and Shelley met as twentysomethings flying jets in the US Air Force. They became fast friends, then, over time, fell in love.
Today, they’ve been married for 27 years and counting. They’ve brought up two kids together. And now they’re both pilots for Southwest Airlines. They regularly fly together, with Joel as captain and Shelley as first officer.
The couple say working together is “amazing.” They treat layovers as “date nights.” They learn from one another’s respective “wisdom and judgment.”
And no, they don’t argue mid-flight.
“People ask us, how does it work, flying together?” says Joel. “We know a few pilot couples and some of them fly together, some of them don’t. I’ve heard people say, ‘Oh I could never fly with my wife or my husband.’”
For Joel and Shelley, working together is seamless – a joy that comes easily to them both.
“We’re best friends,” says Shelley.
“There’s just that unspoken bond,” says Joel.
How to survive a bear attack – or better yet, avoid one altogether
You’re out for a hike, reveling in glorious nature. Suddenly, you spot a bear. And the bear has spotted you, too. Would you know what to do next?
Beth Pratt sure would.
She was once on the Old Gardiner Road Trail in Yellowstone National Park, enjoying her run in wild nature. Her reverie came to an end when she came upon a grizzly bear eating flowers.
“I stopped. It stood on its hind legs and looked at me. I knew that wasn’t a threatening gesture,” she told CNN Travel. “I’m not kidding, it waved its paw at me as if to say, ‘just go on your way,’ and went back to eating.”
“And I walked slowly away and put some distance between us, and the encounter ended fine.”
When it comes to dealing with bears, Pratt does have a thing or two on almost all the rest of us, though.
She is the California regional executive director for the National Wildlife Federation, a job she’s had for more than 10 years. She worked in Yellowstone for several years – and once saw nine grizzlies in one day there.
Finally, she lives on the border of Yosemite National Park, and bears will pass through her yard, including this one seen in the footage above in late September 2021.
You can hear the enthusiasm in Pratt’s voice as she shares her bear bona fides and advice to make sure bear/human encounters are delightful, not dangerous.
“A wild bear is a beautiful sight to see. It’s incredible to see them in the wild. I never had a bad experience with bears. What I try to get people to feel is respect, not fear, for bears. The animal usually wants to avoid the encounters.”
Bug-bitten oolong? The secret behind Taiwan’s rare honey-flavored tea — and where to enjoy it
As the leaves rustle atop the hills in Nantou, Taiwan’s largest tea-producing area, the farm suddenly comes alive, millions of tiny green bugs hopping into the air.
While many farmers might frown at the sight of these pests munching on their crops, Lee Ming-cheng, a third-generation tea farmer and maker, can’t hide the broad smile on his sun-kissed face.
This “green insect fog,” as locals call it, is a sign they’ll have a good harvest of Gui Fei Oolong (also known as Honey Flavor Dong Ding Oolong or Concubine Oolong), a special tea that’s prized for offering a hint of honey flavor.
And it’s these endemic insects, called Jacobiasca formosana, or tea jassids, that are to thank for it.
When the jassids feed, the leaves go into defensive mode and produce a sweetened hormone that tastes and smells like honey, creating one of the world’s most intriguing teas: mixiang cha, or honey-fragrance tea.
The bug-bitten leaves are oxidized and roasted to create a variety of beverages. There’s mixiang black tea (made with fully oxidized leaves) and oolong teas like Oriental Beauty (partially oxidized and not roasted) and the previously mentioned Concubine Tea (partially oxidized and roasted), to name a few.
Unlike Taiwan’s ubiquitous bubble tea, mixiang tea is still highly limited and largely off-the-radar. But what was once a hidden gem among serious tea lovers is now starting to gain international attention.
He thought the guy he met on vacation was just a fling. He turned out to be the love of his life
Guillermo Barrantes relationship with Larry Mock was supposed to begin and end in Palm Springs.
It was a “casual, brief encounter.” A vacation dalliance that only lasted half a day.
“It was just so casual, so easily nothing could have happened from it,” Guillermo tells CNN Travel. “We could have walked away and just had our lives separate. But of course that didn’t happen, because it wasn’t meant to be that way. It was meant to be the way that it was. That it is.”
It all started in summer 2013. Guillermo – then in his early 40s – was on vacation in the California resort city of Palm Springs. He was in a phase of life where, he says, he was prioritizing himself, and wasn’t interested in long term romance.
“I thrived in being by myself, in traveling by myself, in having dinner by myself – I loved all of that so much,” says Guillermo, who lived in Boston, Massachusetts at the time.
“I wanted no commitment, I wanted no emotional entanglement of any kind. I wanted to have fun, get to know myself. And it was in that mode that I met Larry, when I wasn’t really looking.”
During the vacation in Palm Springs, Guillermo was staying at a friend’s apartment, and while the friend worked during the day, Guillermo passed his time at a “run-down, no-frills” resort a couple of blocks away.
“You could just pay for a day pass, they’d give you a towel, and you could be in the pool and use their bar,” he recalls.
One day, as he was walking the palm tree-lined streets to the resort, Guillermo swiped right on a guy on a dating app – Larry Mock, mid-40s, friendly smile. The two men exchanged a few messages back and forth. Larry said he was also on vacation in Palm Springs, staying in the resort Guillermo kept frequenting.
They arranged to meet there for a drink by the pool. Guillermo was looking forward to meeting Larry, expecting “some casual fun.”
Then, when Guillermo and Larry met, there was “chemistry” right away. Guillermo calls their connection “magnetic.”
“My impression of Larry: sexy, handsome and warm,” he recalls.
‘A short and significant relationship’: How a piano in a pickup builds connections
Dozens of internationally renowned recording artists give concerts in Vegas every year, but the musician who connects best with people might be a local troubadour who improvises on a piano in the back of his pickup.
The maestro, Danny Kean, calls his setup The Traveling Piano, and he has traversed North America sharing music for nearly 20 years.
Kean’s home base is Las Vegas now, and every time he plays, he invites passersby to climb aboard the truck and tickle the ivory for themselves. Even if people are shy or say they can’t do it, Kean usually convinces them to give it a try, inspiring total strangers to express themselves through the common language of music.
He estimates more than 100,000 people have played his piano since 2006.
For most of these impromptu virtuosos, the experience is cathartic — many of them step down from the truck in tears. For Kean, 69, the encounters nourish his soul.
“I enjoy sharing my music with others, but I enjoy having others share theirs with me just as much,” he said. “My goal is to connect with others by creating a short and significant relationship. Music is a great facilitator for that in every way and on every level.”
Kean does not accept fees or tips for these musical awakenings, giving away time and energy for nothing in return. He practices philanthropy in other ways, too, providing food and other necessities for the burgeoning population of unhoused individuals in downtown Las Vegas and around the Las Vegas Valley.
“I love the idea of strangers becoming less afraid of each other,” he said. “This love for humanity drives me to keep doing good.”
In China, people are hiring ‘climbing buddies’ for big money. The more attractive they are, the higher the price
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Wendy Chen decided to challenge herself by climbing Mount Tai, a well-known mountain in eastern China.
But there was one obstacle in her way: she couldn’t find a friend to join her for the five-hour trek.
Rather than forgo her plans, the 25-year-old hired a “climbing buddy,” a young man with extensive outdoor experience, to accompany and support her to the 5,000-foot peak.
Known in Chinese as “pei pa” (meaning “accompany to climb”), these are young Chinese men who join strangers on their journeys up popular mountains for a price. The trend has gained momentum this year, as hashtags related to “climbing buddy” have had over 100 million views on Chinese social media.
Young, athletic individuals, often university students or even military veterans, advertise themselves on social media platforms like Xiaohongshu and Douyin, with profiles featuring their height, fitness level and hiking experience. They usually charge between 200 to 600 yuan ($30 to $85) per trip.
During the climb, these “buddies” will do anything to distract their clients from feeling exhausted and push them to keep going: from singing, telling jokes, playing music, verbal encouragement, going so far as carrying their bags, holding their hands, and pulling them.
A day on the mountain
Chen and her climbing buddy’s adventure began at around 8:00 pm so she could arrive at the peak in time for the famous sunrise. After assessing her fitness level, her climbing buddy planned a moderate route and carried her backpack the whole way.
When they faced chilling winds at the peak, Chen’s climbing buddy rented a thick coat for her while directing her to a walled shelter.
At the moment the sun rose, Chen’s climbing buddy was already prepared with a national flag and other props so that she could take a memorable photo. Though she felt his photography skills still had room to improve, she rated her climbing buddy as “satisfactory.” The service cost her 350 yuan ($49).
Though Chen paid a typical price for a climbing buddy, she acknowledges that more good-looking buddies can command higher rates.
“Attractiveness is also part of their strength,” she says.
Climbing buddies’ main customers tend to be single young women, but that’s slowly changing.
A video of a strong male university student carrying a three-year-old effortlessly up a steep mountain — while the toddler’s mother trailed far behind — went viral this summer.
The surprising history of the Fair Isle sweater
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Which fashion item is as beloved by members of the royal family as it is by JLo? Or as relevant on the runways of 2024 as in the knitting catalogs of 1960? The answer is surprisingly festive. The Fair Isle knit, a two-stranded knitting tradition originating off the coast of Scotland, has been a wardrobe staple for well over 100 years — keeping everyone from 18th century fisherman to Mick Jagger warm.
In the last five years, luxury brands Ralph Lauren, Thom Browne, Chanel, Celine, Balenciaga, Raf Simons, Versace and Dries van Noten have all sent their renditions of the heritage knit down the catwalk. London-based designer Molly Goddard has even made the pattern something of an unofficial signature, making sure to pair a structured Fair Isle-style knit with a flouncy, tulle skirt in almost every collection.
In short, it has become a winter classic that seems perpetually in vogue. Rom-com leading man, Adam Brody, recently wore a red and white version on the cover of Stylist magazine; while Katie Holmes was snapped running errands in an old beige Fair Isle favorite from 2022.
For those in the northern hemisphere, it’s appropriate to shrug on as soon as the nights draw in right until sweater weather deteriorates. That being said, even in season-less Los Angeles, stars like Hailey Bieber have been seen in the cozy Fair Isle knits grabbing coffees.
Taking its name from the island of Fair Isle — part of the Shetland archipelago about 100 miles off the northeastern coast of Scotland — the knitting technique first began in fisherman’s hats during the 18th and 19th century (our beloved sweaters came much later). The two strand pattern was not only artistic, but made the tall, conical shaped caps extra warm by doubling the textile mass. They often featured a knitted interior lining, too.